English paper 2
1. School clean up day
2. Mobile phone
3. Ur Daily transportation
4. Recycling activity
5. A robot you want it to be
6. Your favorite mobile apps
7. Science exhibition
Cleanliness campaign
You have been asked to give a speech on a cleanliness campaign.
Good morning to the principal, teachers and friends. As you are all aware, our
school has organized a cleanliness campaign. Today, I would like to talk about the
campaign. The duration of the campaign is one month, from 1 to 30 April 2013.
The objectives of the campaign are three-fold: to increase awareness among
students of the need to keep the school and its surroundings clean, to improve
students' knowledge of ways to reduce and dispose of waste, and to facilitate the
development of positive student attitudes regarding waste.
Cleaning is not exactly an activity that excites us but it has to be done. In fact, for
many of us, cleaning seems like a mammoth task that is both time-consuming and
tiring. However, if it is done on a regular basis, then it will not be overwhelming. it
will also reduce the all-day marathon cleaning sessions.
There are a number of things you can do to keep your class and surroundings
clean. Have a schedule for all cleaning activities. Assign duties for everyone in the
class. Go the extra mile to keep your school clean. Pick up rubbish lying on the
ground whether you are on the field, eating at the cafeteria or climbing up the
stairs. If everyone does this on a regular basis, then the whole school will always
be litter-free. Clear rubbish bins when they are full. Do not wait until there
are telltale signs like overflowing bins and a stale odor. Moreover, wipe window
panes, fans and other areas where dust can accumulate.
At the same time, use the rubbish bins that are provided and do not litter. Besides
that, do not vandalize walls and school property. Most importantly, have a
positive attitude and do not be lazy.
Your school can be a sanctuary or a place of stress depending on how you clean
and maintain it. If you keep doing these things on a regular basis, they will
eventually become second nature to you.
With that I have come to the end f my speech.
Thank you
My daily transportation
What you want the robot to be?
Robot with emotions and feelings
-not just be a machine.
We are living in the connected world where everyone is connected via computers,
mobile phones and tablets. We are living in the mobile world where people are
spending more time on mobile phones than desktops/laptops. People are watching
more video on mobile phones than TV. Then came smart phones with mobile apps,
thanks to Apple for the revolution. Smart phone is a powerful gadget which is
always going to be with you, keeps you connected to the world. Some facts about
Smart phones and mobile apps
A smartphone is a mobile device that facilitates the combination of cellular and
mobile computing functions into one single unit. Moreover, smartphones have
stronger hardware capabilities and extensive mobile operating systems in
comparison to feature phones.
People can make use of smartphones to access the internet and find out
information regarding almost anything. Furthermore, due to the portability of a
smartphone, people can access the internet from any location, even while
Smartphones have greatly increased the rate of work. This is possible because
smartphones facilitate a highly efficient and quick form of communication from
anywhere. For example, a person can participate in an official business meeting,
without wasting time, from the comfort of his home via a live video chat application
of a smartphone.
Smartphones can also be of tremendous benefit to students in general.
Furthermore, students can quickly resolve any issue related to studies by accessing
the internet, using a calculator, reading a pdf file, or contacting a teacher. Most
noteworthy, all of this is possible due to the smartphone.
People can get in touch with the larger global community by communicating and
sharing their views via social media. Furthermore, this provides a suitable platform
to express their views, conduct business with online transactions, or find new
people or jobs. One can do all that from anywhere, thanks to the smartphone.
These were just a few benefits of smartphones. Overall, the total benefits of a
smartphone are just too many to enumerate here. Most importantly, smartphones
have made our lives more efficient as well as comfortable.
Favourite app
My favourite app is Instagram.
I picked this because it's where my friends use it frequently and I can get updated
with not only my favourite shops, but also what my friends think are the hottest
trends and shops out there
Moreover, I also use it to read the news in bite-sized formats, following accounts
like Bloomberg.
However, recently with the addition of the shop icon to the lower bar of the app,
it has changed the features drastically with the addition of the shop page.
This causes slight annoyance as it is not what I'm looking out for when I am using
the Instagram app, as I do not want to use Instagram to shop and buy directly on
Nonetheless there are very good product features that I really like.
Such as how the post instantly lights up after 1-2 seconds with pop-ups of prices
showing the user that you can click the post to show prices
• Whatsapp is a freeware application which can be installed on mobile
phones, tablets and other computing devices.
• It works on VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol).
• It can be used to send text messages, images, documents, user location,
audio/video and other media files etc.
• Whatsapp can be used to make voice calls and video calls to other
phones. Both the phones (e.g. caller and called) require whatsapp
installation before making calls.
• Whatsapp support variety of operating systems (OSs) such as iOS,
android, windows, symbian, blackberry etc.
The figure-1 depicts three modes of whataspp application viz. CHATS,
STATUS and CALLS. Using "CHATS" tab, people can chat with one another.
Using "CALLS" tab, people can make voice/video calls. STATUS tab allows
one to check status of others and update their own status. WhatsApp
Status allows people to share text, images, videos and animated images
which disappear after duration of 24 Hours.
Benefits or advantages of Whatsapp
Following are the benefits or advantages of Whatsapp:
➨Messages are sent without any charges to any part of the world provided
internet is available on mobile devices.
➨No advertisements on the screen to annoy the user.
➨All the tools are very easy to use.
➨The whatsapp imports all the contacts of the phone automatically and
provide information about who all in your contacts are using whatsapp
➨Location, images, status can be shared with friends. Friends can chat
Science exhibition
An exhibition of science computer technology and information technology was
arranged in expo center Karachi. I made a program some friends mine and we all
visited the exhibition on the fourth day of the exhibition.
We reached the gate of the expo center at 11 o'clock in the morning. We took the
entry passes from the cabin and entered the expo center the guards on the gates
search us through scanners.
Various new kinds of scientific inventions were placed on the stalls with their
introduction and with their manufacturing company name first, we visited all
those stalls where the scientific invention was placed I collected a lot of
information about many new kinds of scientific invention.
A range of new monitors, keyboards, printers, scanners, and other catering
devices was also placed on the stalls.
We returned home in the evening and we remain busy talking about the science
computer and its exhibition for the next several days after our visit to the
Recycling activities
We need recycling for many reasons. But most importantly, it will help us to save our
planet. Besides, recycling saves the earth by facilitating the reprocess of paper which
will save millions of trees.
Also, recycling saves a lot of energy because many things that we recycle can easily
be converted into virgin materials. In addition, it saves a lot of resources too.
Moreover, recycling reduces the burden of the environment. As we save energy the
number of greenhouse gases and oxides are produced in less quantity. Because most
of the toxic gases are produced by factories.
In addition, recycling reduces the amount of waste, that takes years to decompose.
Also, the recycled material can be sold. We use this recycled material for the
manufacturing of many new products. So, ultimately recycling saves money.
Recycling is very important for saving the Earth. Reusing, reducing, and recycling are
the three important R’s that we must follow to help our planet be healthy. Recycling
means to take the raw materials of objects and remake them into new objects which we
can use again.
Humans produce lots of waste every day, including paper, plastic, metal, and glass
waste. This means used water bottles or soft drinks bottles and cans, waste paper, old
jars and bottles which are made of glass, etc. These are some things which can be
easily recycled in special recycling centers. Over there, these things are broken into
small pieces, melted, then put back together as a brand new and usable object.
We can also recycle many things at home by using them to make useful and fun craft
projects. For example, you can make pencil stands out of metal cans or plastic bottles
by cutting their top off. We should separate our garbage into dry and wet waste at home
to make sure that the recycled objects go to the recycling centers.
Recycling can be done in many other ways too, and we should always try to recycle as
much as we can.