
Sentence Pattern (p.85, p.90)
Monday, December 27th, 2010
__ T W
__ T F __
What day is today?
It is _____________
What day is New Year’s Day?
on Saturday
It is _____________.
Sentence Pattern (Telling the time)
What time is it?
= What is the time?
= What time do you have?
= Do you have the time?
1. 若要詢問「你的錶現在幾點?」則在句末加
上「by your watch」變成:
Excuse me. What time is it by your watch?
My watch says ten thirty.
My watch is five minutes slow. (不可用late)
2. 比較:
Do you have the time?
Do you have free time?
Telling the time (1) - p.85
整點 :It is + 數字 (o’clock).
It is three o’clock.
It is one o’clock.
非整點 :It is + 數字(點) 數字(分).
It is six twenty-five.
It is ten oh five.
Telling the time (2) – p.85
It is + 點 (+分) + in the morning / afternoon / evening.
+ a.m. / p.m.
It is 6:00.
It is six a.m.
It is six o’clock in the morning.
o’clock 不與 a.m. / p.m.連用
It is 7:45.
It is seven forty-five in the evening.
It is seven forty-five p.m.
Telling the time (3) – p.90
a quarter
the big hand 長針
the little hand 短針
half past
a quarter
after / past
quarter (n.) ¼單位
half (n.) ½ 、一半
1~29分:It is + 數字(分) after / past + 數字(點).
. . . 點鐘後,又過了. . . 分鐘。
It is ten after seven.
It is eighteen past eight.
31~59分:It is + 數字(分鐘差) to + 數字(下一點鐘).
還有. . . 分鐘就. . . 點鐘了。
It is six to ten.
It is five to one.
30分 (?點半):It is + half past + 數字(點).
It is half past three.
非half to
15分 :It is + a quarter past + 數字(點).
It is a quarter past eleven.
45分 :It is + a quarter to + 數字(下一點鐘).
It is a quarter to seven.
What time is it?
It is four o’clock.
It’s twenty-eight to twelve.
It is one o’clock.
It’s a quarter to three.
It’s sixteen past eight.
It is four o’clock.
It’s twenty to eleven.
It’s half past twelve.
It’s five to four.
It’s ten to seven.
It’s twelve past seven.
It’s six past nine.