Uploaded by Dhruv Sahgal


Project Report
Artificial Intelligence
Dots & Boxes
Dhruv Sahgal
Ayan Yezdani
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
School of Engineering and Technology
BML Munjal University
November 2023
Declaration by the Candidates
We hereby declare that the project entitled "Dots & Boxes" has been carried out to
fulfill the partial requirements for completion of the course Artificial Intelligence
offered in the 5th Semester of the Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) program in the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering during AY-2023-24 (odd
semester). This experimental work has been carried out by us and submitted to the
course instructor Dr. Soharab Hossain Shaikh. Due acknowledgments have been
made in the text of the project to all other materials used. This project has been
prepared in full compliance with the requirements and constraints of the prescribed
Dhruv Sahgal
Ayan Yezdani
Place: BML Munjal University
Date: 12th November, 2023
Table of Contents
Page No.
1. Introduction & Problem Statement
2. Methodology
2.1 Table Driven
2.2 Intelligent Agent
3. Implementation - Technology Stack
4. Conclusions
5. Appendix
6. References
1) Introduction
1.1Problem Description
The Dots and Boxes game is a classic paper-and-pencil game where two players take turns
connecting dots to form squares. The player who completes the most squares is the winner.
The game is played on a grid of dots, and players connect adjacent dots with horizontal or
vertical lines. This project involves the implementation of the Dots and Boxes game,
including a human player and an intelligent agent using the Minimax algorithm.
1.2 Background
The use of AI in games isn't new, but recent approaches have made game-playing computers
smarter. In this project, we're using the Minimax algorithm as an AI tool. It helps the
computer make smart moves, making the game more interesting for players. This kind of AI
adds a dynamic and flexible touch to the gaming experience, offering players a challenge
that adapts to their actions.
1.3 Objectives
The primary project goals include:
1) Implementation of the Dots and Boxes game, complete with a user interface for
human interaction.
2) Development of an intelligent agent using the Minimac algoritm to act as the second
3) User flexibility in specifying the size of the game grid.
4) Display of the game board after each move and conclusive declaration of the winner
upon game completion.
2. Methodology
2.1 Table Driven
The table-driven methodology in the implementation of the Dots and Boxes game serves as
a framework, guiding the intelligent agent's decision-making process. This approach
involves the mapping of precepts, representing the current state of the game, to
corresponding actions, the moves made by players. The table-driven approach is
implemented through functions like make_move and get_best_move These functions use
predefined rules and heuristics to determine the agent's actions based on the current state
Percepts and Actions
Set of Percepts
Possible Moves
Set of Actions
Draw a line
Current state of the game
board (the placement of
dots and lines)
Player’s turn
Number of boxes completed
by each player.
Available moves (lines that
can be drawn).
Game status (ongoing, win,
or draw).
Draw a horizontal line.
Draw a vertical line
Draw a diagonal line from
top left to bottom right.
Draw a diagonal line from top
right to bottom left
End the game
Reset the game
Display the current state
Display the final result
2.2 Intelligent Agent: Minimax Algorithm
The synergy between the table-driven methodology and the Minimax algorithm is crucial for
the success of the intelligent agent in the Dots and Boxes game. The table-driven approach
provides the foundational structure for percepts and actions, offering clarity and
interpretability. Meanwhile, the Minimax algorithm brings a dynamic and strategic element,
allowing the agent to navigate the vast decision space with foresight and depth.
Intelligent Agent Strategy:
a. Minimax Algorithm:
The core strategy employed by the intelligent agent is the minimax algorithm, a
decision-making algorithm widely used in two-player turn-based games.
The minimax algorithm explores the game tree by recursively evaluating possible
moves and outcomes.
The agent assumes that the opponent plays optimally, alternating between maximizing
and minimizing the expected utility (score) of each move.
b. Evaluation Function:
The agent uses an evaluation function to assess the desirability of a particular game
In the current implementation, the evaluation function is simple and focuses on the
number of completed boxes for the agent.
c. Look-Ahead Depth:
The look-ahead depth can impact the agent's strategic decision-making. A higher
depth generally results in a more thoughtful and strategic agent but requires more
computational resources. Conversely, a lower depth might lead to quicker decisions
but may not capture the full complexity of the game dynamics.
How the Agent Becomes Intelligent:
Optimal Decision-Making:
The minimax algorithm guarantees optimal decision-making under the assumption that both
players play optimally.
The agent explores different move sequences to find the best move that maximizes its
expected outcome.
Strategic Thinking:
The agent exhibits strategic thinking by evaluating the consequences of its actions.
It aims to maximize its own score while minimizing the opponent's score, leading to a more
competitive and intelligent gameplay.
Dynamic Look-Ahead Depth:
The look-ahead depth could be dynamically adjusted based on the state of the game. For
example, the agent might perform a deeper search in critical game situations.
3. Implementation - Technology Stack
The successful implementation of the Dots and Boxes game, featuring the innovative fusion
of a table-driven methodology and the Minimax algorithm, relies on a robust technology
stack. The chosen technologies not only facilitate the development process but also ensure
the seamless integration of the intelligent agent's decision-making capabilities into the game
Python: The Foundation
Python serves as the cornerstone of the technology stack for its readability, versatility, and
extensive support for AI and game development libraries. Leveraging Python's simplicity
accelerates the implementation process, allowing developers to focus on the intricacies of
the intelligent agent and the game's dynamics.
AI Libraries: Minimax Algorithm
The libraries enhance the efficiency of the Minimax algorithm, enabling rapid computation
of game tree evaluations and efficient decision-making.
Development Environment: VS Code
VS code is utilized for it’s interactive nature, allowing developers to iteratively test and
refine the intelligent agent's decision-making logic. The integration of code and
visualizations within the coding environment streamlines the debugging and optimization
Future Directions and Enhancements
Machine Learning Integration: Future iterations could explore the integration of machine
learning techniques, enabling the agent to learn and adapt based on experiences garnered in
various game scenarios. This would add a dynamic learning element to the intelligent agent's
decision-making process.
Multiplayer Support: Extending the game to support multiplayer interactions could
introduce a new layer of complexity. Enabling the intelligent agent to contend with multiple
opponents and diverse playing styles would further challenge its capabilities.
Project Impact and Significance
Beyond the immediate scope of the Dots and Boxes game, this project serves as a testament
to the continual evolution and refinement of intelligent agent strategies in the realms of
artificial intelligence and game development. The seamless integration of a versatile
technology stack, including Python, AI libraries, and graphical interfaces, contributes to the
success of this innovative fusion.
4. Conclusion
The integration of an intelligent agent into the Dots and Boxes game emphasizes the
significant influence of advanced algorithms on strategic decision-making. This project
successfully meets its goals of delivering an engaging and dynamic gaming experience,
shedding light on the broader possibilities of enhancing traditional games with technological
innovations. Throughout this undertaking, we have delved into the evolving collaboration
between human intuition and technological intelligence, making a valuable contribution to
the ongoing discourse surrounding the transformative role of technology in shaping various
facets of interactive and strategic engagements
5. Appendix
Input code:
class DotsAndBoxesGame:
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.board = [[0] * (size - 1) for _ in range(size - 1)]
self.players = [1, 2]
self.current_player = self.players[0]
self.completed_boxes = {1: 0, 2: 0}
def get_state(self):
return self.board, self.current_player, self.completed_boxes
def is_game_over(self):
return sum(self.completed_boxes.values()) == (self.size - 1) ** 2
def make_move(self, move):
row, col, direction = move
if self.board[row][col] == 0:
self.board[row][col] = direction
box_completed = self.check_for_boxes(row, col)
if not box_completed:
def check_for_boxes(self, row, col):
box_completed = False
# Check horizontally
if col > 0 and self.board[row][col - 1] != 0 and row + 1 < len(self.board) and self.board[row + 1][col - 1] != 0 and row + 1 <
len(self.board) and self.board[row + 1][col] != 0:
box_completed = True
self.completed_boxes[self.current_player] += 1
# Check vertically
if row > 0 and self.board[row - 1][col] != 0 and col + 1 < len(self.board[0]) and self.board[row - 1][col + 1] != 0 and col + 1 <
len(self.board[0]) and self.board[row][col + 1] != 0:
box_completed = True
self.completed_boxes[self.current_player] += 1
return box_completed
def switch_player(self):
self.current_player = self.players[0] if self.current_player == self.players[1] else self.players[1]
class MinimaxAgent:
def __init__(self, player):
self.player = player
def minimax(self, game, depth, maximizing_player):
if depth == 0 or game.is_game_over():
return self.evaluate_state(game)
legal_moves = self.get_legal_moves(game)
if maximizing_player:
max_eval = float('-inf')
for move in legal_moves:
game_copy = self.copy_game_state(game)
eval = self.minimax(game_copy, depth - 1, False)
max_eval = max(max_eval, eval)
return max_eval
min_eval = float('inf')
for move in legal_moves:
game_copy = self.copy_game_state(game)
eval = self.minimax(game_copy, depth - 1, True)
min_eval = min(min_eval, eval)
return min_eval
def get_best_move(self, game):
legal_moves = self.get_legal_moves(game)
best_move = None
best_eval = float('-inf')
for move in legal_moves:
game_copy = self.copy_game_state(game)
eval = self.minimax(game_copy, depth=3, maximizing_player=False)
if eval > best_eval:
best_eval = eval
best_move = move
return best_move
def evaluate_state(self, game):
return game.completed_boxes[self.player]
def get_legal_moves(self, game):
legal_moves = []
for row in range(len(game.board)):
for col in range(len(game.board[0])):
if game.board[row][col] == 0:
legal_moves.append((row, col, 1)) # Horizontal line
legal_moves.append((row, col, 2)) # Vertical line
return legal_moves
def copy_game_state(self, game):
game_copy = DotsAndBoxesGame(size=game.size)
game_copy.board = [row[:] for row in game.board]
game_copy.current_player = game.current_player
game_copy.completed_boxes = game.completed_boxes.copy()
return game_copy
def print_board(game):
for row in range(len(game.board)):
for col in range(len(game.board[0])):
print("+", end="")
if game.board[row][col] == 0:
print(" +", end="")
elif game.board[row][col] == 1:
print("___+", end="")
elif game.board[row][col] == 2:
print(" |", end="")
for col in range(len(game.board[0])):
if game.board[row][col] == 0:
print(" ", end="")
elif game.board[row][col] == 2 and row < len(game.board) - 1:
print(" |", end="")
elif row == len(game.board) - 1:
print("___+", end="")
def main():
size = int(input("Enter the size of the game (e.g., 5 for a 5x5 game): "))
game = DotsAndBoxesGame(size=size)
agent = MinimaxAgent(player=2)
while not game.is_game_over():
if game.current_player == 1:
print("Player 1's turn:")
print("1. Draw a horizontal line")
print("2. Draw a vertical line")
row = int(input("Enter row: "))
col = int(input("Enter col: "))
direction = int(input("Enter direction (1 for horizontal, 2 for vertical): "))
move = (row, col, direction)
print("Player 2's turn (AI):")
move = agent.get_best_move(game)
print("Game Over!")
print("Player 1 Score:", game.completed_boxes[1])
print("Player 2 Score:", game.completed_boxes[2])
print("Winner: Player", 1 if game.completed_boxes[1] > game.completed_boxes[2] else 2)
if __name__ == "__main__":