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24163105020 PA 5101

Term Paper On
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Public Service Delivery: Bangladesh Perspective
Course Name: Public Administration: Theories & Debates
Course Code: PA-5101
Submitted to
Mohammad Nur Ullah
Assistant Professor
Department of Public Administration
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Submitted by
Mst Sanjana Hasan
ID: 24163105020
Department of Public Administration
Bangladesh University of Professionals
Date of Submission: May 15, 2024
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force across various sectors
worldwide, revolutionizing traditional approaches to problem-solving, decision-making, and
service delivery. In recent years, governments globally have recognized the potential of AI to
enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency within public administration. Bangladesh, a
rapidly developing country in South Asia, is also embracing AI technologies to address the
evolving challenges faced by its public sector. When it comes to public service delivery, this is
especially important since all prospective consumers must get fair and dependable services from
governmental institutions. The 21st century government services are about to see a major
transformation because of developments in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology.
Bangladesh's expanding population and high demand present several opportunities for the
application of AI (Unum, 2023).
The adoption of AI in the public sector of Bangladesh holds significant promise for improving
administrative processes, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing the quality of services
provided to citizens. From digitizing bureaucratic procedures to implementing AI-powered
predictive analytics for policy formulation, the potential applications of AI are vast and varied.
This paper aims to explore the role of AI in the public sector of Bangladesh, focusing on its
applications, opportunities, challenges, and implications for governance, service delivery, and
citizen engagement. Bangladesh, with its burgeoning population and diverse socio-economic
landscape, presents a unique context for the integration of AI technologies into public services.
AI, Public Sector, Bangladesh, Opportunities, Challenges, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Citizen
➢ To examine the current status of AI integration in the public sector of Bangladesh.
➢ To identify the opportunities presented by AI for enhancing public services.
➢ To analyze the challenges hindering the widespread adoption of AI in the public sector.
➢ To propose strategies for maximizing the benefits of AI while addressing associated
Based on secondary data from academic literature, official government publications, policy papers,
and reliable internet sources, this study uses a qualitative approach. The research entails a thorough
analysis and synthesis of the body of knowledge about AI activities in Bangladesh's public sector.
To acquire an understanding of the influence and efficacy of AI interventions in several fields,
significant themes, patterns, and discoveries are recognized and scrutinized in the literature. The
goal of the qualitative study is to pinpoint trends, obstacles, and best practices related to the use
and uptake of AI technology. The research attempts to offer a nuanced understanding of the impact
of AI in changing Bangladesh's public sector environment through the use of a qualitative
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Public Administration
The term artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a wide range of technologies and methodologies that
are used to try to make robots capable of doing activities that normally require human intelligence.
Deep learning, computer vision, robotics, machine learning, and natural language processing are
some of the key ideas in artificial intelligence (Wirtz et al., 2019). AI has found numerous
applications in various domains of public administration, including healthcare, education,
transportation, and citizen services. For instance, machine learning algorithms can analyze large
datasets to identify patterns and trends, enabling data-driven decision-making in areas such as
resource allocation, policy formulation, and service delivery optimization (Desouza et al., 2020).
In education, AI-powered adaptive learning systems can personalize the learning experience for
students based on their individual needs and progress (Timms, 2016).s NLP can be used to develop
intelligent chatbots and virtual assistants, improving the accessibility and responsiveness of citizen
services (Androutsopoulou et al., 2019).
Role of Artificial intelligence in different sectors in Bangladesh
A2I program
The Access to Information (a2i) program in Bangladesh harnesses the power of AI to enhance
governance, improve public services, and foster socio-economic development. Through innovative
technological interventions, a2i bridges the gap between citizens and government, promoting
transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement. Leveraging AI, a2i facilitates efficient
delivery of essential services like healthcare, education, and agriculture, ensuring equitable access
for all citizens. By integrating AI into various sectors, a2i catalyzes Bangladesh's journey towards
digital transformation, empowering communities and enabling inclusive growth. With a focus on
innovation and collaboration, the a2i program serves as a pioneering model for leveraging AI's
potential to drive positive change in developing nations like Bangladesh.
On February 1, 2016, the Honorable Prime Minister introduced the e-Learning platform
MuktoPaath, with a focus on digitalization. seeking to offer reasonably priced educational choices
in all cases, MuktoPaath is accessible to everyone, particularly the underprivileged people. Its main
objective is to support the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) by enhancing the development of
knowledge and skills that are ready for the future. It also uses e-learning and artificial intelligence
to support job creation, self-employment, and entrepreneurship while boosting the economy of the
country. With approximately 1.1 million learners, MuktoPaath has signed memorandums of
understanding with over 60 government training facilities and 25 non-governmental organizations.
Through the MuktoPaath e-learning platform, there is now a chance to directly hear from
individuals about their online activity thanks to the KYC (Know Your Citizens) and Citizen's Talk
The Agriculture Sector is implementing AI-driven systems for crop yield prediction, soil
analysis, and precision farming practices. AI-powered drones and satellite imagery are being
employed for monitoring crop health and irrigation management. A national startup named “iPage”
aims to improve yield and overall productivity in the nation’s agro-production sector by employing
an AI-based optimal strategy. ICT division of the government and Prominent NGOs like Gono
Unnayan Sanstha works in collaboration with iPage. The acronym iPAGE stands for Integrated
Precision Agriculture and Engineering.
Saathi Mobile App:
'Saathi', a virtual AI assistant app for Bangladesh, will be released by the government. 'Saathi' may
be utilized for smart item collection (letters, documents, packages), smart postboxes, smart mobile
post office, and government service fee payment based on mobile airtime, according to a press
release from Bangladesh Posts and Telecommunications Division. 'Saathi', an artificial
intelligence assistant program, aims to resemble Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri. The press
release stated that it will be able to seamlessly integrate the features from various applications and
provide clients with vital information via voice activation services.
Al based Traffic Management:
Dhaka North City Corporation has tested an AI-based traffic control system at the Gulshan-2
crossroads in the city of Dhaka. The AI system will bring a lawsuit against a driver who ignores
traffic signals right away. It is equipped with CCTV, picture and video cameras, AI signal
maintenance equipment, and other devices. The gadget keeps tabs on all vehicle movements and
shows how many vehicles have violated traffic regulations. According to DNCC, three lakh
automobiles disobeyed traffic restrictions at the Gulshan-2 junction in September 2023(The Daily
The technology will first be implemented in the capital at 17 locations under the DNCC zones.
Additionally, Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) has taken the effort to implement this type
of system at 53 locations under its jurisdiction. The city corporations are the ones that have
started taking action to improve traffic management and lessen congestion. Every location in the
city of Dhaka will eventually be connected to the AI system.
Online Citizen portal and AI:
Bangladesh's development of an online citizen portal integrates AI to streamline services. This
portal harnesses artificial intelligence for efficient citizen engagement, offering services like
digital identification, utility bill payments, and government document processing. AI algorithms
enhance user experience by predicting user needs, providing personalized recommendations, and
automating repetitive tasks. Through this digital platform, citizens can access government services
conveniently, reducing bureaucratic hurdles. AI-powered analytics also enable policymakers to
analyze citizen data, leading to more informed decision-making and tailored service
improvements. The online citizen portal represents Bangladesh's commitment to leveraging AI for
inclusive governance and fostering a digitally empowered society.
Healthcare and AI
Bangladesh had just one RT-PCR laboratory equipped with the reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction method, which is used to identify coronaviruses, during the beginning of the Covid19 epidemic. This was no insignificant issue in a nation of 175 million people. Bangladesh was
able to use AI in a "frugal innovation" manner to track the disease significantly more successfully
than many of our Western peers, even though many other nations had access to far larger resources
in terms of PCR labs and technological budgets (Chowdhury, 2024).
An essential component of Bangladesh's e-governance plan is Eksheba. Eksheba seeks to facilitate
citizen-government engagement by providing a consolidated platform for several e-services,
therefore enabling citizens to access services more effectively. Through this integrated digital
platform, citizens may communicate with government agencies. Single-stop access locations under
a single identity are made possible by this portal. The successful management of complicated tasks,
the elimination of administrative responsibilities, the efficient provision of government services to
citizens, and more are only a few benefits of integrating AI into government and citizen services.
AI news Presenter
Apariita is indeed an innovative project in Bangladesh. She's the country's first AI news presenter,
developed by Bangladeshi tech firm Robi. Apariita is an artificial intelligence-driven virtual news
anchor who delivers news updates in both Bangla and English languages. This initiative showcases
the advancement of AI technology in media and journalism, offering a new dimension to news
presentation in Bangladesh. It's fascinating to see how AI is being integrated into various sectors
to enhance efficiency and accessibility.
Challenges in Implementing AI in the Public Sector:
1.Data Availability and Quality:
- Limited availability of high-quality data for AI applications.
- Challenges related to data collection, storage, and management.
2. Technical Infrastructure:
- Inadequate technical infrastructure to support AI implementation.
- Lack of skilled personnel for developing and maintaining AI systems.
3. Regulatory and Ethical Concerns:
- Absence of clear regulatory frameworks for AI deployment.
- Ethical concerns regarding data privacy, bias, and accountability.
4.Funding and Budget Constraints:
- Limited budget allocation for AI projects in the public sector.
- Challenges in securing funding for AI infrastructure and capacity building.
5. Cultural Resistance and Institutional Barriers:
- Resistance to change within bureaucratic structures.
- Lack of awareness and understanding of AI technologies among government officials and
Develop a national AI strategy tailored to the needs and priorities of the public sector in
Invest in AI infrastructure and data management systems to support implementation across
government agencies.
Establish regulatory frameworks to address ethical and privacy concerns associated with
AI deployment.
Foster collaboration between the government, academia, and private sector to facilitate
knowledge sharing and skill development in AI.
Prioritize AI projects with a focus on high-impact areas such as healthcare, agriculture, and
disaster management.
Conduct regular evaluations and assessments of AI initiatives to measure their
effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
Ensure inclusivity and equity in AI deployment to prevent widening socio-economic
The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public sector of Bangladesh presents
multifaceted implications and opportunities. Through this exploration, it is evident that AI has the
potential to revolutionize administrative processes, enhance service delivery, and improve
decision-making efficiency within government institutions. However, successful implementation
requires meticulous attention to issues of data privacy, ethical considerations, and skill
development among public sector employees. Moreover, fostering collaboration between
government bodies, private sector entities, and academia is crucial for leveraging AI's full potential
while mitigating associated risks. Ultimately, the strategic deployment of AI technologies can lead
to a more transparent, responsive, and accountable public sector, thereby contributing to the overall
socio-economic development of Bangladesh.
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