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Step-by-Step Fix for QuickBooks Not Responding After Update (1)

qbmapi64 Out of Memory | Instant
Hacks to Fix it
Are you facing the frustrating "QBmapi64 out of memory" error while using
QuickBooks? If so, you're not alone. This error occurs when the MAPI
application programming interface, which allows QuickBooks to communicate
with other programs like Outlook, runs out of available memory. The result?
You're unable to send emails or perform other necessary tasks.
But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll dive deep into the
causes of the "MAPI out of memory" error and provide you with practical
solutions to overcome it.
Whether you're a small business owner relying on QuickBooks for your daily
operations or an accounting professional managing multiple clients' accounts,
this error can disrupt your workflow and productivity. But with the right
troubleshooting steps, you can quickly resolve the issue and get back to
Understanding QuickBooks MAPI out of
memory error
The "QBmapi64 out of memory" error in QuickBooks can be a frustrating roadblock,
hindering your ability to send invoices, statements, or other important emails directly from
the software. Understanding the root cause of this error is the first step towards finding a
When QuickBooks tries to connect with another program, such as Microsoft Outlook, it uses the
MAPI interface to establish communication. MAPI, or Messaging Application Programming
Interface, is a standard protocol that allows different software applications to interact and share
data. However, if the MAPI interface runs out of available memory, it can trigger the "MAPI out of
memory" error in QuickBooks.
Causes of QuickBooks MAPI out of memory
Several factors can lead to the "MAPI out of memory" error in QuickBooks.
Understanding these causes can help you identify the right solution for your
specific situation.
Insufficient system memory: If your computer doesn't have enough
available memory to handle the MAPI interface, QuickBooks may
encounter the "MAPI out of memory" error. This often happens when you
have multiple memory-intensive programs running simultaneously, causing
a strain on system resources.
Outdated QuickBooks or MAPI components: Using outdated software can
introduce compatibility issues, including problems with the MAPI interface. If
you haven't updated your QuickBooks or MAPI components, it's possible that
the "MAPI out of memory" error is a result of outdated software versions.
Conflicts with other programs or plugins: Certain programs or plugins
installed on your computer can interfere with QuickBooks and cause the "MAPI
out of memory" error. Conflicts may arise due to incompatible software
versions, conflicting settings, or outdated plugins.
Cache and temporary file buildup: Over time, QuickBooks can accumulate
temporary files and cache, which can consume valuable system resources. If
these files are not cleared regularly, they can contribute to the "MAPI out of
memory" error.
Now that we've explored the causes behind the "MAPI out of memory" error,
let's move on to the common symptoms you may encounter.
Common symptoms of QuickBooks MAPI out of memory error
The "MAPI out of memory" error can manifest in various ways, disrupting your workflow
and preventing you from performing essential tasks. Here are some common symptoms
you may encounter:
• Error message when trying to send emails: The most obvious symptom of the "MAPI
out of memory" error is the inability to send emails from within QuickBooks. When you try
to send an email, you may receive an error message indicating a problem with the MAPI
• Slow performance or freezing: If the MAPI interface is consuming excessive system
resources, it can lead to slow performance or freezing within QuickBooks. You may notice
delays when performing tasks or experience the software becoming unresponsive.
• Inability to perform certain actions: The "MAPI out of memory" error can restrict
your ability to perform specific actions, such as sending invoices, statements, or reports
directly from QuickBooks. This limitation can hinder your productivity and disrupt your
normal workflow.
Now that we have a clear understanding of the causes and symptoms of the
"MAPI out of memory" error, let's dive into the troubleshooting steps to
resolve this issue.
Troubleshooting steps for QuickBooks MAPI out of memory error
To resolve the "MAPI out of memory" error in QuickBooks, follow these
troubleshooting steps:
Updating QuickBooks and MAPI components: Start by ensuring that
you're using the latest version of QuickBooks and that all MAPI components
are up to date. Check for software updates within QuickBooks and download
any available updates. Similarly, verify if there are any updates available for
the MAPI components you're using.
Checking system requirements and configuration: Confirm that your
computer meets the minimum system requirements for running QuickBooks
and the MAPI interface. Inadequate system resources can contribute to the
"MAPI out of memory" error. Additionally, review your QuickBooks and MAPI
settings to ensure they are properly configured.
Resolving conflicts with other programs or plugins: Identify any programs
or plugins that may be causing conflicts with QuickBooks. Update them to the
latest versions or consider temporarily disabling them to see if the "MAPI out
of memory" error persists. It's also a good idea to review the compatibility of
the installed programs with QuickBooks.
Clearing cache and temporary files: Regularly clearing cache and
temporary files in QuickBooks can help improve performance and prevent
memory-related errors. Navigate to the appropriate settings within
QuickBooks and clear the cache and temporary files. Additionally, consider
clearing the cache and temporary files in other relevant programs, such as
Microsoft Outlook.
Seeking professional help for QuickBooks MAPI out of memory error
If you've followed the troubleshooting steps outlined above and the "MAPI out of memory"
error still persists, it may be time to seek professional help. QuickBooks experts and IT
professionals can provide specialized assistance in diagnosing and resolving complex issues.
They have the knowledge and experience to identify underlying causes and implement
advanced solutions tailored to your specific needs
Conclusion and final thoughts
If the installation issues persist or if the QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool is unable to
resolve them, consider running the tool again or exploring other troubleshooting
options available in the QuickBooks Tool Hub.
Solution 3: Renaming the QBWUSER.INI files on your system
•Ensure that QuickBooks Desktop is completely closed before proceeding with
renaming the QBWUSER.INI file. If necessary, save any open work and exit the
•The QBWUSER.INI file is a configuration file for QuickBooks Desktop that stores
settings and preferences. It is typically located in the same folder as your
QuickBooks company file.
Open File Explorer (Windows Explorer) and navigate to the folder where your
QuickBooks company file is stored.
By default, the QBWUSER.INI file may be hidden on your system. You’ll need to
adjust your folder settings to show hidden files if you haven’t done so already.
In File Explorer, go to the “View” tab and check the box for “Hidden items” in the
“Show/hide” section.
Look for the QBWUSER.INI file in the same folder as your QuickBooks company
file. It should be named “QBWUSER.INI.”
Right-click on the QBWUSER.INI file and select “Rename” from the context menu.
You can rename the file to something like “QBWUSER_OLD.INI” or any other
name of your choice. This action essentially creates a backup of the original file.
After renaming the QBWUSER.INI file, press “Enter” to confirm the new name.
Once the QBWUSER.INI file is renamed, reopen QuickBooks Desktop.
QuickBooks will automatically create a new QBWUSER.INI file with default
settings and preferences based on your system configuration.
After reopening QuickBooks Desktop, test the functionality of the program to
see if the issue you were experiencing has been resolved.
Check if the problem persists or if any new issues arise with the recreated
If renaming the QBWUSER.INI file did not resolve the issue, you can revert to
the original file name (“QBWUSER_OLD.INI”) to restore your previous settings.
Repeat the renaming process, but this time, rename the backup file to
Solution 4: Repairing the bad sector of your hard drive
By following these steps and using built-in utilities like CHKDSK (Windows) or
Disk Utility (Mac), you can effectively repair bad sectors on your hard drive,
improving its performance and reliability. Always remember to back up your data
before attempting any repair procedures to avoid potential data loss.
• Before attempting to repair bad sectors, it’s crucial to assess the overall health of your
hard drive. You can use built-in utilities like CHKDSK (Windows) or Disk Utility (Mac) to
check for errors and bad sectors.
• Before proceeding with any repair procedures, back up your important data to an
external storage device or cloud service. Repairing bad sectors can potentially result in
data loss, so it’s essential to have a backup.
• Depending on the size of your hard drive and the number of bad sectors, the repair
process may take some time. Allow this entire process to get completed without any
interruption on your desktop.
During the repair process, the utility will attempt to isolate and mark bad sectors
so that data is not written to them in the future.
Throughout the repair process, monitor the progress to ensure it’s proceeding as
After completion, review the results to see if any bad sectors were successfully
repaired. The utility will typically provide a summary of the repair process.
After repairing bad sectors, it’s essential to verify the overall health of the hard
drive again.
Run CHKDSK or Disk Utility once more to confirm that all errors, including bad
sectors, have been addressed successfully.
If the repair process is unable to fix all bad sectors or if the hard drive continues
to exhibit signs of failure, consider replacing the hard drive with a new one to
prevent data loss and ensure system reliability.
QuickBooks Not Responding signifies software freezes or
unresponsiveness, disrupting productivity. It may stem from resource
overload, conflicts, or corrupted files. Troubleshooting involves updating
QuickBooks, verifying files, and optimizing system performance. Seeking
assistance from our support may be necessary for resolution, and all you
need to do for that is call us at 1-855-856-0042. Our team is here to help
you 24/7 on this issue, and you can speak with them whenever you want.