Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu

2009 National Convention
Legislative Docket
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the Initiation Ritual of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia be
adopted as revised in accordance with the document
entitled “Proposed Revisions to the Initiation Ritual of Phi
Mu Alpha Sinfonia to be considered at the 2009 National
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia of America:
That each collegiate chapter shall shred or burn all but one
copy of each previous version of the Initiation Ritual held in
its chapter archives.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters
(XI)(6) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article XI:
Officer Duties > Section Six: Warden > The Warden of the
chapter shall guard the door at all chapter meetings, shall
administer a system for the circulation of initiation ritual
scripts, shall be the official custodian of the ballot box and
of the chapter ritual equipment, for which he personally
shall be responsible, and perform such other duties as the
chapter may specify.
That the National Constitution (XIV)(2) is amended
National Constitution > Article XIV: Alumni
Associations > Section Two: Charter.
Subject to approval by the Commission on
Standards, an alumni association charter may be
granted to twelve (12) nine (9) or more petitioners.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the National Constitution (X)(2) is amended by
National Constitution > Article X: Collegiate Province
Representatives > Section Two: Eligibility >
The Collegiate Province Representative shall be a
collegiate member in good standing at a sheltering
institution within the province at the time of election who
shall have served at least one year as an elected officer in
his chapter. The criteria for the Assistant Collegiate
Province Representative shall be commensurate. Each
may succeed himself.
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (XXV)
is amended BY ADDING A SECTION to read:
National Constitution > Article XXV: Amendments.
Section Three. Editorial Changes. The National
Secretary-Treasurer may make editorial, technical,
and conforming changes to the National
Constitution as necessary, subject to approval by
the National Executive Committee.
SECTION 2. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (XV) is amended BY ADDING
A SECTION to read:
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article XV: Amendments.
Section Four. Editorial Changes. The National
Secretary-Treasurer may make editorial, technical,
and conforming changes to the General
Regulations for Collegiate Chapters as necessary,
subject to approval by the National Executive
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (II)(8) is
National Constitution > Article II: Membership >
Section Eight: Initiation Requirement.
No man may become a collegiate or honorary member
without his personal attendance at an initiation
ceremony, which uses the official national initiation
To become a collegiate or honorary member, a man
must participate in the role of candidate for initiation in
the most current revision of the national initiation ritual.
SECTION 2. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (VII)(4) is amended BY
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article VII: Honorary Membership > Section Four:
A candidate must personally attend an initiation
ceremony which uses an official national initiation
ritual in order to become an honorary member.
To become an honorary member, a man must
participate in the role of candidate for initiation in
the most current revision of the national initiation
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters
(IV)(2) is amended by STRIKING WORDS to read:
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article IV:
Initiation Procedure > Section Two: Initiation Fees >
Prior to his initiation, each member shall pay a national
initiation fee of $120.00 which covers the cost of his
membership certificate (shingle), membership card,
songbook, National Constitution, General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters, and official membership pin. Members
may elect to purchase upgraded official membership pins in
which case the difference between the price…
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity
of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (IX)(4) is amended BY
National Constitution > Article IX: Province Governors > Section Four:
Duties >
Each Province Governor shall be a member of the National Council and
shall be the representative of the National President in all matters pertaining
to activities of the chapters, colonies, and alumni associations in his
province…The Province Governor shall be responsible for the inspection
and installation of new chapters.
SECTION 2. That the National Constitution (XII)(3) is amended BY
National Constitution > Article XII: Chapters > Section Three: Installation of
Chapters shall be installed by the National President, by a Province
Governor, or by any other member of the Fraternity designated for the
purpose by the National President.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (IX)(4) is
amended BY INSERTING WORDS to read:
National Constitution > Article IX: Province Governors >
Section Four: Duties >
For just cause, after consultation with the affected chapter
and their Faculty Advisor, and with the approval of the
National President, he may replace by appointment any
chapter officer within his province or may declare an office
vacant and direct the chapter to fill it by election.
SECTION 2. That the General Regulations for Collegiate
Chapters (XIV)(2) is amended BY STRIKING AND
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article XIV:
Discipline > Section Two. Province Governor Authority.
In accordance with Articles IX, XV and XVI of the National
Constitution, the Province Governor may impose certain
disciplines for just cause. In consultation with the Faculty
Advisor, the principal administrative officer of the music
school, affected chapter and their Faculty Advisor and with
the approval of the National President, the governor may
remove from office any officer who, in his judgment, is not
contributing to the welfare of the chapter, either through
lack of ability or willingness to discharge his official
responsibilities satisfactorily.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the National Constitution (IX)(4) is amended by
ADDING WORDS to read: National Constitution > Article
IX: Province Governors > Section Four: Duties >
... chapter officer within his province or may declare an
office vacant and direct the chapter to fill it by election. For
just cause, after consultation with the affected alumni
association and with the approval of the National President,
he may replace by appointment any alumni association
officer within his province or may declare an office vacant
and direct the alumni association to fill it by election. For
just cause and with the...
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the General Regulations for Collegiate
Chapters (IV)(2) is amended by STRIKING AND
INSERTING WORDS to read: General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters > Article IV: Initiation Procedure >
Section Two. Initiation Fees. Prior to his initiation, each
member shall pay a national initiation fee of $120.00 which
covers the cost of $100.00 plus a materials fee which
covers, at cost, his membership certificate (shingle),
membership card, songbook, National Constitution,
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters, and official
membership pin. Members may elect to purchase
SECTION 2. That the General Regulations for Collegiate
Chapters (IV)(2) is amended by STRIKING AND
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article IV:
Initiation Procedure > Section Two. Initiation Fees.
…Collegiate Chapters, and official membership pin.
Members may elect to purchase upgraded official
membership pins in which case the difference between the
price of the upgraded official membership pin and the price
of the regular official membership pin will be added to the
basic initiation fee materials fee. These fees must be
forwarded to the national headquarters by the chapter
along with the initiation report.
SECTION 3. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (VII)(3) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article VII: Honorary Membership > Section Three.
For each honorary membership candidate the
initiating chapter shall remit to the national
headquarters the sum of $120.00 $100.00 plus a
materials fee. Honorary members shall not be
required to pay any initiation fees, dues,
assessments, or money of any kind to the
Fraternity or to the initiating chapter.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Fraternity of America:
That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters (VIII)(1) is
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article VIII: Financial
Obligations > Section One. Per Capita Tax. Each collegiate member
shall pay national per capita tax, payable in two installments due
November 1 and March 1 of each year. National per capita tax shall
consist of a membership fee of $126.00 annually ($63.00 per
installment) membership fee of $140.00 annually ($70.00 per
installment) plus a pro rata corporate liability protection fee. The
amount of the corporate liability protection fee shall be determined
by the National Executive Committee and shall not exceed the total
premium of the national Fraternity’s general liability insurance policy
during any given renewal period…
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters
WORDS to read:
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article VIII:
Financial Obligations > Section Two. Convocations Tax.
Each chapter shall pay national convocations tax of
$120.00 annually, payable in two installments of $60.00
each, $200.00 annually, payable in two installments of
$100.00 each, due November 1 and March 1 of each year.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (IV)(11) is amended by
National Constitution > Article IV: National Executive Committee >
Section Eleven: Powers and Duties >
The National Executive Committee annually determines a pro rata
insurance fee which is added to the per capita tax of collegiate
members. The National Executive Committee may assess additional
liability insurance fees to chapters with increased risk exposure,
including but not limited to chapter house ownership and past loss
history. If the combined amount of chapter insurance fees and
member insurance 10 fees collected by the Fraternity exceeds
110% of the cost of the corresponding year’s liability insurance
premium, the National Executive Committee applies funds in excess
of 110% of the cost to the next year’s premium prior to the
determination of the member insurance fee.
SECTION 2. That the National Constitution (XIII) is amended by
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate Chapters >
Section Eight: Chapter Insurance Assessments. If a chapter has
increased risk exposure, including but not limited to chapter house
ownership and pass lost history, the National Executive Committee
may assess an additional liability insurance fee.
SECTION 3. That the General Regulations for Collegiate
Membership (VIII) is amended by INSERTING A PARAGRAPH to
General Regulations for Collegiate Membership > Article VIII:
Financial Obligations >
Section Three: Chapter Insurance Assessments. If a chapter has
increased risk exposure, including but not limited to chapter house
ownership and pass lost history, the National Executive Committee
may assess an additional liability insurance fee.
SECTION 4. That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article VIII: Financial
Obligations > Section One: Per Capita Tax >
Each collegiate member shall pay national per capita tax, 30
payable in two installments due November 1 and March 1 of each
year. National per capita tax shall consist of a membership fee of
$126.00 annually ($63.00 per installment) plus a pro rata corporate
liability protection fee. The amount of the corporate liability
protection fee shall be determined by the National Executive
Committee and shall not exceed the total premium of the national
Fraternity's general liability insurance policy during any given 35
renewal period plus a percentage equal to that of suspended
members as of the end of the previous academic term, rounded up
to the next whole dollar a pro rata insurance fee. If a man is initiated
prior to…
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu
Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (II)(9)
is amended by STRIKING WORDS to read:
National Constitution > Article II: Membership >
Section Nine. Good Standing.
A member is in good standing if he fulfills all the
responsibilities of chapter membership as defined
in Section Eleven of this article.
SECTION 2. That the National Constitution (II)(11) is
amended by INSERTING WORDS to read:
National Constitution > Article II: Membership > Section
Eleven. Responsibilities of Membership.
It is the duty of each collegiate member to attend all
meetings of the chapter, to pay promptly all financial
obligations to both the chapter and the Fraternity, and to
maintain the minimum academic performance standards for
successful continuation as a student in good standing as
defined by the sheltering institution. It is the duty of every
member to become acquainted with the National
Constitution, the General Regulations for 15 Collegiate
Chapters, and the history of the Fraternity; to submit to
binding arbitration in the event of a legal dispute with the
Fraternity; and to support the efforts and objectives of the
local chapter and the Fraternity
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (II)(2)(¶2) is
amended by INSERTING WORDS to read:
National Constitution > Article II: Membership > Section
Two: Eligibility. >
…A student shall be eligible if he has met the minimum
academic performance standards for successful
continuation as a student in good standing as defined by
the sheltering institution. This shall not prohibit the initiation
of students in their first academic A proposition for a
resolution concerning establishment of a minimum age
requirement for membership term. A man who is under 18
years of age may not hold any class of membership,
including probationary.
SECTION 2. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (I) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article I: Membership Eligibility >
Section Six: Minimum Age Requirement. A man
who is under 18 years of age may not hold any
class of membership, including probationary.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (V)(4)(¶2) is
National Constitution > Article V: Committees > Section
Four: Commission on Standards > ¶2 >
…It may develop operational or procedural standards for
chapters and colonies for possible adoption by the National
Fraternity. It may suspend or expel individual members in
accordance with Article II, Section Thirteen impose
individual member discipline in accordance with Article XVI.
It may impose chapter discipline in accordance with Article
XIII and Article XV. In circumstances defined by the
Fraternity’s risk management policies, the Commission on
Standards may delegate authority.
SECTION 2. That the National Constitution (XIII)(8) is
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate Chapters >
Section Eight: Reorganizational Status >
…During that period, the chapter may have its normal
rights, privileges, duties, and/or obligations modified by the
Province Governor in consultation with the national staff. In
addition, the chapter shall undertake activities prescribed
by the governor Province Governor or the Commission on
Standards which are intended to help the chapter
overcome the difficulties which caused it to be placed on
reorganizational status. Should the chapter fail to
SECTION 3. That the National Constitution (XIII)(8)(¶2) is
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate Chapters >
Section Eight: Reorganizational Status > ¶2 >
The Commission on Standards will consider placing a
chapter on reorganizational status if it fails to submit
chapter reports twice in succession and/or reports no
initiations for twelve (12) months. Should the Commission
on Standards conclude that the situation warrants
disciplinary action, it may, in consultation with the Province
Governor, expel the chapter or place it on suspension place
the chapter on suspension or revoke its charter.
SECTION 4. That the National Constitution
(XIII)(9) is amended by INSERTING WORDS to
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate
Chapters > Section Nine: Inactive Status >
…If a chapter is made inactive, the national staff
shall take appropriate measures to reclaim the
charter and any other property of the chapter.
Remaining members of the chapter who are in
good standing shall be transferred to alumni
membership. Members not in good standing shall
be expelled. The chapter may be reactivated
through the Colony Program.
SECTION 5. That the National Constitution
(XV)(1)(¶3) is amended by STRIKING AND
National Constitution > Article XV: Chapter
Discipline > Section One: Probation > ¶3 >
A chapter placed on probation due to suspected
unbecoming conduct can be restored to good
standing by the Commission on Standards in
consultation with the Province Governor, placed
on reorganizational status (see Article XIII, Section
Eight), or considered for suspension or expulsion
charter revocation.
SECTION 6. That the National Constitution
(XV)(2)(¶1) is amended by STRIKING AND
National Constitution > Article XV: Chapter
Discipline > Section Two: Suspension > ¶1 >
…total number of days suspended. The
Commission on Standards in consultation with the
Province Governor may restore a suspended
chapter to good standing, place it on probation or
consider it for expulsion place it on
reorganizational status, place it on probation, or
revoke its charter.
SECTION 7. That the National Constitution (XV) is
amended by SUBSTITUTING A PARAGRAPH to read:
National Constitution > Article XV: Chapter Discipline >
Section Three: Expulsion. If a chapter fails to respond to
previously defined disciplinary actions or is guilty of
unbecoming conduct, the Commission on Standards may
expel a chapter currently on suspension or probation.
Should the chapter be expelled, the national staff shall take
appropriate measures to reclaim the charter and other
fraternity insignia. Remaining collegiate members of the
chapter are automatically expelled. Such members have
the right to appeal their expulsion in accordance with Article
XXIII, Section One. The charter of an expelled chapter will
be retained by the national Fraternity and can be reinstated
if a chapter is reactivated through the colony program at a
later date.
Section Three: Charter Revocation. If a chapter fails to
respond to previously defined disciplinary actions or is
guilty of unbecoming conduct, the Commission on
Standards may revoke the charter of a chapter currently on
suspension or probation. Should the chapter’s charter be
revoked, the national staff shall take appropriate measures
to reclaim the charter and any other property of the chapter.
Remaining collegiate members of the chapter are
automatically expelled and have the right to appeal their
expulsion in accordance with Article XXIII, Section One. A
revoked charter is retained by the national Fraternity and
can be reinstated if the chapter is reactivated through the
Colony Program, though such reactivation may not take
place less than seven years from the date that the charter
was revoked.
SECTION 8. That the National Constitution
(XVI)(2)(¶2) is amended by INSERTING WORDS
to read:
National Constitution > Article XVI: Individual
Member Discipline > Section Two: National
Suspension of a Collegiate Member > ¶2 >
A member placed on suspension due to
unbecoming conduct can be restored to collegiate
membership in good standing, moved to alumni
membership, or considered for expulsion by the
Commission on Standards.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the National Constitution (XXIII)(1) is amended BY
National Constitution > Article XXIII: Appeals > Section
One: Procedure.
Any individual, collegiate chapter or alumni association
may exercise the right of appeal by sending said appeal to
the national headquarters. If the appeal involves
disciplinary action decided by the Commission on
Standards, the individual, collegiate chapter or alumni
association must submit the appeal within sixty days of the
initial decision. If the appeal involves disciplinary action
decided by the Commission on Standards based solely on
financial delinquency, the individual, collegiate chapter or
alumni association may submit the appeal at any time.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the General Regulations For Collegiate
Chapters (IV)(1) is amended BY ADDING WORDS to read:
General Regulations For Collegiate Chapters > Article IV:
Initiation Procedure > Section One: Initiation Report.
… including the Faculty Advisor’s endorsing signature. If a
chapter files an initiation report less than 14 days prior to
the date of initiation, the Fraternity places the chapter on
probation. During the probation, the chapter may not initiate
members. As soon as the report is filed with the national
headquarters and the chapter has received the initiation
materials, the Fraternity restores the chapter to good
SECTION 2. That the National Constitution
(XV)(1) is amended BY INSERTING A
PARAGRAPH to read:
National Constitution > Article XV: Chapter
Discipline > Section One. Probation. > ¶3.
If the delinquency is in the filing of chapter
initiation reports, the Fraternity places the chapter
on probation. During the probation, the chapter
may not initiate members. As soon as the report is
filed with the national headquarters and the
chapter has received the initiation materials, the
Fraternity restores the chapter to good standing. A
chapter placed on probation due…
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
SECTION 1. That the National Constitution (XIII)(5) is
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate Chapters >
Section Five: Chapter Reports >
All collegiate chapters shall submit to the national
headquarters semiannual chapter reports which must be
postmarked on or before November 1 (Fall Report) and
March 1 (Spring Report) October 15 (Fall Report) and
March 15 (Spring Report). These shall be prepared on the
forms provided by the national headquarters and shall be
accompanied by the required per capita tax and
convocations tax.
SECTION 2. That the National Constitution (XIII)(6) is
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate Chapters >
Section Six: Per Capita Tax >
A chapter forwards to the national headquarters the current
per capita tax for each member of the chapter who has
paid the tax to the chapter. Payment shall be made in two
equal installments: postmarked on or before November 1,
and on or before March 1 on or before October 15, and on
or before March 15, and shall accompany each chapter
SECTION 3. That the National Constitution (XIII)(7) is
National Constitution > Article XIII: Collegiate Chapters >
Section Seven: Convocations Tax >
Each collegiate chapter shall contribute annually to the
Convocations Fund by remitting the current convocations
tax to the national headquarters. Payment shall be made in
two equal installments simultaneously with the chapter
reports postmarked on or before November 1 (Fall Report)
and March 1 (Spring Report) October 15 (Fall Report) and
March 15 (Spring Report).
SECTION 4. That the National Constitution (XV)(2)(¶2) is
National Constitution > Article XV: Chapter Discipline >
Section One: Probation > ¶2 >
If the delinquency is in the filing of chapter reports,
probation shall be imposed automatically on November 15
(in the case of the fall report) or March 15 (in the case of
the 30 spring report) November 1 (in the case of the fall
report) or April 1 (in the case of the spring report). Chapters
placed on probation for this reason will be restored to good
standing automatically as soon as the delinquency is
SECTION 5. That the National Constitution (XV)(5)(¶2) is
National Constitution > Article XV: Chapter Discipline >
Section Two: Suspension > ¶2 >
If a chapter is delinquent in the filing of chapter reports,
suspension shall be imposed automatically on December 1
(in the case of the fall report) or April 1 (in the case of the
spring report) November 15 (in the case of the fall report)
or April 15 (in the case of the spring report). If a chapter is
financially delinquent to the national headquarters for any
reason, including nonpayment of convocations tax or a
check returned for insufficient funds, suspension is
imposed automatically 14 days from the date of initial
notification by the national headquarters to the chapter.
While on suspension for reporting or…
SECTION 6. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (VIII)(1) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article VIII: Financial Obligations > Section One:
Per Capita Tax >
Each collegiate member shall pay national per
capita tax, payable in two installments due
November 1 and March 1 October 15 and March
15 of each year. National per capita tax shall
SECTION 7. That the General Regulations for Collegiate
Chapters (VIII)(1) is amended by STRIKING AND
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article VIII:
Financial Obligations > Section One: Per Capita Tax >
…up to the next whole dollar. If a man is initiated prior to
February 1, he shall pay per capita tax effective March 1 of
that year. If he is initiated on or after February 1, per capita
tax shall first be assessed on November 1 of that year. If a
man is initiated prior to February 15, he pays per capita tax
effective March 15 of that year. If he is initiated on or after
February 15, per capita tax is first assessed on October 15
of that year. Balances in arrears will be assessed a late fee
of $15.00 on December 31 and May 31 of each year.
SECTION 8. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (VIII)(2) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article VIII: Financial Obligations > Section Two:
Convocations Tax >
Each chapter shall pay national convocations tax
of $120.00 annually, payable in two installments of
$60.00 each, due November 1 and March 1
October 15 and March 15 of each year.
SECTION 9. That the General Regulations for
Collegiate Chapters (IX)(6)(¶1) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters >
Article IX: Management > Section Six: Chapter
Reports > ¶1 >
Each chapter shall submit to the national
headquarters two reports annually covering the
chapter’s condition, postmarked no later than
November 1 and March 1 October 15 and March
15. Chapter report forms will be provided by the
national headquarters at least one month prior to
the filing deadline.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity
of America:
That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters (X)(1) is amended by
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article X: Officers > Section
One: Qualifications > ¶1 >
All chapter officers must be members in good standing and must remain in
good standing in order to retain their office. The chapter President, Vice
President, and Fraternity Education Officer shall have been collegiate
members for at least one year preceding their date of election. All other
officers shall have been collegiate members for at least one semester
before their election. The office of Alumni Relations 10 Officer may be held
by either a collegiate or alumni member. A chapter officer who is a collegiate
member must be an enrolled student in good standing in order to retain his
office. By affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members in good standing
who are present and voting, the chapter may suspend the above provisions
regarding eligibility based on length of membership for any one or
combination of officers in cases where necessary and/or desirable.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters
WORDS to read:
General Regulations for Collegiate Chapters > Article III:
Probationary Membership > Section Two: Length.
The period of probationary membership shall not be less
than four weeks, nor more than three calendar months
twelve weeks, excluding academic breaks, or in
accordance with the policies of the sheltering institution in
consultation with the national staff.
Be it resolved by the National Assembly of Phi Mu Alpha
Sinfonia Fraternity of America:
That the National Constitution (XVI)(2) is amended BY
National Constitution > Article XVI: Individual Member
Discipline > Section Two Commission on Standards
Suspension of a Collegiate Member.
…A member placed on suspension due to unbecoming
conduct can be restored to collegiate membership, moved
to alumni membership, or considered for expulsion by the
Commission on Standards. If a collegiate member
suspended by the Commission on Standards terminates
his academic affiliation with his sheltering institution or
leaves campus for one or more professional semesters
during the period of his suspension, the Fraternity transfers
him to suspended alumni status.