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Assignment 3 Kanwar

TO: Sara Smit
FROM: Kanwar Student
SUBJECT: Financial Advisor Position
Dear Mrs. Smit,
I am writing to express my interest in the Financial Advisor position at Qtrade Vancouver.
I obtained my Economics Diploma and a Bachelor's in Business Administration from the
University of Regina, both of which received distinction. In my fourth year of University, I
secured an internship as a Financial Advisor at RBC, and they liked my work and offered me a
full-time position upon graduation. I worked there for over four years and gained experience.
Over these years, I improved my communication skills through frequent client interactions and
meetings. I developed skills such as client relationship management and strategic investment
planning. Using these skills, I have assisted numerous clients in managing their investments,
making financial decisions, and achieving their financial goals. I remember working closely with
one specific client. They were thinking about investing in different things like stocks, bonds, and
cryptocurrencies. I assisted this client in increasing their assets by 44% in six months.
I received the Financial Advisor of the Year award from the Royal Bank of Canada for 2022.
This was awarded for providing outstanding financial guidance, which makes me an excellent
candidate for this role.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kanwar Singh
(306) 619-0007