Uploaded by thikemaestro

Script Appointment Setter

Hey… JOHN?
Hi John! This is [Joshua]. I am an energy advisor and I’m calling because you filled out an
application to lower your electric bills, do you remember doing that?
I just have a few quick questions so we can put together a savings report for you, do you have a
quick minute?
Are you the homeowner at [Customer Address]?
Great, How long have you lived there?
(Add a compliment about property- “You have a beautiful home.” “You live in a beautiful neighborhood.”)
Great! How long have you been looking into going solar?
We have some availability today and tomorrow, what would work better for you?
And are you better for morning or afternoon?
Does 2 or 4 pm CST work?
Great! thank you, we will plan on 4 pm CST tomorrow.