Uploaded by Daladi Muhammed


Special thanks to @CryptoVince369 for helping make this title possible! Long
live Hex!!
Corporate Machiavelli Telegram Resource Group
Unmodern Men Telegram Resource Group
Cory Smith, The Daily Wingman Telegram Resource Group
UM’s online presence began on twitter, where he started posting
content with regards to leadership and character, combined with
philosophy and psychoanalytic theory. He started writing threads that
had a strong impact on his followers with many requesting him to start
a blog.
UM is a Pharmacist who has worked over a decade in community
and corporate management. His knowledge in emotions & human
behavior stem from dealing with methadone clients recovering from
UM’s MBA & work experience in corporate management &
management consultancy enables him to provide knowledge with
regards to leadership, competence & career ascension. He has also
extracted much of his father’s experience from similar background, and
combined them to holistically deliver it on this site.
A lot of UM’s critical thinking is heavily influenced by Nitzschean
philosophy & Freudian psychoanalytic theory. He strongly believes
individuals to possess several multiple personalities, each with their
own purpose & desires, and those who transcend in life have the
capacity to integrate these personalities while pursuing their apex
He believes what truly determines success in life is an individual’s
ability to tame their multiple personalities by integrating their shadow.
"No tree can reach heaven without its roots reaching down to
hell.” The greatest, most integrated men, are who they are
because they have managed to keep their darkest secrets in
the shadows.
The fastest way to earn respect is to do more work and talk
less than anyone else in your circle. It's also the fastest way to
earn the leadership title. This applies to all social gathering
contexts: house, work, school, etc.
When it's everyone's responsibility, it becomes no one's
responsibility. Because the strength of responsibility is
inversely proportional to the number of people that are
It is more effective to fire incompetent people than to try and
teach them to perform better. You can show people the way,
you can't make them walk. People don’t change. Team
selection makes the best leaders. Not nurturing.
It is better to hire one exceptional person at $150,000 a year,
than two average people at $60,000 each. Overpay for talent
& competence.
If a woman doesn't question how you've spent your 20s
building yourself, it's likely because she doesn't want to be
questioned on how she spent hers. A red flag by default.
When you meet someone of high profile, for whatever
reason, they will look you up. Because if you take time out of
their day, they will investigate whether it's worth seeing you
or not. If you have nothing to your name, you will lack
power in negotiation.
Avoid conflict with people where possible. Don't be averse to
confrontation but dont start friction either. There's utility in
everyone, determined by time and place. Some may be
pawns to use. Some may be mentors to learn from.
The most crucial lesson Joe Rogan has told us was not in his
podcasts. It was how he rose to an unstoppable position. with
the power to absolutely destroy the elitist narrative, during a
time of extreme political polarity, without being silenced,
only becoming more powerful.
You can be corrupt and honorable at the same time.
Only power reveals moral intentions. All moral acts in the
absence of power, are to be considered as incentivized
If you have values to stand up for, you equally will have a
weakness to protect. That weakness is your commitment to
your values. You can be manipulated, you can be used and
planned around. How flexible you are on that commitment,
determines your ability to win.
Raise living standards, and more people will be looking to
thrive. When people aim to thrive, they play positive-sum
games. Lower living standards and more people will be
looking to survive. When people aim to survive, they play
zero-sum games. Know the game you’re in.
If you’re hiding a problem, the eventual fallout will magnify
the size of the problem. The hiders will always be guilty no
matter how innocent. The discoverers will always be
innocent no matter how guilty. Do not hide. Discover.
Discriminate based on competence. Discriminate based on
rates of success within a field of domain. Do not discriminate
based on health, weight, gender, or political ideology. Yes,
you can generalize. A fat doctor might give poor advice. But
not always.
Best managers don’t manage people. They manage pressure.
Those who alleviate pressure points to maintain low tension
in any domain are the most integrated, highly optimized
men. Level-headed. Calm. Everyone appreciates them. They
are the real leaders.
Standing up for what's right doesn't work. To take a stand
means you risk it all by relying on everyone else to take a
stand with you. You RISK EVERYTHING putting your faith
in others. People NEVER collectively take a stand till it's too
late. That's why there are no heroes.
If just one of your dirty secrets gets exposed out into the
open, there will be motivated people that will entrench an
additional 2-3 rumoring lies just to take you out. Bystanders
will not be able to separate the truth from the lies. That's the
cost of one f*ck up.
When people are allowed to destroy someone without ANY
consequences, you best believe they will deliver beyond
expectations. When it is no longer necessary, and merely
counterproductive, people will continue on the destructive
path. It's who we are.
The proliferation of cancel culture only emphasizes the
tremendous importance of protecting your reputation. Only
the absolute optimized, the most shadow integrated will
remain uncancelled. Watch your steps. Every move counts.
The difference between someone who’s ambitious and
someone who's greedy is that the former is willing to
patiently wait for years before making the winning, decisive
move. The latter just pounces on any get-rich-quick scheme
they're able to find.
People do not change. They simply re-evaluate available
incentives, then begin to act and behave accordingly.
The elites that own everything and want to continue to do so
by taking away everything you own, are not evil. They are
predatory. Predators are not evil. They do what they have to
do to win. You behave the SAME WAY, on a much smaller
scale. Turn the mirror.
The more outcome-orientated you are, the MORE likely you
will become successful, and the LESS likely you will ENJOY
the journey. That's a fact. More conviction = more suffering.
Fk the journey.
“It's not about the outcome, it's about the journey.” That's cute
and all, but the journey doesn't get you abundance nor buy
you freedom. This feel-good bs is equivalent to its ok if you
don't make it. It is not okay. You fkd up if you don't make it.
How to be attractive to everyone anywhere? Develop an
idgaf attitude. Then back it up with extreme competence,
determination, and ambition.
A great truth wants to be criticized, not idolized. Nietzsche.
If you understand leverage, you can create value well before
you have something tangible to offer. Leverage, in early
business, is like faking it till you make it.
I haven't seen a single industrious successful person
complain about the tax or the financial system. It's always the
economic burdens, money, Twitter, and crypto fans. Winners
just play the game.
People uphold integrity, to maintain their status &
reputation. Not to fulfill a moral obligation. Look at the
world with this lens in mind.
People who pick up food off the ground and place it on the
sidewalk for birds to eat it carries an unexplained positive
force. That act alone shows their mindfulness of hunger,
poverty, oppression & respect for those in need. Highly
integrated people. They've seen hell.
Your peers are your rivals when it comes to your next
movement upwards. One way to impose force on your rival's
behavior is to appeal to his subordinates. He'll be kept in
check. If he crosses the line to move against you, his
subordinates will lose trust in him.
Don't ever get drunk or tipsy with - a coworker or with
anyone at work for that matter. It's a sign of weakness. They
will remember it. It will be used against you. That cocktail
party after work bears a high cost to your reputation if you're
not careful.
A country that faces a long duration of war and depravity
robs its people of character and integrity. Keyword: long.
Short spurts of violent shocks are necessary to restore the
blood of society. But ultimately, higher living standards
elevate character and integrity.
Before you judge, remember there are roughly two reasons
why people tweet anonymously; 1. They hide because they
are not who they present themselves to be. 2. They express
views that would otherwise be detrimental to how they
operate in their lives.
If you betray a good person, you're a coward. If you betray a
snake, you're a tactician who knows how the world works.
You can only betray once you've established trust. For the
betrayal to be effective on those who deserve it, it will require
foresight on your behalf to first establish trust. Hence
everyone should be an ally until they're not.
Care about what other people think about you. Not to seek
validation. But so you can manipulate the next 100 people
who think the same about you. It's not about them. It's about
minimizing social resistance and attaining objectives. Think
about it.
Status is not important False. People fall for status more than
they fall for competence. The most competent person will
require status to move the people towards a direction.
One of the best qualities to have as a man is to not blame
those you lead, no matter what their fault is. Acknowledge
that your leadership position makes you responsible for their
feats and mistakes. But this requires courage to face the
errors made by others.
Lefties are nowhere near as fun as the right-wing, when
coercing them to get vaccinated. There's no thrill in hunting
down those who welcome defeat voluntarily. The thrill & the
fun is in crushing the resistance.
The idea is to build intangible assets within the border you
live and operate in. [Accumulate] connections, reputation,
credibility, leverage. Reach the peak of society within the
sphere of your location, and watch the rules no longer apply
to you. Yeah, it's unfair. No one cares.
Getting rich online does build connections. But not useful
ones. No one cares that you know some influencer with a
million followers. Everyone will care if you know the state
mayor.Real-life connections > online. Connection is built on
the hierarchy, not the web.
Nothing applies when you're rich. Not rules, not mandates,
no travel restrictions. But not just because of money. It's
mostly because of the connections you make along the way.
Ascend the hierarchy. Getting rich online, [or] living on a
farm won't save you.
The slave makes the king, just like the customer makes the
Your value needs to continuously exceed the quality of life
you provide for her. The moment it doesn't is the moment the
shell takes half your possession at court. The fear of losing
you has to be greater than her (courage) desire to take
everything you have.
The higher-paid you are, the more visible you will be to
managers and executives. That's a good thing if you're
competent. Not so good if you're complacent.
If you have to choose between taking the high-paid job offer
or declining it to remain loyal to your current organization;
ALWAYS choose the high pay. Society values competent
mercenaries, more than individuals feeling obligated to be
loyal & confused about their own worth.
Every right-hand man, who ended up usurping the one
occupying the throne, was once a soldier who decided to
move up the rank, remain obedient, patient & loyal, before
striking the artery. For better or worse. Be it Caesar, Saddam,
or Hitler.
Business advice for; 20yr old men who are good-looking with
nothing going for them; start your modeling agency on social
media and bring back the classy bond look. You'll make a
A great father will teach his son game theory early on,
categorizing the people that enter his life as outcome-based
ends. Understanding that positive-sum games require value
exchange and transparency, while zero-sum games require
snake-like deceptiveness & cunning.
Transparency is key to positive-sum games. Obscurity and
deception are key to zero-sum games. Life advise. Know the
game you're playing, and whom you're playing with.
If you want power, you revoke your right to maintain
honesty, truthfulness & the transparency of speaking your
mind. If you reject power just to maintain your integrity, then
no one will care about what you have to say. You will have
zero impact. Thus, expediency wins.
Don't ever post your tragedy online asking for hopes and
prayers. By far the weakest shit you can do. Deal with your
tragedy like a man. In private. It's the most disappointing
shit I see men do here. You're not a woman.No one cares.
Sexual attractiveness dramatically increases with your degree
of authority. Especially if your authority is backed by
competence. It's tragically counter-intuitive, but making your
coworker fall in love with you is easy, efficient, and rules
them out as gold diggers. Why?
Very few people understand that perfecting your work is
only half the picture. Understanding humans, influencing
emotions, controlling the dialogue, is the bedrock of success.
Once you learn, high profile people will recognize it in you &
tell you that you get it.
I am guilty of favoritism. I favor employees who care about
the bottom line. Show me you care about the bottom line, and
I will care about you, your health, and your career.
When a startup goes off, it's a lot like uncaging a tamed lion.
You've looked after it for years, it's predictable, controlled,
and yet there's always that doubt that it could go wild. Then
it does.
If someone doesn't do what they're told, most leaders tell
them how much the business relies on them to show up and
get things done. This is a mistake. If someone doesn't show
up, do the work yourself, twice as fast, and make the
absentee feel redundant and worthless.
If you're comfortable where you are, you have the privilege
of being able to speak the truth. For those of you climbing
up the food chain, a lot of your thoughts are better left
Every time you claim how useful your ego is, there's a
psychopath out there far more motivated and selfish than
you, with the capacity to completely submerge their ego in
pursuit of their target. And that is why they win. And you
A character only begins to manifest when a man has
unrestricted options. Conditions that dictate a man's
behavior are no measure. Most people you know are at the
mercy of these conditions. Their character is hidden until
abundance reveals it.
Judge people by effectiveness & results. Not friendliness,
loyalty, or political values. When done properly, you will find
yourself in a unique position, being the intermediary ally
between enemy factions. Let the left think you're left. Let the
right think you're right.
When going into a business partnership, pick a man with
family values over men unconstrained by responsibility &
commitment. Not because family men are better business
partners, but because businessmen committed to family are
more disciplined & shadow integrated.
Underrated trait for men; Be known for effectiveness. Build a
reputation where people have exclusively *heard of you* for
getting things done. High fear factor and attractiveness.
If she wears fake nails for longer than 24 hours, she is not
accustomed to doing dishes, cleaning the house, or cooking
dinner. Red flag.
Impose yourself on others by doing the work nobody wants
to do. Expose yourself to the risks, the difficulty everyone
steers away from. Do this and you'll end up at the top by
sheer force.
Absolute instrumental use of words is a trait of a highfunctioning psychopath. Every sentence is a tool to
manipulate your thoughts, capture your attention and tilt
your preferences. What can you learn from this?
We all have two lives. The life we lived, and the unlived life
within us. Between the two, stands resistance. Nietzsche
The fastest way to identify someone who goes after status, is
they are overly invested in small behavioral details; taking
space, being abrupt, ridiculing others in front of females,
raising their voice, basically everything chimpanzees do to
assert dominance.
As a man, mandatory participation in the game of success
means there's no room for happiness & enjoyment. Your role
is to suffer and achieve maximum success. Her job is to
distract you & slow you down with happiness & enjoyment.
That's the balance between you & her.
If you have one friend that you can bounce ideas off of,
disagree with, argue, explore, investigate, then your
progression towards your goal will accelerate beyond belief.
If I had to define the one behavior that makes up the word
ambitious, it would be the irrational, unjustified *will* to
accumulate an infinite amount of resources.
Ambition should have been the 6th domain of the big 5
personalities. Time and time again I have seen young
individuals so ambitious that they end up outperforming the
high IQ and the industrious. We should start putting
measures in place for trait ambition.
Most people uphold integrity to maintain reputation, NOT to
fulfill a moral obligation. If reputation was of no
consequence, very few would stand by values. Integrity is
consequently developed for selfish purposes.
What doesn't kill you, only handicaps you enough for the
next bastard to come along and take you out.
"An irrational frenzy controlled by reason and self-reflection."
Is ambition necessary for career success? Yes. Without
ambition, you will be left with a 9-5 job. That is not the same
as having a career. Most people have jobs. Very few people
have careers. Because very few are ambitious.
Doesn't matter how you want to justify it in your head, the
significance of character is revealed when it encounters
temptation, NOT when it's confined in obedience.
It's very easy to be a good little trad girl when confined to a
home doing house chores. The schooling system is shaping
up to be the best vetting tool for women. If she studies 5
years to earn a degree without giving into the degenerate
culture, she's powerful. A Keeper.
I have no respect for people in real life who don’t make an
effort to think. The Twitter equivalent is me having no
respect for those who tweet platitudes & affirmations. No
matter how hard you try, you're worthless. You had a chance
to educate people & you chose stupidity.
The older I get, the more I realize that morality does not
matter. Only ethics do. And its value is determined by
iterated reciprocity.
Continue in abundance, the same way you started from
necessity. Do not give in to the allure of indulgence. The best
men act on the basis of scarcity while living in complete
abundance. Occupy the paradox.
“How does one become stronger? By deciding slowly, and by
holding firmly to the decision once it is made. Everything
else follows by itself.” - Nietzsche
If you have to cut corners to achieve objectives, do not take
credit for it, do not speak of it. The corners you cut will no
doubt be announced by those waiting to see you fall. So do it
swiftly & quietly.
You can show yourself as highly reliable simply by learning
to downplay an achievement while remaining calm when
encountering failure. It immediately shows resilience
towards hard times, & self-control during good times. Very
important quality.
When you arrive at a social setting, you establish a presence.
When you're last to leave, you indicate you have nothing
better to do, that is of any importance. When you leave early,
you demonstrate that your agenda is worth more than the
people around you. ALWAYS leave early.
If you help someone out, for nothing in return, don't explain
why you helped them out. Do not try to rationalize your
support. Do not let them adjust their behavior according to
the incentive. As far as anyone is concerned, you did it
because you could. Maintain power.
If you're worried about someone stealing your idea, that
someone should be avoided. Approach people that are good
friends with someone who is a good friend to you. They'll be
less inclined to screw you over and jeopardize their
reputation. This is the modern NDA.
Law of least effort: the less you show interest in negotiation,
the more powerful you appear. Maximize their emotions to
what you have on offer, while minimizing your emotions in
expressing a desire to what they're offering.
Avoid fame at all costs. But do whatever you can to build a
reputation that is respected, admired, and feared.
You can't impose standards on other people when you lack
the same standards yourself. The way self-respect works is
that the expectation you have of others begins with you.
Can't go around being a (man) whore while searching for the
Make this a rule; You will never ever defeat someone above
you by speaking the truth or seeking justice. Nobility does
not work with the ignoble. Befriend & Betray. If you cant
befriend. Be silent. Stop the loudmouth.
I truly believe this to be true with people: how you do
anything, is how you do everything. If you demand
perfection from yourself simply making coffee at home, you
will demand perfection from yourself at work regardless of
your pay. That's the attitude for ascension.
There's ZERO incentive for a boss to promote you. Unless
they make the calculative decision that YOU will make
other cases, they rather just get rid of you & replace you with
a dumb nonambitious employee. Prepare. Then strike.
You HAVE to let your boss know you are ambitious. You
HAVE to make it clear you want to move up. You HAVE to
ask if you want more. You HAVE to risk getting a NO, in
order to move up. But only ASK when you have leveraged.
Ask for a raise & promotion, if you have an alternative job set
up. Ask what responsibilities you need to take on, to get a
promotion, if you don’t have any alternatives set up. If
there's NO sign of upward mobility, discreetly look for
another job. Repeat this model.
The fastest way to reveal a narcissist; is they know
everything. Throw them a set of questions at random, you
will never hear a hint of uncertainty in what they say. This is
why you can be really stupid and still appeal to the masses
and move up the hierarchy.
As long as the system remains relatively fair; the
consequences of inequality can remain subdued. Only when
you take away an individual’s opportunity to get rich, is
when society starts to destabilize. The game at large must
remain un-rigged to maintain stability.
You know you’re a good leader when you don’t have to
express your disappointment in anger. A mere gaze of
displeasure and soft delivery of your better than that,
demoralizes whoever let you down. Enough to motivate
them & rectify whatever it is you want to be done.
Do not come to the negotiation table if YOU are the one that
has to initiate it. It’s far better to spread your reputation &
offer through others to generate desire in the person you’re
going to parlay with.
The best way to deal with a passive-aggressive person is to
be ‘aggressive passive’ in reverse. If they say something that
implicitly bears underlying hostility, confront them about it
and uncover it for them. They will immediately backtrack
into defensive mode.
Options reveal character. The more options a man has, the
heavier the burden of maintaining the integrity of character.
When your reputation precedes you within your field, and
you become known for what you do, leverage is given to you
on a silver platter.
If you can fabricate a problem to demonstrate your specific
knowledge or technical skills that no one else can match, then
fabricate it. And make sure you steal the spotlight when you
offer your solution.
Never be vocal about something that others can see or hear
themselves. Unless you can contribute with an angle that’s
unthought of, you will appear infinitely more knowledgeable
watching others speak the obvious instead of yourself.
The fastest way for young men to become ambitious is to
start lifting weights. Hard to explain. But the pain & suffering
that leads to rewards (sculpted body & attraction from
women), is parallel to being ambitious & suffering for power
& wealth.
The most effective way to manage people is to give them
authority over what they enjoy doing. Their productivity
goes 3 fold. And makes you look better by 10 fold. Apply to
all contexts. Family, girlfriend, wife, children, friends, etc.
I intentionally pretend to forget things people tell me. It
makes them work hard for my attention. It makes them only
approach me with critical information. And I get to watch
those who think they can get away with things.
If you refuse to achieve success as a man, you will be looked
down upon and be labeled as a failure. If you play the
success game and win, you will spend the rest of your life
protecting what you’ve built. Either way, your existence will
not escape suffering.
Throughout any organization, you will always encounter two
kinds of people; those who hate working but want the
money, and those who put in 100% irrespective of what they
get paid. This specific trait ends up dictating the direction of
your entire life. Don’t be the former.
Certain men will play the game carefully with a woman just
so they can score one. They will take their time, seem
genuine, and authentic. As soon as they score sex, they’ll
leave. As a woman, there’s not much you can do about these
Would you prefer to read something, or watch it? assuming
knowledge from both methods is captured at the same rate.
The higher someone’s obedience to rules, the less you should
trust their moral judgment.
Never lean strongly towards a side when sharing opinions
with other people. A trait of intellect is someone who
balances viewpoints and maintains a relatively neutral
If you have to fabricate delaying a text response to a girl, so
you can have the abundance mindset & not look clingy, you
have no life & you are NOT ready for a gf. You should be so
busy with your life, that any msg from anyone, should be
authentically classified as a nuisance.
Most effective hedge against automation if you're not so
bright; Invest in companies at the forefront of AI innovation.
Invest until you achieve a stable dividend income check to
live off by.
Morality is contingent upon better living standards. You will
care more about animal welfare when you live in prosperity
than you otherwise would under famine. Morality therefore
must be reserved for the right time & place on an individual
If you want to become valuable to your clients, customers,
mentors, and high-profile people who are investing in you,
learn to become a strategic advisor to them.
The fastest, most credible way to earn respect & valuable
attention: increase your productivity output per hour.
Business owners, executives, the rich, are all drawn towards
efficiency. Doesn’t matter if it’s coffee you make, or a report
you’re analyzing. Aim for speed.
If you’re from a well-off family, make it your priority to go
through a phase to follow rules, be an employee, work like a
slave, and scrub the floors if you have to. Destroy the
entitlement that comes with unearned prosperity.
One of the best corporate character traits every man should
learn is resist the urge to react under any circumstance.
The female equivalent of a man who has optimized his dark
triad and integrated his shadow is a woman who has
adopted masculine traits for her own self-preservation,
without allowing it to interfere with her feminine nature and
sexual attraction.
It's not easy to find your strengths? Have you sat down with
pen and paper, reflected on the ten years of your past, what
you achieved with relative ease? What came naturally to
you? What gave you an edge over others? No. Thinking
makes the brain bleed.
Growth and Fixed mindset is postmodernist bullshit.
Mindset is just a fancy word for personality & IQ. The best
predictor of success; High IQ, high conscientiousness.Circa
10% of the population. The minority of fat cats and the
majority of hungry dogs will never change.
Never put yourself in a position where your coworker can rat
you out for being dishonest with your boss. Sounds obvious
but it amazes me how people collude against their superiors.
If you're going to be dishonest. Be dishonest with everyone.
At least then there's only one story.
If you want authority & control, you need leadership. If you
want to become a leader, you have to first kneel before it.
Then you have to take it. It won’t be given. Power is never
You don't EVER go into a relationship or a partnership
worrying about being betrayed. You go into one making sure
that you can handle the prospect of betrayal. Stop the
Children do not look at things as they are, but as they wish
things to be. A flaw that is retained by the majority of
children who grow into adulthood.
The consequences of speaking the truth are directly
proportional to the degree to which people lean toward
ideologies. This is why, speaking the truth, in certain cases, is
a tactical error. If you want to make an impact & not be
silenced, then understand political polarity.
I've seen useless, lazy, incompetent individuals in
management who are nothing but smooth talkers, get
demoted into sales, and completely dominate and become
sales executives in a matter of years. You can't choose a
passion. Passion chooses personality.
“We're all gonna make it.” A platitudinous reminder that we
are not all going to make it. Most of us will waste away never
having achieved the dreams in our head. Because most of us
do not have what it takes. Only some of us do. And were not
willing to share.
The easiest way to disarm someone is to come to their
defense. Defend them in private, then replicate that in public.
Then watch them drop all their hate and resentment towards
A man of value forces others to earn his loyalty &
commitment. He doesn't just give it by default. Valueless
men offer it upfront and in perpetuity. Big difference.
If you can improve your appearance, speak slower, move
slower, maintain eye contact, & not be fascinated by
anything, you can bullshit your way into being seen as highly
credible, respectable, trustworthy, and professional.
If you ever betray someone and they confront you about it,
don't gloat on why you betrayed them. Show them instead of
how they didn't see it coming and why they turned a blind
eye to it. Multiple layers to this.
How to be loved and admired from an authoritative
position? Occasionally do things that junior subordinates
would do. Take out the trash, clean up the bench, wash up
the sink. Get your hands dirty.
Do two things simultaneously: 1. Improve your employment
position every day -> Employee to supervisor to manager, to
GM to C-suite. 2. Work on a project that seeks to solve a realworld problem. Do these two and watch the transformation.
The hardest thing to do is try to move information upward in
the hierarchy. Why? Those occupying the top have leveraged
their power (competence, connection, expertise, etc) to
cement their position by fending off any criticism by any
I strongly believe the fundamental mistake that is responsible
for our societal downward trajectory, is that ethical men
choose not to pursue power. That's it. Nothing else.
“Haters are a sign that you're on the right track.” Wrong. It's
a sign that there's something about you that rubs people off
the wrong way. Or, the people surrounding you are garbage.
In both cases, you're still on the wrong track.
You’re not free in how you behave. Someone out there is
observing you, whether you're worth connecting with. A
connection that could lead to infinite life-changing
opportunities. How you behave determines the inception of
this connection.
Obstacles that are overcome strengthens the bond in
relationships. As long as the obstacle is her problem.
Obstacles announced by men as their problem is just a turn
off and kills the bond.
If your life just got harder, its not because you levelled up. Its
a sign that you’ve fup on your choices, which in hindsight,
has yielded zero value to your future.
Fastest way to progress? Compare yourself to other people
with more success than you. The phrase "you are your
competition" are for weak people who get depressed &
resentful when other people do better.
The problem with skilled manipulators is that they will do
things that are legitimately beneficial for you. Their objective
is completely reliant on the fact that they must be
indistinguishable from a close friend. At least for a period of
People who don't care about their future, are more likely to
not negotiate on reciprocity. And this is visible in how they
carry themselves, their choice of words, and their
If 100 people judge your idea to be stupid, the probability
that it is stupid is quite high. There's a slim chance that it
could be a spectacular success. But it's far more likely that
you are biased and your idea is stupid.
Get people to admire you through your work. Get them to
admire you to the extent where they'll do anything you ask
them to do. Then actively discourage them from doing
anything ordered by anyone else. Shift all influence capacity
your way. Thats how you weaken others.
Effectiveness will always be associated with Expedience. If
you want to maximise the former, you must get comfortable
with the latter. Theres always a price to pay. Ineffectiveness
will meet its own hell.
During problems, you often see the true nature of the people
surrounding you. Some step up, take charge to help out.
Others blame with anger, accelerating the severity of the
problem. Fabricating problems is an effective strategy for
character assassinations;
What most don't realize is that the transformation you
undergo by contending in corporate ladder ascension, is that
it makes you more successful with your character, leadership,
charm, women, people, accountability. You become the CEO
of your life.
When you go to work, pick one thing to do, and set a
personal record that makes everyone look bad. Then do not
repeat it. Move on to another task to set another PR.
Everyone will fear you out of raw respect, when they realise
you can flip the switch anytime you want.
Always leave on a high note. Never leave in bitterness. The
end of a scene is the last thing people will remember about
you. Even if you don't get your way, reject calmly. Your levelheaded calmness will incite fear in your opponents, & respect
in your supporters.
You can be pessimistic & still live a great life, build
connections, build a start-up & influence others positively.
Pessimists who prepare and work hard, are realists.
Pessimists who have given up, are the fatalistic ones.
Optimists are either on drugs or misunderstand life.
If you give your word, do not break it. If you must, make sure it
puts you in a better position than before,& that there's no chance
of retribution,& that you're willing to sever friendship ties & cut
out all future reciprocities, and be called a disloyal betrayer.
Beautiful endings can only come with tragic tales. And
there’s no guarantee that tragic tales blossom into beautiful
ends. You make the trade-off with faith. Thats it.
I had a meeting with my 80yr old accountant. He charges me
10k a year, has done time in prison, exceptionally smart, and
could deduct tax from your Starbucks coffee. He told me,
10yrs from now, to escape the system as a sovereign citizen, is
like requesting to be starved to death.
If you think crypto and decentralization will lead to the state
of sovereign citizens, you are delusional. You cannot escape
the system. If you're smart, you can join the system. If you're
not, comply and be grateful for the privileges it provides.
I remember every time a customer would abuse one of my
female staff members, I would terrify them with the women's
rights propaganda, forcing them to apologize. Never hesitate
to use leftist degenerate ideologies in constructive ways.
They're just tools.
All interactions, bonds, relationships are conditional. The
bond between us that gets established, is entirely dependant
on your actions. And CONTINUES to depend on your
FUTURE actions. No such thing as unconditional love. The
only variable is tolerance.
The significance of leaving a great impression on others is
severely underrated in the millennial age. All I hear is: “I
don’t care what people think of me.” This is a mistake. And it
will have severe consequences on their progression in life.
If you can't get rich from a salary, you wont get rich being an
entrepreneur. The traits needed to reach a high level, high
pay position, are the same traits needed to be your own boss.
High level competency, stress tolerance, cunning and
capacity to solve complex problems.
The cost of sleeping around is damage to your standards.The
cost of the damage done to your standards, is losing power in
negotiation for a high value partner.
Marriage is reserved for men who commit to a covenant of
unity with one female. To forgo all other sexual/mating
opportunities as a sacrifice necessary to raise a powerful
family.Men against marriage derive their position from their
weak biological urge to bang every woman.
If you're a health professional, you would understand that
you could get crucified when making a mistake. You're
always being held to perfection. And you can't escape it. This
is called involuntary transformation by force.
"No tree can reach heaven without its roots reaching down to
hell.” The greatest, most integrated men, are who they are
because they have managed to keep their darkest secrets in
the shadows.
The fastest way to earn respect is to do more work and talk
less than anyone else in your circle. It's also the fastest way to
earn the leadership title. This applies to all social gathering
contexts: house, work, school, etc.
When it's everyone's responsibility, it becomes no one's
responsibility. Because the strength of responsibility is
inversely proportional to the number of people that are
It is more effective to fire incompetent people than to try and
teach them to perform better. You can show people the way,
you can't make them walk. People don’t change. Team
selection makes the best leaders. Not nurturing.
It is better to hire one exceptional person at $150,000 a year,
than two average people at $60,000 each. Overpay for talent
& competence.
If a woman doesn't question how you've spent your 20s
building yourself, it's likely because she doesn't want to be
questioned on how she spent hers. A red flag by default.
When you meet someone of high profile, for whatever
reason, they will look you up. Because if you take time out of
their day, they will investigate whether it's worth seeing you
or not. If you have nothing to your name, you will lack
power in negotiation.
Avoid conflict with people where possible. Don't be averse to
confrontation but dont start friction either. There's utility in
everyone, determined by time and place. Some may be
pawns to use. Some may be mentors to learn from.
The most crucial lesson Joe Rogan has told us was not in his
podcasts. It was how he rose to an unstoppable position. with
the power to absolutely destroy the elitist narrative, during a
time of extreme political polarity, without being silenced,
only becoming more powerful.
You can be corrupt and honorable at the same time.
Only power reveals moral intentions. All moral acts in the
absence of power, are to be considered as incentivized
If you have values to stand up for, you equally will have a
weakness to protect. That weakness is your commitment to
your values. You can be manipulated, you can be used and
planned around. How flexible you are on that commitment,
determines your ability to win.
Raise living standards, and more people will be looking to
thrive. When people aim to thrive, they play positive-sum
games. Lower living standards and more people will be
looking to survive. When people aim to survive, they play
zero-sum games. Know the game you’re in.
If you’re hiding a problem, the eventual fallout will magnify
the size of the problem. The hiders will always be guilty no
matter how innocent. The discoverers will always be
innocent no matter how guilty. Do not hide. Discover.
Discriminate based on competence. Discriminate based on
rates of success within a field of domain. Do not discriminate
based on health, weight, gender, or political ideology. Yes,
you can generalize. A fat doctor might give poor advice. But
not always.
Best managers don’t manage people. They manage pressure.
Those who alleviate pressure points to maintain low tension
in any domain are the most integrated, highly optimized
men. Level-headed. Calm. Everyone appreciates them. They
are the real leaders.
Standing up for what's right doesn't work. To take a stand
means you risk it all by relying on everyone else to take a
stand with you. You RISK EVERYTHING putting your faith
in others. People NEVER collectively take a stand till it's too
late. That's why there are no heroes.
If just one of your dirty secrets gets exposed out into the
open, there will be motivated people that will entrench an
additional 2-3 rumoring lies just to take you out. Bystanders
will not be able to separate the truth from the lies. That's the
cost of one f*ck up.
When people are allowed to destroy someone without ANY
consequences, you best believe they will deliver beyond
expectations. When it is no longer necessary, and merely
counterproductive, people will continue on the destructive
path. It's who we are.
The proliferation of cancel culture only emphasizes the
tremendous importance of protecting your reputation. Only
the absolute optimized, the most shadow integrated will
remain uncancelled. Watch your steps. Every move counts.
The difference between someone who’s ambitious and
someone who's greedy is that the former is willing to
patiently wait for years before making the winning, decisive
move. The latter just pounces on any get-rich-quick scheme
they're able to find.
People do not change. They simply re-evaluate available
incentives, then begin to act and behave accordingly.
The elites that own everything and want to continue to do so
by taking away everything you own, are not evil. They are
predatory. Predators are not evil. They do what they have to
do to win. You behave the SAME WAY, on a much smaller
scale. Turn the mirror.
The more outcome-orientated you are, the MORE likely you
will become successful, and the LESS likely you will ENJOY
the journey. That's a fact. More conviction = more suffering.
Fk the journey.
“It's not about the outcome, it's about the journey.” That's cute
and all, but the journey doesn't get you abundance nor buy
you freedom. This feel-good bs is equivalent to its ok if you
don't make it. It is not okay. You fkd up if you don't make it.
How to be attractive to everyone anywhere? Develop an
idgaf attitude. Then back it up with extreme competence,
determination, and ambition.
A great truth wants to be criticized, not idolized. Nietzsche.
If you understand leverage, you can create value well before
you have something tangible to offer. Leverage, in early
business, is like faking it till you make it.
I haven't seen a single industrious successful person
complain about the tax or the financial system. It's always the
economic burdens, money, Twitter, and crypto fans. Winners
just play the game.
People uphold integrity, to maintain their status &
reputation. Not to fulfill a moral obligation. Look at the
world with this lens in mind.
People who pick up food off the ground and place it on the
sidewalk for birds to eat it carries an unexplained positive
force. That act alone shows their mindfulness of hunger,
poverty, oppression & respect for those in need. Highly
integrated people. They've seen hell.
Your peers are your rivals when it comes to your next
movement upwards. One way to impose force on your rival's
behavior is to appeal to his subordinates. He'll be kept in
check. If he crosses the line to move against you, his
subordinates will lose trust in him.
Don't ever get drunk or tipsy with - a coworker or with
anyone at work for that matter. It's a sign of weakness. They
will remember it. It will be used against you. That cocktail
party after work bears a high cost to your reputation if you're
not careful.
A country that faces a long duration of war and depravity
robs its people of character and integrity. Keyword: long.
Short spurts of violent shocks are necessary to restore the
blood of society. But ultimately, higher living standards
elevate character and integrity.
Before you judge, remember there are roughly two reasons
why people tweet anonymously; 1. They hide because they
are not who they present themselves to be. 2. They express
views that would otherwise be detrimental to how they
operate in their lives.
If you betray a good person, you're a coward. If you betray a
snake, you're a tactician who knows how the world works.
You can only betray once you've established trust. For the
betrayal to be effective on those who deserve it, it will require
foresight on your behalf to first establish trust. Hence
everyone should be an ally until they're not.
Care about what other people think about you. Not to seek
validation. But so you can manipulate the next 100 people
who think the same about you. It's not about them. It's about
minimizing social resistance and attaining objectives. Think
about it.
Status is not important False. People fall for status more than
they fall for competence. The most competent person will
require status to move the people towards a direction.
One of the best qualities to have as a man is to not blame
those you lead, no matter what their fault is. Acknowledge
that your leadership position makes you responsible for their
feats and mistakes. But this requires courage to face the
errors made by others.
Lefties are nowhere near as fun as the right-wing, when
coercing them to get vaccinated. There's no thrill in hunting
down those who welcome defeat voluntarily. The thrill & the
fun is in crushing the resistance.
The idea is to build intangible assets within the border you
live and operate in. [Accumulate] connections, reputation,
credibility, leverage. Reach the peak of society within the
sphere of your location, and watch the rules no longer apply
to you. Yeah, it's unfair. No one cares.
Getting rich online does build connections. But not useful
ones. No one cares that you know some influencer with a
million followers. Everyone will care if you know the state
mayor.Real-life connections > online. Connection is built on
the hierarchy, not the web.
Nothing applies when you're rich. Not rules, not mandates,
no travel restrictions. But not just because of money. It's
mostly because of the connections you make along the way.
Ascend the hierarchy. Getting rich online, [or] living on a
farm won't save you.
The slave makes the king, just like the customer makes the
Your value needs to continuously exceed the quality of life
you provide for her. The moment it doesn't is the moment the
shell takes half your possession at court. The fear of losing
you has to be greater than her (courage) desire to take
everything you have.
The higher-paid you are, the more visible you will be to
managers and executives. That's a good thing if you're
competent. Not so good if you're complacent.
If you have to choose between taking the high-paid job offer
or declining it to remain loyal to your current organization;
ALWAYS choose the high pay. Society values competent
mercenaries, more than individuals feeling obligated to be
loyal & confused about their own worth.
Every right-hand man, who ended up usurping the one
occupying the throne, was once a soldier who decided to
move up the rank, remain obedient, patient & loyal, before
striking the artery. For better or worse. Be it Caesar, Saddam,
or Hitler.
Business advice for; 20yr old men who are good-looking with
nothing going for them; start your modeling agency on social
media and bring back the classy bond look. You'll make a
A great father will teach his son game theory early on,
categorizing the people that enter his life as outcome-based
ends. Understanding that positive-sum games require value
exchange and transparency, while zero-sum games require
snake-like deceptiveness & cunning.
Transparency is key to positive-sum games. Obscurity and
deception are key to zero-sum games. Life advise. Know the
game you're playing, and whom you're playing with.
If you want power, you revoke your right to maintain
honesty, truthfulness & the transparency of speaking your
mind. If you reject power just to maintain your integrity, then
no one will care about what you have to say. You will have
zero impact. Thus, expediency wins.
Don't ever post your tragedy online asking for hopes and
prayers. By far the weakest shit you can do. Deal with your
tragedy like a man. In private. It's the most disappointing
shit I see men do here. You're not a woman.No one cares.
Sexual attractiveness dramatically increases with your degree
of authority. Especially if your authority is backed by
competence. It's tragically counter-intuitive, but making your
coworker fall in love with you is easy, efficient, and rules
them out as gold diggers. Why?
Very few people understand that perfecting your work is
only half the picture. Understanding humans, influencing
emotions, controlling the dialogue, is the bedrock of success.
Once you learn, high profile people will recognize it in you &
tell you that you get it.
I am guilty of favoritism. I favor employees who care about
the bottom line. Show me you care about the bottom line, and
I will care about you, your health, and your career.
When a startup goes off, it's a lot like uncaging a tamed lion.
You've looked after it for years, it's predictable, controlled,
and yet there's always that doubt that it could go wild. Then
it does.
If someone doesn't do what they're told, most leaders tell
them how much the business relies on them to show up and
get things done. This is a mistake. If someone doesn't show
up, do the work yourself, twice as fast, and make the
absentee feel redundant and worthless.
If you're comfortable where you are, you have the privilege
of being able to speak the truth. For those of you climbing
up the food chain, a lot of your thoughts are better left
Every time you claim how useful your ego is, there's a
psychopath out there far more motivated and selfish than
you, with the capacity to completely submerge their ego in
pursuit of their target. And that is why they win. And you
A character only begins to manifest when a man has
unrestricted options. Conditions that dictate a man's
behavior are no measure. Most people you know are at the
mercy of these conditions. Their character is hidden until
abundance reveals it.
Judge people by effectiveness & results. Not friendliness,
loyalty, or political values. When done properly, you will find
yourself in a unique position, being the intermediary ally
between enemy factions. Let the left think you're left. Let the
right think you're right.
When going into a business partnership, pick a man with
family values over men unconstrained by responsibility &
commitment. Not because family men are better business
partners, but because businessmen committed to family are
more disciplined & shadow integrated.
Underrated trait for men; Be known for effectiveness. Build a
reputation where people have exclusively *heard of you* for
getting things done. High fear factor and attractiveness.
If she wears fake nails for longer than 24 hours, she is not
accustomed to doing dishes, cleaning the house, or cooking
dinner. Red flag.
Impose yourself on others by doing the work nobody wants
to do. Expose yourself to the risks, the difficulty everyone
steers away from. Do this and you'll end up at the top by
sheer force.
Absolute instrumental use of words is a trait of a highfunctioning psychopath. Every sentence is a tool to
manipulate your thoughts, capture your attention and tilt
your preferences. What can you learn from this?
We all have two lives. The life we lived, and the unlived life
within us. Between the two, stands resistance. Nietzsche
The fastest way to identify someone who goes after status, is
they are overly invested in small behavioral details; taking
space, being abrupt, ridiculing others in front of females,
raising their voice, basically everything chimpanzees do to
assert dominance.
As a man, mandatory participation in the game of success
means there's no room for happiness & enjoyment. Your role
is to suffer and achieve maximum success. Her job is to
distract you & slow you down with happiness & enjoyment.
That's the balance between you & her.
If you have one friend that you can bounce ideas off of,
disagree with, argue, explore, investigate, then your
progression towards your goal will accelerate beyond belief.
If I had to define the one behavior that makes up the word
ambitious, it would be the irrational, unjustified *will* to
accumulate an infinite amount of resources.
Ambition should have been the 6th domain of the big 5
personalities. Time and time again I have seen young
individuals so ambitious that they end up outperforming the
high IQ and the industrious. We should start putting
measures in place for trait ambition.
Most people uphold integrity to maintain reputation, NOT to
fulfill a moral obligation. If reputation was of no
consequence, very few would stand by values. Integrity is
consequently developed for selfish purposes.
What doesn't kill you, only handicaps you enough for the
next bastard to come along and take you out.
"An irrational frenzy controlled by reason and self-reflection."
Is ambition necessary for career success? Yes. Without
ambition, you will be left with a 9-5 job. That is not the same
as having a career. Most people have jobs. Very few people
have careers. Because very few are ambitious.
Doesn't matter how you want to justify it in your head, the
significance of character is revealed when it encounters
temptation, NOT when it's confined in obedience.
It's very easy to be a good little trad girl when confined to a
home doing house chores. The schooling system is shaping
up to be the best vetting tool for women. If she studies 5
years to earn a degree without giving into the degenerate
culture, she's powerful. A Keeper.
I have no respect for people in real life who don’t make an
effort to think. The Twitter equivalent is me having no
respect for those who tweet platitudes & affirmations. No
matter how hard you try, you're worthless. You had a chance
to educate people & you chose stupidity.
The older I get, the more I realize that morality does not
matter. Only ethics do. And its value is determined by
iterated reciprocity.
Continue in abundance, the same way you started from
necessity. Do not give in to the allure of indulgence. The best
men act on the basis of scarcity while living in complete
abundance. Occupy the paradox.
“How does one become stronger? By deciding slowly, and by
holding firmly to the decision once it is made. Everything
else follows by itself.” - Nietzsche
If you have to cut corners to achieve objectives, do not take
credit for it, do not speak of it. The corners you cut will no
doubt be announced by those waiting to see you fall. So do it
swiftly & quietly.
You can show yourself as highly reliable simply by learning
to downplay an achievement while remaining calm when
encountering failure. It immediately shows resilience
towards hard times, & self-control during good times. Very
important quality.
When you arrive at a social setting, you establish a presence.
When you're last to leave, you indicate you have nothing
better to do, that is of any importance. When you leave early,
you demonstrate that your agenda is worth more than the
people around you. ALWAYS leave early.
If you help someone out, for nothing in return, don't explain
why you helped them out. Do not try to rationalize your
support. Do not let them adjust their behavior according to
the incentive. As far as anyone is concerned, you did it
because you could. Maintain power.
If you're worried about someone stealing your idea, that
someone should be avoided. Approach people that are good
friends with someone who is a good friend to you. They'll be
less inclined to screw you over and jeopardize their
reputation. This is the modern NDA.
Law of least effort: the less you show interest in negotiation,
the more powerful you appear. Maximize their emotions to
what you have on offer, while minimizing your emotions in
expressing a desire to what they're offering.
Avoid fame at all costs. But do whatever you can to build a
reputation that is respected, admired, and feared.
You can't impose standards on other people when you lack
the same standards yourself. The way self-respect works is
that the expectation you have of others begins with you.
Can't go around being a (man) whore while searching for the
Make this a rule; You will never ever defeat someone above
you by speaking the truth or seeking justice. Nobility does
not work with the ignoble. Befriend & Betray. If you cant
befriend. Be silent. Stop the loudmouth.
I truly believe this to be true with people: how you do
anything, is how you do everything. If you demand
perfection from yourself simply making coffee at home, you
will demand perfection from yourself at work regardless of
your pay. That's the attitude for ascension.
There's ZERO incentive for a boss to promote you. Unless
they make the calculative decision that YOU will make
other cases, they rather just get rid of you & replace you with
a dumb nonambitious employee. Prepare. Then strike.
You HAVE to let your boss know you are ambitious. You
HAVE to make it clear you want to move up. You HAVE to
ask if you want more. You HAVE to risk getting a NO, in
order to move up. But only ASK when you have leveraged.
Ask for a raise & promotion, if you have an alternative job set
up. Ask what responsibilities you need to take on, to get a
promotion, if you don’t have any alternatives set up. If
there's NO sign of upward mobility, discreetly look for
another job. Repeat this model.
The fastest way to reveal a narcissist; is they know
everything. Throw them a set of questions at random, you
will never hear a hint of uncertainty in what they say. This is
why you can be really stupid and still appeal to the masses
and move up the hierarchy.
As long as the system remains relatively fair; the
consequences of inequality can remain subdued. Only when
you take away an individual’s opportunity to get rich, is
when society starts to destabilize. The game at large must
remain un-rigged to maintain stability.
You know you’re a good leader when you don’t have to
express your disappointment in anger. A mere gaze of
displeasure and soft delivery of your better than that,
demoralizes whoever let you down. Enough to motivate
them & rectify whatever it is you want to be done.
Do not come to the negotiation table if YOU are the one that
has to initiate it. It’s far better to spread your reputation &
offer through others to generate desire in the person you’re
going to parlay with.
The best way to deal with a passive-aggressive person is to
be ‘aggressive passive’ in reverse. If they say something that
implicitly bears underlying hostility, confront them about it
and uncover it for them. They will immediately backtrack
into defensive mode.
Options reveal character. The more options a man has, the
heavier the burden of maintaining the integrity of character.
When your reputation precedes you within your field, and
you become known for what you do, leverage is given to you
on a silver platter.
If you can fabricate a problem to demonstrate your specific
knowledge or technical skills that no one else can match, then
fabricate it. And make sure you steal the spotlight when you
offer your solution.
Never be vocal about something that others can see or hear
themselves. Unless you can contribute with an angle that’s
unthought of, you will appear infinitely more knowledgeable
watching others speak the obvious instead of yourself.
The fastest way for young men to become ambitious is to
start lifting weights. Hard to explain. But the pain & suffering
that leads to rewards (sculpted body & attraction from
women), is parallel to being ambitious & suffering for power
& wealth.
The most effective way to manage people is to give them
authority over what they enjoy doing. Their productivity
goes 3 fold. And makes you look better by 10 fold. Apply to
all contexts. Family, girlfriend, wife, children, friends, etc.
I intentionally pretend to forget things people tell me. It
makes them work hard for my attention. It makes them only
approach me with critical information. And I get to watch
those who think they can get away with things.
If you refuse to achieve success as a man, you will be looked
down upon and be labeled as a failure. If you play the
success game and win, you will spend the rest of your life
protecting what you’ve built. Either way, your existence will
not escape suffering.
Throughout any organization, you will always encounter two
kinds of people; those who hate working but want the
money, and those who put in 100% irrespective of what they
get paid. This specific trait ends up dictating the direction of
your entire life. Don’t be the former.
Certain men will play the game carefully with a woman just
so they can score one. They will take their time, seem
genuine, and authentic. As soon as they score sex, they’ll
leave. As a woman, there’s not much you can do about these
Would you prefer to read something, or watch it? assuming
knowledge from both methods is captured at the same rate.
The higher someone’s obedience to rules, the less you should
trust their moral judgment.
Never lean strongly towards a side when sharing opinions
with other people. A trait of intellect is someone who
balances viewpoints and maintains a relatively neutral
If you have to fabricate delaying a text response to a girl, so
you can have the abundance mindset & not look clingy, you
have no life & you are NOT ready for a gf. You should be so
busy with your life, that any msg from anyone, should be
authentically classified as a nuisance.
Most effective hedge against automation if you're not so
bright; Invest in companies at the forefront of AI innovation.
Invest until you achieve a stable dividend income check to
live off by.
Morality is contingent upon better living standards. You will
care more about animal welfare when you live in prosperity
than you otherwise would under famine. Morality therefore
must be reserved for the right time & place on an individual
If you want to become valuable to your clients, customers,
mentors, and high-profile people who are investing in you,
learn to become a strategic advisor to them.
The fastest, most credible way to earn respect & valuable
attention: increase your productivity output per hour.
Business owners, executives, the rich, are all drawn towards
efficiency. Doesn’t matter if it’s coffee you make, or a report
you’re analyzing. Aim for speed.
If you’re from a well-off family, make it your priority to go
through a phase to follow rules, be an employee, work like a
slave, and scrub the floors if you have to. Destroy the
entitlement that comes with unearned prosperity.
One of the best corporate character traits every man should
learn is resist the urge to react under any circumstance.
The female equivalent of a man who has optimized his dark
triad and integrated his shadow is a woman who has
adopted masculine traits for her own self-preservation,
without allowing it to interfere with her feminine nature and
sexual attraction.
It's not easy to find your strengths? Have you sat down with
pen and paper, reflected on the ten years of your past, what
you achieved with relative ease? What came naturally to
you? What gave you an edge over others? No. Thinking
makes the brain bleed.
Growth and Fixed mindset is postmodernist bullshit.
Mindset is just a fancy word for personality & IQ. The best
predictor of success; High IQ, high conscientiousness.Circa
10% of the population. The minority of fat cats and the
majority of hungry dogs will never change.
Never put yourself in a position where your coworker can rat
you out for being dishonest with your boss. Sounds obvious
but it amazes me how people collude against their superiors.
If you're going to be dishonest. Be dishonest with everyone.
At least then there's only one story.
If you want authority & control, you need leadership. If you
want to become a leader, you have to first kneel before it.
Then you have to take it. It won’t be given. Power is never
You don't EVER go into a relationship or a partnership
worrying about being betrayed. You go into one making sure
that you can handle the prospect of betrayal. Stop the
Children do not look at things as they are, but as they wish
things to be. A flaw that is retained by the majority of
children who grow into adulthood.
The consequences of speaking the truth are directly
proportional to the degree to which people lean toward
ideologies. This is why, speaking the truth, in certain cases, is
a tactical error. If you want to make an impact & not be
silenced, then understand political polarity.
I've seen useless, lazy, incompetent individuals in
management who are nothing but smooth talkers, get
demoted into sales, and completely dominate and become
sales executives in a matter of years. You can't choose a
passion. Passion chooses personality.
“We're all gonna make it.” A platitudinous reminder that we
are not all going to make it. Most of us will waste away never
having achieved the dreams in our head. Because most of us
do not have what it takes. Only some of us do. And were not
willing to share.
The easiest way to disarm someone is to come to their
defense. Defend them in private, then replicate that in public.
Then watch them drop all their hate and resentment towards
A man of value forces others to earn his loyalty &
commitment. He doesn't just give it by default. Valueless
men offer it upfront and in perpetuity. Big difference.
If you can improve your appearance, speak slower, move
slower, maintain eye contact, & not be fascinated by
anything, you can bullshit your way into being seen as highly
credible, respectable, trustworthy, and professional.
If you ever betray someone and they confront you about it,
don't gloat on why you betrayed them. Show them instead of
how they didn't see it coming and why they turned a blind
eye to it. Multiple layers to this.
How to be loved and admired from an authoritative
position? Occasionally do things that junior subordinates
would do. Take out the trash, clean up the bench, wash up
the sink. Get your hands dirty.
Do two things simultaneously: 1. Improve your employment
position every day -> Employee to supervisor to manager, to
GM to C-suite. 2. Work on a project that seeks to solve a realworld problem. Do these two and watch the transformation.
The hardest thing to do is try to move information upward in
the hierarchy. Why? Those occupying the top have leveraged
their power (competence, connection, expertise, etc) to
cement their position by fending off any criticism by any
I strongly believe the fundamental mistake that is responsible
for our societal downward trajectory, is that ethical men
choose not to pursue power. That's it. Nothing else.
“Haters are a sign that you're on the right track.” Wrong. It's
a sign that there's something about you that rubs people off
the wrong way. Or, the people surrounding you are garbage.
In both cases, you're still on the wrong track.
You’re not free in how you behave. Someone out there is
observing you, whether you're worth connecting with. A
connection that could lead to infinite life-changing
opportunities. How you behave determines the inception of
this connection.
Obstacles that are overcome strengthens the bond in
relationships. As long as the obstacle is her problem.
Obstacles announced by men as their problem is just a turn
off and kills the bond.
If your life just got harder, its not because you levelled up. Its
a sign that you’ve fup on your choices, which in hindsight,
has yielded zero value to your future.
Fastest way to progress? Compare yourself to other people
with more success than you. The phrase "you are your
competition" are for weak people who get depressed &
resentful when other people do better.
The problem with skilled manipulators is that they will do
things that are legitimately beneficial for you. Their objective
is completely reliant on the fact that they must be
indistinguishable from a close friend. At least for a period of
People who don't care about their future, are more likely to
not negotiate on reciprocity. And this is visible in how they
carry themselves, their choice of words, and their
If 100 people judge your idea to be stupid, the probability
that it is stupid is quite high. There's a slim chance that it
could be a spectacular success. But it's far more likely that
you are biased and your idea is stupid.
Get people to admire you through your work. Get them to
admire you to the extent where they'll do anything you ask
them to do. Then actively discourage them from doing
anything ordered by anyone else. Shift all influence capacity
your way. Thats how you weaken others.
Effectiveness will always be associated with Expedience. If
you want to maximise the former, you must get comfortable
with the latter. Theres always a price to pay. Ineffectiveness
will meet its own hell.
During problems, you often see the true nature of the people
surrounding you. Some step up, take charge to help out.
Others blame with anger, accelerating the severity of the
problem. Fabricating problems is an effective strategy for
character assassinations;
What most don't realize is that the transformation you
undergo by contending in corporate ladder ascension, is that
it makes you more successful with your character, leadership,
charm, women, people, accountability. You become the CEO
of your life.
When you go to work, pick one thing to do, and set a
personal record that makes everyone look bad. Then do not
repeat it. Move on to another task to set another PR.
Everyone will fear you out of raw respect, when they realise
you can flip the switch anytime you want.
Always leave on a high note. Never leave in bitterness. The
end of a scene is the last thing people will remember about
you. Even if you don't get your way, reject calmly. Your levelheaded calmness will incite fear in your opponents, & respect
in your supporters.
You can be pessimistic & still live a great life, build
connections, build a start-up & influence others positively.
Pessimists who prepare and work hard, are realists.
Pessimists who have given up, are the fatalistic ones.
Optimists are either on drugs or misunderstand life.
If you give your word, do not break it. If you must, make sure it
puts you in a better position than before,& that there's no chance
of retribution,& that you're willing to sever friendship ties & cut
out all future reciprocities, and be called a disloyal betrayer.
Beautiful endings can only come with tragic tales. And
there’s no guarantee that tragic tales blossom into beautiful
ends. You make the trade-off with faith. Thats it.
I had a meeting with my 80yr old accountant. He charges me
10k a year, has done time in prison, exceptionally smart, and
could deduct tax from your Starbucks coffee. He told me,
10yrs from now, to escape the system as a sovereign citizen, is
like requesting to be starved to death.
If you think crypto and decentralization will lead to the state
of sovereign citizens, you are delusional. You cannot escape
the system. If you're smart, you can join the system. If you're
not, comply and be grateful for the privileges it provides.
I remember every time a customer would abuse one of my
female staff members, I would terrify them with the women's
rights propaganda, forcing them to apologize. Never hesitate
to use leftist degenerate ideologies in constructive ways.
They're just tools.
All interactions, bonds, relationships are conditional. The
bond between us that gets established, is entirely dependant
on your actions. And CONTINUES to depend on your
FUTURE actions. No such thing as unconditional love. The
only variable is tolerance.
The significance of leaving a great impression on others is
severely underrated in the millennial age. All I hear is: “I
don’t care what people think of me.” This is a mistake. And it
will have severe consequences on their progression in life.
If you can't get rich from a salary, you wont get rich being an
entrepreneur. The traits needed to reach a high level, high
pay position, are the same traits needed to be your own boss.
High level competency, stress tolerance, cunning and
capacity to solve complex problems.
The cost of sleeping around is damage to your standards.The
cost of the damage done to your standards, is losing power in
negotiation for a high value partner.
Marriage is reserved for men who commit to a covenant of
unity with one female. To forgo all other sexual/mating
opportunities as a sacrifice necessary to raise a powerful
family.Men against marriage derive their position from their
weak biological urge to bang every woman.
If you're a health professional, you would understand that
you could get crucified when making a mistake. You're
always being held to perfection. And you can't escape it. This
is called involuntary transformation by force.