Tutorial on Funding for University Clubs - AUBG

Tutorial on Funding for
University Clubs
Teodora Toneva/ SG treasurer
Mariya Handzhiyska/ Financial Assistant
William Kirschke/Vice-President
for Institutional Development
1. Budgetary Committee provides 2 types of funding:
Basic Funding
Available for recognized clubs only.
Reserved for basic promotion (posters, flyers, etc) and operational
activities of the club.
Premium Funding
Available exclusively for events, which would benefit a large number of
a student body. Events should meet the following criteria:
 Include international and/or local guests.
 Enhance diversity, knowledge and develop skills.
 Promote AUBG.
Premium funding could be allocated for promotional materials (such as
t-shirts, mugs), food and beverage (not more than 30% of total
budget allocated to the event), travel expenses, and
accommodation. Premium funding is reserved for events with
outside sponsors.
For Premium Funding requests an officer of the club or a member of the
Organizational Committee of the specific event should be present at
the BC and/or SG meeting, provide information for the event
organized and answer questions.
2. The budget proposals should be presented on an item by item
basis and the relevance of each item should be explained.
3. The BC reserves the right to partially fund selected items.
4. The BC does not sponsor per diem (living and travel) costs
5. Priority will be given to the clubs who demonstrate ability and
willingness to find funding from other sources.
6. Priority will be given to the clubs who enhance student life.
7. Priority will be given to the clubs whose activities involve a big
number of students and they benefit a large portion of AUBG
university community.
8. The BC reserves the right to set deadlines for a club to spend
the allocated money.
9. The BC does not fund sport activities.
10. SG allocated funds may benefit AUBG students only.
11. Clubs have the right to apply for up to 5 posters per
event per club.
New guideline as of Oct. 20th
 All printed materials (posters,
leaflets, booklets, magazines, etc.)
from events and activities funded by
AUBG SG should include one of the
A picture of the SG logo or
A written text :
“Funded/Co-funded by your Student
 Funding
applications are
accepted on
 Applications are
on an item-basis
 Faculty advisor
signature is
 All expenses are conducted through the Treasurer of
the Student Government.
 The funds may only be used for the items approved
by the Student Senate.
 You must provide timelines for spending. If you need
a longer period to complete the purchases you must
notify the Student Government in due course and
receive express permission to extend the purchasing
 Funds cannot be transferred to the next academic
 Any items acquired by the club must be kept within
AUBG for future use. The club’s president will be
held accountable for all missing items.
 Each club must maintain an archive of copies of all
Funding Application forms submitted to the Student
 The entire club inventory should be stored in the SG
office at the end of each academic year.
processes after funding
is approved by the SG
Each club that has received money
from the Student Government must
follow the established Payment
procedures of AUBG:
The steps to complete the payment documents
 Fill in the relevant form.
 Obtain SG Treasurer’s signature.
 See the financial assistant (Mariya
Handzhiyska) for approval (Skapto II,
basement, room 2047).
 Go to the Dean of Students (Lydia Krise) for
a signature (Skapto II, basement, room
 Go to Accounting office to turn in forms.
Signing Days
 The signing days for the SG Treasurer
are: - Monday, from 6:00 PM to 8:00
PM; - Wednesday from 2:00 PM until
4:00 PM; -Friday from 4:00 PM until
6:00 PM
 The signing days for Lydia Krise are: Tuesday, from 10:00 AM until 12:00
AM, 2:00 PM until 4:00 PM; Thursday from 11:00 AM until 12:00
AM, 2:00 PM until 5:00 PM;
1. Procedures for Taking
1.1. Only the President or the Treasurer of the relevant club is
allowed to take money in advance. Only students who have student
account with a positive balance can take money in advance.
1.2. Advances are requested through an Advance Request Form.
1.3 The Treasurer/President of the club should fill in the form and
give it to the SG Treasurer to check and sign it.
1.4 Give the completed form to the financial assistant of the Student
Services - Mariya Handzhiyska to check it (Skaptopara II, in the
basement, room 2047)
1.5 Then you should give the form to the Dean of Students – Lydia
Krise to sign it. (Skaptopara II, in the basement, room 2047)
1.6 Submit the signed form to the Accounting Office, Main Building,
room 107
1.7 The Accounting Office checks and confirms in writing the lack of
any outstanding advances and you’ll take the money in cash from the
Business office, Main Building, room 108.
1.8 The taken money will stay as a negative balance in your student’s
account until you report this advance.
Filled in
2. Procedures for Reporting
Advances taken from AUBG:
 2.1. Only the student who has taken the money can report
this advance.
 2.2. All AUBG students who have received advances must
report them through a Purchase Expense Report Form
in a 3-day period after the end of the event in case of
Leva advance, and in a 5-day period after the end of the
event in case of foreign currency advance.
 2.3 The supporting documents for expenses must be
attached to the Purchase Expenses Report Form, as
follows: -Requirements for expense documents AUBG shall reimburse expenditures only after
receiving the following documents:
 - Original invoices (Pro-forma invoices shall not be
accepted) in case the supplier is a company. All invoices
must contain the following information:
- Name of the document;
- Number of the document (ten digits)
- Issue date;
2. Procedures for Reporting
Advances taken from AUBG:
- Name and address of the Supplier;
- Identification number (BULSTAT, or VAT number starting
with “BG”);
- Name and signature of the person, representing the
- Correct name and address of AUBG in Bulgarian;
- AUBG identification number – BG000019449
- Goods or services name and quantity
- Date of delivery or payment
- Unit price, as well as any discounts if they are not
included in the price;
- For VAT registered companies – the amount of VAT
- Total amount due for payment, if different from the tax
base plus the tax charged.
2. Procedures for Reporting
Advances taken from AUBG:
Американски Университет в България
Пл. „Г. Измирлиев” 1, Благоевград
ИДЕНТ. No по ДДС BG 000019449
Булстат (ИДЕНТ. No)
Дейвид Хюуайлър
Получател: лицето, което получава фактурата
- Fiscal Cash Receipt, attached to the invoice, if the expense is paid
in cash.
A Fiscal Cash Receipt without an invoice will not be
2.4 The student should fill in the form and give it to the SG
Treasurer to check and sign it within the announced signing days.
2.5 Give the completed form to the financial assistant of Student
Services - Mariya Handzhiyska to check it (Skaptopara II, in the
basement, room 2047)
2.6 Then you should give the form to the Dean of Students – Lydia
Krise to sign it within the announced signing days (Skaptopara II, in
the basement, room 2043)
2. Procedures for Reporting
Advances taken from AUBG:
 2.7 Submit the signed form to the Accounting Office,
Main Building, room 107
2.8 The Accounting Office checks and confirms in writing if
you have to receive or to return money according to the
taken advance. In such cases you should go to the
Business office, Main Building, room 108.
 The Accounting will use the exchange rate of the
USD according to the date of the issue of the invoice
Mistakes or corrections in the documents are not
accepted. If the supplier makes a mistake, AUBG
officer must require new document (invoice) and
should not accept documents containing errors.
Filled in
No advance
Filled in
Filled in
Amount due
to the
Filled in
returned to
3. Payments through Bank Transfers:
 3.1. If the expense is more than 500 BG leva the payment
should be made through a bank transfer.
 3.2. In this case the Treasurer/President of the club needs
to complete a Payment Request Form, attach the original
invoice and give the form to the SG Treasurer to check and
sign it within the announced signing days.
 3.3 Give the completed form to the financial assistant of
Student Services - Mariya Handzhiyska to check it
(Skaptopara II, in the basement, room 2047)
 3.4 Then you should give the form to the Dean of Students
– Lydia Krise to sign it within the announced signing days .
(Skaptopara II, in the basement, room 2047)
 3.5 Submit the signed form to the Accounting Office,
Main Building, room 107. The Accountants may require
additional clarifications or explanations, especially if the
documents are not in Bulgarian and English.
Expense documents dated more than 30 days before
the submission shall NOT be accepted
Filled in
Thank you.
Your questions are welcome