Network - City of London

November 13, 2013 Kiwanis Senior’s Community Centre
• Welcome
• Working Group Year 1 Updates
3:00 pm BREAK
• Working Group Year 1 Updates
• Age Friendly London Survey Update
• Next Network Meeting Dates
A diverse, vibrant,
caring and healthy
community which
empowers all
individuals to age
well and have
opportunities to
achieve their full
• Age Friendly London Network launched May 2013
– Currently 147 members and over 40 organizations
– Still looking for members on many of the Working Groups
– Continued need for support at the Working Group meetings –
note taking, followup on tasks etc.
• Michelle Dellamora new Age Friendly Coordinator at
the City of London supporting Paul and Donna for the
next few months
• Presentation to the 2nd International Conference on
Age Friendly Cities, Quebec Sept. 9-11 Theme: Living
& Aging Together in Our Community
– Met with many other communities from across Canada and
around the world who are doing similar work
• International Federation on Ageing – International
Istanbul Initiative on Ageing – Age Friendly Cities and
Communities Innovation Awards submission of
application and video
WHO Age Friendly Cities Network
International Council on Active Aging
International Federation of Aging
Association of American Retired Persons
Pan Canadian Age Friendly Communities Network, Public Health
Agency of Canada
Federation of Canadian Municipalities
Canadian Urban Institute
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Ontario Seniors Secretariat
Association of Municipalities of Ontario
Age Friendly Communities (Waterloo)
Institute for Research on Public Policy (Toronto)
Sharing our Message
Working Group Updates
• Co-Chairs to present today on the Year 1 activities they
are undertaking
• Next meeting in March you will be able to share in much
more detail some of the great work happening in your
Working Groups
• Handout of Year 1 Updates
Age Friendly London Network
Outdoor Spaces
& Buildings
Support &
Health Services
& Information
Age Friendly
Participation &
Respect &
Social Inclusion
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
Development of multi-purpose recreation /community centres
o Involve working group in broad consultation in update to Parks and
Recreation Strategic Master Plan in 2014
Support Adopt-A-Park
o Challenge to Network!
Support Clean and Green Initiative
Support Walk to Shop
In new or repurposed community centres:
o Older adults participate in design
o Accessibility standards met or exceeded
o Older adult program needs are considered in design
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
Investigate Age Friendly Park Design (YEAR 2 Project)
o Student Project – Literature Scan and Parks Survey
Improve sharing of pathway and trail systems for pedestrians and
Develop rules for electric bikes using pathways and trails
o Amendment to Parks By-Law (this fall)
Identify priority areas in city that need improved connectivity of
sidewalks, trails and pathways
o Review current coverage and map plans for pathway expansion
o Identify priority areas and advocate for projects
Outdoor Spaces & Buildings
Increase number of benches along trails and pathways
o Inventory current locations of benches and prioritize areas of need
for 2014
o Build awareness of Commemorative Bench program and
sponsorship and advertising opportunities
Improve readability of street signs
o Refer to Transportation Working Group
Investigate best practices around Age Friendly Businesses
o Student project completed best practices document
o Review document
Increase number of community gardens
o Strategic Plan under development
Develop comprehensive document to raise awareness of transportation
supports available to older adults
o Co-chair provided committee with copy of London & Area
Transportation Information brochure from the Seniors Community
Association for review and possible incorporation into “Spectrum”
Encourage community partners to engage LTC through Get On Board program
Work with LTC to hold yearly Town Hall meetings
o LTC has been holding Town Hall meetings since 2012
Older adult representative on the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory
o Bonnie Quesnel, a member of this committee, is co-chair of APTSAC. 14
Develop education & training program for drivers (LTC, taxis etc.)
o Training to deal with passengers with disabilities and mobility
aids, as well as older passengers is already provided by LTC.
o Committee must engage taxi licencing group to develop training
for taxi industry (assuming that it isn’t already provided).
Improve pedestrian safety at crossings
o Discussion at committee that CoL has already taken steps to
improve safety: installation of countdown timers, tactile surfaces at
sidewalk approaches, etc.
Work to still be addressed:
• Petition province to change traffic laws to improve pedestrian &
cyclist safety at roundabouts
• Increase, improve, and maintain bike lanes and paths
• Provide more bicycle parking
• Consider longer maximum times on downtown parking meters
• Advocate malls and hospitals to set aside spaces for seniors only
Older adult participation in community Housing Strategy updates
o Invitation to AFL Housing working group to attend National
Housing Day event to hear about 10 year Homeless Prevention &
Housing Plan
Update Housing Directory to include definitions & accessible &
subsidized housing
o Reviewing current directories for suggested AFL amendments
Investigate potential housing models/options/best practices for older
o Discussions with UWO to recruit student researchers
Social Participation
• Inventory available space in neighbourhoods including churches,
schools, apartment buildings, libraries, city facilities, retirement
o London Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership, Health and
Wellbeing sub-committee is mapping shared spaces for
recreation and leisure opportunities currently and will be sharing
this info with the committee
• Foster partnerships and improve access to space
o Update the current recreation and leisure guide to get a better
idea of possible partnerships that can be developed
• Advertise age friendly amenities of facilities
o Follow up with the Older Adult Centres Association of Ontario
standards to see if this fits with AF initiatives
Social Participation
• Investigate opportunities to continue support for Seniors
Neighbourhood Advisory Councils (SNACs)
o Invite SNAC co-ordinators to committee
• Develop a program that matches immigrant /newcomer seniors
with other Londoners to assist in engagement and participation
o A committee has been formed to look at isolated and immigrant
seniors needs
• Develop a “Doors Open” event for older adults (facilities, services,
retirement homes etc.) (YEAR 2 Project)
o We are currently looking at the Recreation and Leisure fair
(REXPO) to see if we can expand this
Social Participation
Hold an annual Age Friendly London Conference
o The Council for London Seniors is currently discussing
hosting the next conference again for June 2014
Develop more opportunities for older adults to learn about
technology from other older adults
o We have compiled a list of what is currently available and
discussed how these centres can share resources
Determine the program and service needs and barriers to
participation of isolated seniors through a survey/research (YEAR
2 Project)
o Currently working with UWO students who are investigating
a rating system
Social Participation
Expand LEAP (Leisure Education Awareness Program) program to
train other groups to follow the approach to bring people into
activities through transition approaches
o Currently looking at satellite locations
Encourage large building managers/landlords to have greater
connection to their senior residents
o Follow-up with London Housing, who is looking into what is
offered in their buildings
o Connect with the Cherryhill Healthy Aging Program (VON)
regarding Wellness Link program in various buildings
Identify which facilities/ gathering places could serve as key places
to go to find information and get connected
o We have identified a number of key places
Respect & Social Inclusion
Review of current intergenerational programs & identify best
o Identify programs that may be relevant to our community and
interview seniors for their input
o Make recommendations on programs that may be implemented
or enhanced in our community
Inventory events that recognize senior accomplishments in our
community as well as other communities
o Identify a strategy that we may want to implement
Respect & Social Inclusion
Work still to be addressed:
• Create an Advocacy committee of the Network that can coordinate
work to Stop Ageism
• Encourage seniors & support networks to become educated &
• Provide family education sessions on how to support aging family
Civic Participation & Employment
Identify Key Networks for Working Group
Civic Participation:
• Pillar Nonprofit Network
• London and Area Association for Volunteer Administration
• Over 55 (London) Inc.
• Employment Sector Council London-Middlesex
Civic Participation & Employment
Civic Participation Focus for Year 1
Research Barriers & Benefits of Volunteering:
• Recruited Western Health Sciences 4th Year Students
(Gerontology in Practice)
• Completed literature scan, focus group, and a series of
interviews of older persons
• Engaged Rogers TV to produce a valuable promotional video
promoting volunteerism
Civic Participation & Employment
Employment Focus for Year 1
Investigate community and online resources:
• Identified training and employment opportunities for older adults
• Compiled agency connections for potential workers facing barriers to
• Listed relevant organizations and web links
Civic Participation & Employment
Nonprofits across Canada and in The Forest City
Sports &
Community Support & Health Services
Develop a broad working definition of caregiver & identify caregiver needs
o Have identified a broad definition of caregiving
o Identified significant information resources for caregivers
o Gain understanding of any significant gaps in support.
Review comprehensiveness of information available on the Caregiver
o Strategize how the information is made aware of and available to
Community Support & Health Services
Investigate opportunities for respite care in London & raise awareness of
these opportunities
o Review existing wait times for services.
o Review costs involved and if it acts as a barrier.
o Determine how the present information is known and available to
the public.
Amend Zoning By-Law definition of daycare to include adult caregiving
o Completed
Investigate development of a phone or visitor “check-in” service for
isolated older adults
o Determine whether telephone check-in services do exist and if so to
whom and how they operate and their funding source.
Community Support & Health Services
Raise awareness & monitor implementation of the Senior Friendly
Hospitals Framework
o Contact key representatives at LHSC and SJHC
Create a comprehensive list of home care supports available
o Link with the Information Task Group to strategize how the
information is made available to the public.
Coordination of prevention & education opportunities related to health
promotion through Stepping Out Safety Partnership
o Contact the Stepping Out Safely Program
Community Support & Health Services
Work to still be addressed:
• Develop a volunteer program for multi-lingual ‘system navigators’
• Investigate best practices and develop education series on self-managed
Communication & Information
Connect with Information London/
Seniors/Senior’s Helpline/2-1-1 to determine scope of information
o Materials collected & sources documented with WG membership
reflective of key community partners
Coordinate efforts around access to information across the community
o Discussion & research has commenced re: future One-Stop Sr. Info
o Possible service providers have been identified & further discussion
is planned
o Yr. 3 objective of updating & publishing the Healthline’s Seniors
Scene achieved
Communication & Information
Identify what information older adults are looking for & how they
prefer to access it
o WG has brainstormed attributes of information needed & further
details required from AFL baseline survey & subject-specific
Working Groups
o Closer collaboration with all WGs & community through minutes
& meetings to be pursued
Create a Facebook page for older adults to share information & ideas
o Deferred until revamped COL website can be reviewed
o Considering use of e-blasts and COL website as a more
sustainable option
Communication & Information
Investigate possibility of creating a Seniors’-only Spectrum & sorting by
o Past Spectrum editions have been reviewed & recommendations for
improvement noted (program order, format, font size & colour &
search capabilities all identified) – meeting to be held with Spectrum
staff in Jan. /14 to cultivate advisory relationship
Provide agencies & organizations with networking opportunities
o C & I WG membership includes key information providers
o Future plans include increased collaboration with other AFLN
Working Groups & outreach to other community associations &
Communication & Information
New Item: Develop a branding strategy (create AFL logo,
communications plan)
o Sub-committee of WG formed to advise on usage, best method for
development & design
o Rough logo drafts have been selected for consideration by full AFLN
at Nov. mtg.
o C & I WG consulted on content/format of AFLN communications
o More discussion needed on C & I WG involvement in
communications plan
Age Friendly Survey Results
3,000 mail out surveys in April, 2013
3,000 Snowball (convenience) sampling began in May 2013
A total of 697 surveys were returned
322 from mail-out
375 from snowball
Mail-out response rate of 10.7% completed
Surveys missing over 20% of responses were excluded from analysis.
21 surveys eliminated
Total of 676 included in analysis
Age Friendly Survey Results
Michelle Dellamora
City of London Age Friendly Coordinator
(519)-661-2500 ext 7208
Title Text
Network Check-in Meeting
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
@ 2:00 – 4:00pm
Kiwanis Seniors Community Centre
Annual Network Meeting
Thursday June 19, 2014
@ 2:00 – 4:00pm
Kiwanis Seniors Community Centre
Check for upcoming meeting dates and notes