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Overcoming Hemorrhoids: Effective Surgical Treatments in Singapore

Revolutionize Your Recovery: Advanced Hemorrhoid Surgery in Singapore
Suffering from hemorrhoids can be distressing. It is a
painful and uncomfortable experience! But the good news
is that effective solutions are available, especially in the
advanced medical landscape of Singapore. Is it severe
enough and warrant a surgery? A colorectal surgeon in
Singapore can cure it with haemorrhoid surgery!
Let us explore the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids
& the ins and outs of haemorrhoid surgery.
Understanding Haemorrhoids:
Haemorrhoids are swollen veins inside and around the
anus & lower rectum and are classified by their location.
Internal haemorrhoids are inside the anus, while external
haemorrhoids are outside of it. Though many people have
no issues with haemorrhoids, symptoms are found in
nearly half of adults over 30. If you have any haemorrhoid
symptoms, seek medical care.
Symptoms associated with internal haemorrhoids
Bright red blood associated with bowel movements
Tissue falls out of the rectum (Prolapsing tissues)
Mucous drainage from the anus
Anal spoilage, inability to “get clean”
Painless (if you are having pain, there is most likely another cause)
Symptoms associated with external haemorrhoids
Skin tags present around the anus
Pain with hemorrhoids is swollen/inflamed
Fresh bleeding
Symptoms from internal and external haemorrhoids often overlap and can be difficult to differentiate.
However, treatment for both is usually similar.
Haemorrhoid treatment at Crest
Surgical Practice- the leading
healthcare facility in Singapore
Do your haemorrhoids are large and cause you
discomfort and pain? Do conservative treatments and
medication fail to provide relief to your hemorrhoidal
flare-ups? You should consult your doctor or visit Crest
Surgical Practice in Singapore! The expert doctors team
listens to your questions & concerns carefully. They
answer in a way you understand. They also help you
understand your treatment options and feel comfortable
discussing the problem. They recommend the procedure
fit for your situation. However, it depends on the
severity of your symptoms and complications.
More severe or symptomatic haemorrhoids cases may
require stapled hemorrhoidectomy surgery. It could be a
viable option to treat the swollen veins inside or outside
the rectum. This procedure is performed under general
anaesthesia and patients are usually able to go home on
the same day of surgery.
Suggested Read: Crest Surgical
Practice: The Sought-After Destination
For Colorectal Cancer Care And Surgery
Stapled hemorrhoidectomy uses a specialized stapling
device to remove the excess hemorrhoid tissues and the
remaining hemorrhoidal tissue is repositioned within the
anal canal. The stapler removes a ring of excess tissue,
simultaneously cutting it off and stapling the remaining
tissue. The procedure aims to lift hemorrhoids back into
their normal position, and over time, the stapled area
heals, causing the hemorrhoids to shrink. This method is
often associated with less pain and a faster recovery.
Crest Surgical Practice in Singapore boasts a world-class
healthcare system. Choosing it for haemorrhoid surgery
in Singapore could be an ideal decision. Explore their
advanced stapled haemorrhoidectomy in Singapore and
have a comfortable and faster recovery.
Content Source From : www.thelifestyle-blog.com
3 Mount Elizabeth, #12-12 Mount Elizabeth Medical Centre,
Singapore, 228510, Singapore
Phone: +6569089800
Website: https://crestpractice.com/
Email: info@crestpractice.com