Uploaded by Paul Anthony De Guzman

research 19-23

Module 19
1. Sampling interval
Systematic or Sequential sampling
2. Multi-stage sampling
Cluster sampling or Multi-stage sampling
3. Stratification
Stratified random sampling
4. Nth person
Systematic or Sequential sampling
5. Sequential sampling
Systematic or Sequential sampling
6. Non-zero chance
Probability sampling (all types of probability
sampling have non-zero chance)
7. Table of Random numbers
Simple random sampling
8. Randomized sampling
Probability sampling
9. Lottery draw
Simple random sampling
10. No sampling frame
Systematic or Sequential sampling
Module 20
1. Typical cases
Purposive or Judgment sampling
2. Volunteer samples
Accidental or Convenience sampling
3. Opportunity sampling
Accidental or Convenience sampling
4. Non-randomized sampling
Non-probability sampling (all types of
non-probability sampling are non-randomized)
5. Pre-determined quota
Quota sampling
6. Chain sampling
Snowball or Network sampling
7. Representative sample
Purposive or Judgment sampling
8. Haphazard sampling
Accidental or Convenience sampling
9. Interrelationship
Theoretical sampling
10. Referral sampling
Snowball or Network sampling
Module 21
1. A research instrument is a data gathering tool.
2. Free response questions cannot be tabulated.
3. Options given in the questionnaire should be based on the researcher’s personal
4. A structured questionnaire will yield more accurate data than the unstructured
5. Nursing jargons can be included in a research instrument when the respondents are
6. A questionnaire can be used in a qualitative study.
7. An example of a double-barreled question is : Is Nursing Research I a challenging and
interesting course?
8. Personal profiles of respondents like year level and number of subjects enrolled can be
part of a questionnaire.
9. A questionnaire written in English is always acceptable for distribution among
10. A questionnaire is translated in the language/dialect most familiar to the researcher for
easy interpretation.
1. TRUE Research instruments serve as tools or devices used to collect data or
2. FALSE They can be tabulated, but the process is hard.
3. FALSE Although the researcher's knowledge is used, it's important to ensure that the
questionnaire options are well-informed, unbiased, and not just solely based on the
researcher’s knowledge.
4. FALSE Accuracy of data is not only based on the structuredness of the questionnaire,
but by its appropriateness.
5. TRUE Structured questions provide clear instructions and are easy for respondents to
understand and answer accurately.
6. TRUE Questionnaires are frequently used in qualitative research.
7. TRUE There are two factors in the question, therefore it’s a double-barreled question.
8. TRUE Factual information from the respondents can be asked in the questionnaire.
9. FALSE The language of the questionnaire needs to be adapted to the study population.
10. FALSE The questionnaire should be translated to a language most familiar to the study
Module 22
1. An interview guide is prepared prior to the unstructured interview.
2. Visual analogue scale can be used to measure objective experiences of the respondents
such as anxiety.
3. A brief description of a toddler’s reaction when a medication is given by a nurse dressed
up like an astronaut is called a vignette.
4. A retrospective self-report is found out to be the least accurate among all self-report
5. A happy-sad scale is considered a graphic rating scale.
6. A Likert scale consists of several declarative items that express a viewpoint on a topic.
7. Respondents’ answers may be influenced by the interviewer’s behaviour in an interview.
8. Verbal and non-verbal behavior of respondents can be observed on a scale.
9. Scales are devices designed to assign a numeric score to people to place them on a
continuum with respect to attributes being measured.
10. In Q sort, participants are presented with a set of cards on which words or phrases are
1. FALSE Interview guides are used in STRUCTURED interviews.
2. FALSE Visual analogue scale can be used to measure SUBJECTIVE experiences of the
respondents such as anxiety.
3. TRUE Vignettes are brief descriptions of situations to which subjects are asked to react.
4. TRUE Retrospective self-reports are considered to be the least accurate self-report.
5. TRUE In a happy-sad scale, respondents might be presented with a line or continuum
ranging from "very happy" to "very sad." They would then be asked to mark a point on
this scale that reflects their current emotional state or feelings. This type of scale allows
for a visual representation of the respondent's position on the happiness-sadness
6. TRUE A Likert scale consists of several declarative items that express a viewpoint on a
7. TRUE The interviewer may influence the respondent’s answers
8. FALSE Observing verbal and non-verbal behavior of respondents is generally
associated with observational research methods, not scales.
9. TRUE Scales are devices designed to assign a numeric score to people to place them
on a continuum with respect to attributes being measured.
10. TRUE In Q sort, participants are presented with a set of cards on which words or
phrases are written.
Module 23
1. Yes. This study involves human subjects. The data needed in this study is the
behavior and attitudes of male students which are obviously humans.
2. No. This study is not ethical. The students did not consent to have their
information examined by another investigator. They are not aware that this is
evem going to take place.
1. An 8-year old child with mental retardation can be asked for an assent.
ANSWER: TRUE In the case of children, it is normally required that child’s assent be
obtained for children aged 7 years of age and above.
2. An elderly with dementia can be a participant of a research despite his family
members' refusal to give their consent.
ANSWER: FALSE Mentally or emotionally disabled people cannot legally or ethically
provide informed consent.
3. A healthy adult person's decision to participate in research should not be influenced
by anyone involved in conducting the research.
ANSWER: TRUE The subjects’ right to self determination should always be valued.
4. A pregnant woman can be given compensation as a benefit of participating in a study.
ANSWER: TRUE It is ethically acceptable to provide compensation or benefits to
pregnant women participating in a study, as long as certain ethical guidelines are
5. Decisions to enroll comatose clients in human experimentation can be consented by
medical practitioners in a pandemic.
ANSWER: FALSE Comatose patients are considered vulnerable and may be incapable
of giving fully informed consent.
6. If Mr. X, a person deprived of liberty who is out on bail participates in a study, a
researcher has to treat him as part of the vulnerable group.
ANSWER: TRUE Previous inmates are considered institutionalized people.
7. All children below 18 years of age need a legal guardian to give informed consent.
ANSWER: TRUE Both the child’s assent and the guardian’s informed consent are
8. In a clinical trial of a new psychotherapeutic modality, clients who claim to be suffering
from depression but are not diagnosed can not be taken as subjects as they are part of
the vulnerable group.
9. Harm may result when a researcher decides to include patients in a pediatric ward
without their family members consent
ANSWER: TRUE Consent is always very important.
10. All individuals with no college degree are part of the vulnerable population.
ANSWER: FALSE Lack of educational attainment does not qualify as vulnerability.
11. C Respect for Human Dignity
This under the right to self-determination.
12. B Right to Self-determination
In Right to self-determination, subjects have the right to withdraw or refuse.
13. B. Miss Houston must be given a debriefing
Debriefing is a formal strategy that shows the researchers’ respect for the subjects.
14. C.
Non Disclosure of names and information shows anonymity.
15. D
Informed consent shows the agreement of participants after being made aware of the
potential consequences.
16. D Voluntary participation shows the right to self-determination.
17. B Assent is not related to freedom from physical or psychological harm
18. D The primary purpose of the IRB is to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects
involved in research activities being conducted under its authority.
19. A Plagiarism is a violation of the right to intellectual property.
20. D Participants should not be exploited.