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AMA Bloodgood 07.11.2021

Where are you from?
I am from Frankfurt.
Favourite place you've visited ?
My fav. place was probably Canaima, Venezuela
How old are you ?
I am 31 years old.
Can we long BTC now ?
I would definitely not long for a green dildo, you missed the entry.
How to trade profitably with a full time job ?
Discipline and building strong routines was a key for me back in the day. It's hard but you
can pull it off. No time wasters. Work and charts. It's worth it.
Is the trading challenge still running ?
The trading challenge is still ongoing, however due to current market conditions I have
currently halted my leveraged trading. Will resume as soon as the market gives a clearer
Would you ever consider mentoring a group or individuals? Like actually teach hints,
tricks & strategies?
I was talking to a couple of people in my DMs about it and yes, I'm thinking about creating
some kind of mentorship program. But my time is very limited so I just need to figure out
where to squeeze it and how much time I can allocate to every individual.
Do you think Sailor's average btc price could act like strong support in future?
Yes indeed. Not only that. His influence is quite important to institutional investors.
Recognition is everything that leads to a mass adoption. We're here early, still. No joke
How often do you trade on kucoin ?
Twice per week minimum
Which low cap coins do you recommend besides the ones you already shared?
I am currently in the middle of research for new low caps, besides the ones I have publicly
shared I do not have any hidden lowcaps. Will make sure to share my research soon.
How do you find those 10x 20x gems?
I wrote an article about that. And will prepare another one soon.
What are the best indicators for TA which you use
The best indicator is simplicity. Don't use them too much. Stick to basics like supports and
resistances. More noise, more wrong decisions.
What is your weight ?
Is the emperor shorter than you ?
Which is the best way to get back on track after a huge loss?
The best way to recover after a loss is taking a few days off in my opinion. Emotions usually
take over and if you are not a professional trader you can lose quite a chunk of money.
Do you think Sailor's average btc price could act like strong support in future?
It's amazing to watch his conviction on Bitcoin play out. You never know with him but I
always assume the best. He is a force. Could be.
What is your real name Sir?
Are you more sexy than the emperor?
Definitely. Have you ever seen any part of him?
Do you scalp trade?
Tried it but didn't like it. Too many manipulations are going on in crypto to do good results
scalping long term. But it is possible.
Do you take private students ?
Imo, taking on "private students" means opening a paid group, or else I don't see any way to
choose these students and I am not going to open a "private or paid group".
What's your relationship with EmperorBTC ?
We talk a lot. And help each other. He copies my trades often. We met in Singapore
almost 2 years ago. He was trying to flirt with one of the few girls in a conference, but she
went to a hotel with me. So he texted me the next day that we need to have lunch. And
then he tried to offer me some of his skills and asked me a lot about life, women, and
trading. We have been close ever since.
Best advice you can give to someone who’s in crypto for like a month? Beside
following you and the emperor, reading and learning from your tw / medium?
Never quit. It will take you like a year to really get what is going on. Just keep on learning,
make new friends that do the same and refine through error.
Do you trade on kucoin ?
KuCoin is one of my alt accounts which I have to trade gems only. I don't like it since there is
low liquidity and you need to be careful not to be stuck with illiquid shitcoins.
Do you set stop loss on 20x gem calls?
No, never. It's do or die. In most cases is a dooooo
Are you thinking about moving to a better location taxwise?
Not really. I'm among few people that believe taxes are a good thing if done properly. It
creates a better society. So I have no problem paying the tax if I see right things happening
in the country.
If that wouldn't be the case I would just move to the lowest tax country possible and live
sovereign life.
Will the challenge end in 1 year or what ?
Not really, we just need to get the ball rolling. As soon as the market shows some strength,
we will finish it in 2-3 months.
Can we race in Dubai? All cost on you
Race what? Best circuits in the world are in Europe. You can join me in Imola,
Nordschleife, Spa, …
If there will be a next 20x gem will it be shared with fam?
Absolutely. Planning to do more of that on twitter in the next few months.
How many times did the Emperor steal your girl?
Never. That was a generic joke to make him feel better. He is still a virgin.
What is your favorite food?
Guacamole lol
Which car did you buy for the winner?
I am still in conversation with the winner. He said he needs a few days to take a look at the
cars and see which would fit him.
Yes, however it's a bit harder. If you are still learning how to trade, you can use copy trading
platforms and simply follow professional traders. I am thinking of joining a copy trading
platform myself (as a trader).
If no one bids at resistance how we gonna break it
Emperor usually buys resistance, so we are good.
I just want to ask - how is everyone going? Healthy, happy, and keeping a fresh mind
and set of eyes open for trading? (wrong bloody forum I put this in before! haha)
Ups and downs as always but I have nothing to complain about. I transitioned to a new
period of my life in which I just want to help as many people as possible. That gives me joy
for now. But let me tell you this - money doesn't matter all that much. It just makes your life
easier in some ways.
What do you mean when you say "I've never had a rich life"?
You started poor or just on, let's say, the average German guy's income?
Like poor. My parents were middle class and we didn't own real estate. Living in a rental
apartment with my siblings. So my student income was just to pay the bills and we as a
family went on vacations every two years. Nothing fancy. People act like there is a generally
good standard in germany. But it's not. Maybe in Bayern.Many regions are poor.
how do you regain confidence after losing 90% of your portfolio and jobless coz
Just change your perspective. You can start from zero and build a new life you always
There was a time in my career where nothing worked. I just never quit and the result came
sooner or later.
What are the best copytrading platforms?
Will do my research and let you know next month.
How do you diversify your portfolio in terms of risk?
I will reveal my portfolio in the next few days so stay tuned for that.
What's the CONS of trading? Even if you are a successful one
It depends what kind of trading you mean. For example scalping is stressful no matter if you
W or L. Besides that, if you want to be a good trader you need to spend quite a lot of time
behind screens (Eg. 15-16 hours, which negatively affects your lifestyle)
Did you catch that BTC pump today?
Not really, I am mostly on spot currently, waiting for a clearer direction.
Are there any chances of something like 50x - 100x gems in this bull market?
There is always a chance. It's just that only few do that and you kinda need to be lucky to be
invested in one of them.
Looking longterm - it will happen to every major coin that will do good business wise as well.
How often will you be sharing your newsletter?
I am thinking of doing a weekly newsletter.
Do you buy jpegs ?
No. Researching a lot though.
What type of leverage do you typically use when you know the direction?
5x or 10x, depending on the coin.
What Banks can you recommend for cashing out in Germany ?
How often will you be sharing your newsletter?
I will do it on a weekly basis.
Dogs or cats?
Dogs !
Can you be successful when trading is just a side hustle due to job, family?
Absolutely. It's just about how much you are willing to sacrifice to be successful.
Are there any chances of something like 50x - 100x gems in this bull market?
Ofcourse, Solana is a good example of a coin that really popped off. Nowadays it is harder
to find such coins, but they exist.
other investments besides crypto?
Real estate and startups.
For the trading part, do you consider yourself a swing trader? How long does your
average trade run?
Yes, I am mostly a swing trader. Could last from days to weeks. Depending on the coin
strength, I have been in AVAX trade for a very short time since it exploded.
Why not a Ferrari?
Easy bro. Ferrari is a nice flashy vehicle, but it doesn't work on a circuit. Breaks overheats,
transmission too.. Like lambo, corvette, Nissan GTR. All good cars go from one coffee
place to another, but for real racing, the best price performance is a Porsche.
How much is your biggest loss and gain?
My biggest loss is roughly 200k.
My biggest gain is roughly 2.6 mio.
How do you deal with FOMO from missing pumps or good entries?
You don't. It's practical. You lose money a couple of times and learn how to treat emotions
Will we do any FOREX?
when we become boomers. So in 10 years maybe
Is it weird to get ANXIOUS from charts sometimes?
Is it a sign that trading is not for you?
It's part of it. You learn to treat those emotions. And it also goes both ways. Anxiety and thrill.
Do you trade in the bear market or just accumulate?
I prefer to accumulate. I chose a few projects and DCA.
highest level education and what did you study?
I finished a master's in economics, specializing in financial mathematics, which really helped
me with understanding markets and charts.
hey blood, I am already down 50% from $LSS and $FORM cause I fomo'ed and bought
at the top
so I decided to delete my Kucoin app so I don't have to look at them
Congratulations. You paid for your education. Never stick to coins you don't know.
Do you really have a mustache?
Do you really think that's me in the profile pic?
have it.
😄 And to answer the question, no i don't
How many times to earn 1 million ?
send 1 million and I'll reply
It took me almost 3 years. After the 1st million, 2nd came in
three months, and I reached the 10mil mark in the same year then. So getting to one is the
hardest part for real. Many friends were buying cars, houses, cashing out.. and I just
reinvested a whole million into crypto. Now I'm cashing out like 10% of gains, and reinvesting
the rest.
What strategy would you recommend with a $10K starting balance, to make the most
out of Q4 and getting that bag?
50% Bitcoin, 25% Ethereum, 25% anything you want.
How many hours did you spend each week learning how to trade properly ?
At least 3-4hours a day, It's a grind. Most don't do it, that's why they don't have results.
I have access to lots of $ which was not made in crypto. And I am afraid to lose it as I
don't have experience. Like a very big amount. Any suggestions?
I suggest that you study 2-3 months before even entering into a trade, study fundamentals,
study charts, simple patterns like support and resistance, trendlines etc. and then start
trading with small amounts. If you are eager to invest a bigger amount, then stick to
INVESTING. Meaning, buy btc or eth and don't trade it, wait for it to do 2x and then sell.
Ever been into car meets, track days? We'll have to organize one someday
Like twice per month, for the last 4 years. I have great connections in Austria. RedBull Ring
circuit. If there are many car fans, I can hire the circuit for a day and we can have a
bloodgang racetrack there.
Have you ever used kucoin bots for dca or smart rebalance?
Never used kucoin bots, but I did use tradingbots for sometime. Never liked it since it was
not fun, I prefer trading on my own, as this is my hobby.
Quantity or quality trades?
What are your tips for developing mental discipline ?
You are the average of 5 people you spent most time with. Will leave it at that.
Hey, Blood. What would you recommend to someone starting with 500K this
October? This someone also has all the time to dedicate to crypto.
I think I replied to you above, focus on education before you start trading. If you are eager to
start, invest in BTC and ETH and wait till the end of the year.
Which Exchange do you prefer to trade?
Kucoin and Binance.
Would it be possible to have a few min of your time at some point? Can chat on
Feel free to send me a DM, trying to look at everyones messages.
Is Emperor your mentor?
Would you start all over again as a crypto trader?
Can you make a thread on how to spot new projects that will do 10x-20x in short-mid
On the way yes.
Need full trading manual, better than Emperor's
What would be a message from you for a younger generation?
Push yourself to beyond what is expected for you because good life begins out of your
comfort zone.
Asian girls or European ones?
Good question. Mix of both i would say. It's funny how you knew exactly which two options to
What life hack or advice did you follow that helped you to be a successful trader ?
Not a lot of hack really. Put in the time.
Do you invest through a company for tax benefits or just personal capital?
Both, man. That's a topic for a thread, but I have a company in germany, portugal and dubai
i'm from indonesia where i get 150$ per month, thats why im moving and willing to
learn as a full time trader, can i make more than 150$ per month? i need to upgrade
my life
Of Course you can, just start slowly, don't rush into it. take 2-3months and educated yourself
before you enter a trade
This was all for today. Thanks for joining!
Couldn't answer all of them. Will probably do part 2.
Have a great weekend.