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Praneet Student Diary

BCA - Semester - 3
Member of NSS/NCC/ Cultural Clubs/ Technical Society/ Technical
/ Others (Specify):
Activity organized or attended:
Name of the event
AI/ML Workshop
1-2 Oct 2022
Dive into the New World
17 Nov 2022
Visit to NGO
21 Dec 2022
Activity 1
AI/ML Workshop
Online workshop on AI/ML can provide an opportunity to learn about a range of topics
related to artificial intelligence and machine learning. In that session, we learnt :
• Basic concepts and principles of AI/ML: This included topics, supervised and
unsupervised learning, neural networks, deep learning, and natural language
• Tools and technologies: We learnt about various software and frameworks used in
AI/ML, such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and scikit-learn. We also learnt about hardware
requirements and platforms for implementing AI/ML models.
• Applications and case studies: We learnt about real-world applications of AI/ML in
various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and marketing. We also learnt about
common challenges and best practices for implementing AI/ML projects.
• Hands-on skills: We discussed about practical exercises or projects that allow you to
apply what you have learned and develop hands-on skills in AI/ML. This includes
coding exercises, building models, or working with data sets.
Overall, this online workshop on AI/ML provided a comprehensive introduction to
the field or a deep dive into specific topics, depending on the focus of the workshop. I
expect to come away with a greater understanding of the basics of AI/ML and the
skills and knowledge needed to work with these technologies.
Activity 2
Dive Into the New World
It’s still difficult to pin down a metaverse definition, because it’s not an actual technology. The
metaverse refers instead to a shift in how we interact with technology. As we continue to explore
and develop this new cyber realm, its meaning will inevitably change.
Well, this session was seriously, very interesting, not just because the things that we taught, were
amazing in themselves, but they way, the session was going very interactive was amazing.
Honestly, this was the most interactive session, I have ever enrolled into.
Mr. Vishal Pandey was our teacher in this whole session and he is an amazing teacher as a whole,
which made the session interesting in many ways.
Activity 3
Visit to NGO
As I entered the doors of the NGO, I was greeted with warmth and kindness by the dedicated staff
and volunteers. The atmosphere was one of unwavering commitment to making the world a better
place. The organization's mission was clear: to uplift and support the underprivileged and
underserved members of our community.
My journey began with a tour of their facilities. The first stop was their food distribution center,
where the team prepared nutritious meals for the less fortunate. Witnessing the scale of the
operation and the sheer number of meals they provided daily was humbling. It underscored the stark
reality of food insecurity that many individuals in our community face.
Next, I visited their educational center, where children and adults alike were receiving tutoring and
skills training. The passion and dedication of the educators were palpable, as they empowered
individuals to break free from the cycle of poverty through education and skill development.
One of the most poignant moments of my visit was spending time in their shelter for the homeless.
Meeting people who had fallen on hard times, listening to their stories, and seeing the impact of the
NGO's outreach efforts highlighted the significance of their work. It was a reminder that
compassion and support could transform lives.
The organization's healthcare and medical support services were equally commendable. They
provided free medical check-ups and consultations, ensuring that even those without access to
healthcare received the care they needed. Witnessing the relief on the faces of patients who had
their health concerns addressed was a testament to the NGO's vital role in our community.
BCA - Semester - 4
Member of NSS/NCC/ Cultural Clubs/ Technical Society/ Technical
/ Others (Specify):
Activity organized or attended:
Name of the event
Cyber Crime Investigation Workshop
5 Apirl 2023
TechCon Project Evalution
21 Apirl 2023
Environment Day
16 May 2023
Activity 1
Cyber Crime Investigation Workshop
On April 5, 2023, I had the honor of attending the Cyber Crime Investigation Workshop. ACE
hosted this Workshop with Rishi Dhamija, a Digital Forensics Professional at KPMG. The
workshop provided students with valuable insights into the latest cybercrime investigation
techniques and tools, addressing the escalating threat of cybercrime in our technology-driven
Mr. Dhamija, a seasoned professional with expertise in application security testing, drone
forensics, and cloud security, shared practical knowledge on hacking techniques, focusing on
social media platforms like WhatsApp and Facebook. Attendees received hands-on tips for
safeguarding personal information.
The workshop covered card cloning, data breaching, and the SS7 attack, offering a comprehensive
understanding of prevalent cyber threats. Live demonstrations allowed students to witness
security measures in action. Mr. Dhamija's experiences in application security testing and drone
forensics provided real-world insights.
The academic dimension, with Mr. Dhamija's research paper publications, connected theoretical
concepts with practical applications. The workshop emphasized the importance of cybersecurity
awareness, with internship opportunities announced in digital forensics and security testing.
In conclusion, the Cyber Crime Investigation Workshop equipped students to face evolving cyber
threats, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications. The event's success lies in
its engagement, fostering a sense of awareness and preparedness among students navigating the
digital landscap
Activity 2
TechCon Project Evaluation
On April 21, 2023, I had the opportunity to attend TechCon Project Evalution . ACE
TechCON, celebrating innovation, creativity, and technological advancements, took place
on 21st April 2023. It helped students by providing a platform for individuals to showcase
their innovative ideas and skills. With a focus on technology and connectivity, our main
aim was to enrich participants' abilities and foster their engagement with various tech
The event witnessed an enthusiastic participation of around 20 teams, each presenting
their unique and engaging projects in diverse categories such as gaming, retail,
management systems, planners, and bots, among others. These projects exemplified the
creativity and expertise of the participants, reflecting the advancements made in the tech
Under the esteemed guidance of Dean Prof. (Dr.) Supriya Madan and faculty coordinators
Dr. Neetu Goel, Dr. Indu Sahu, and Dr. Pooja Thakar, the event proceeded smoothly, with
participants and attendees actively engaging in discussions and interactions.
The event emphasized adherence to specific rules and regulations for seamless execution.
Firstly, participants were required to arrive punctually at the venue to facilitate the smooth
flow of proceedings. Preparedness was paramount, with participants expected to have their
presentations ready for effective project showcasing. To ensure fairness, the mandatory
presence of all team members during presentations was enforced. A structured schedule
was maintained, allotting a maximum of 10 minutes for each team's presentation. For teams
spanning multiple colleges, prior notification to the student coordinator was obligatory.
Lastly, both participants and attendees were expected to uphold a high standard of conduct,
fostering a respectful and professional environment throughout the event.
Overall, ACE TechCON proved to be a successful and enriching event, providing a
platform for individuals to showcase their talents, get professional feedback, and explore
the vast realm of technology. The event celebrated innovation, creativity, and technological
advancements while fostering a spirit of collaboration and growth in the tech community.
Activity 3
Environment Day
The day began with a sense of excitement and unity as my fellow students and I gathered at a
designated meeting point. With smiles on our faces and the spirit of environmental awareness
in our hearts, we were ready to embrace the day's activities.
Our guest facilitator, an environmental expert, shared insightful perspectives on the
importance of environment conservation and the role each one of us plays in preserving our
planet. His passion for the environment was contagious, and it ignited a deep sense of
responsibility within all of us.
We spent the noon roaming through a lush, green landscape, surrounded by the beauty of
nature. Our guide pointed out various natural wonders, from the diverse plant and animal life
to the intricate ecosystems that sustain life on Earth. It was an immersive experience, and as
we meandered through the natural world, we felt a profound connection to our environment.
As the day progressed, we engaged in various activities that highlighted the importance of
environmental stewardship. We participated in discussions, shared our thoughts on
sustainability, and learned about practical ways to reduce our ecological footprint. The
discussions were thought-provoking and left us with a renewed commitment to protecting our
The day was a reminder that our environment is a precious gift that we should cherish and
protect. It served as a catalyst for personal reflection on our individual roles in preserving the
beauty of our planet. The celebration of Environment Day was a collective declaration of our
dedication to safeguarding our environment for future generations.
BCA - Semester - 5
1) Member of NSS/NCC/ Cultural Clubs/ Technical Society/ Technical
Clubs / Others (Specify):
2) Activity organized or attended:
Name of the event
2 Sep 2023
GDSC VIPS Orientation and Speaker Session
12 Oct 2023
Social Welfare/Community Welfare
27 Sep 2023
Activity 1
The day began with a buzz of anticipation as students from various backgrounds gathered in
the college auditorium. The stage was set for a thrilling intellectual showdown, and the energy
was palpable.
The quiz was expertly crafted, covering a wide range of topics related to the G20, including
its history, member countries, objectives, and key initiatives. The questions were designed to
challenge our understanding of global economics, trade, and political dynamics. As each
question was posed, participants feverishly jotted down their answers, eager to showcase their
Cash prizes added an extra layer of excitement to the event. The winners would not only earn
recognition for their knowledge but also receive monetary rewards for their exceptional
performance. The prospect of winning cash prizes motivated participants to give their best
and strive for victory.
The quiz was not only a test of knowledge but also a learning opportunity. It encouraged us to
delve deeper into global issues and familiarize ourselves with the dynamics of international
relations. The event served as a reminder of the importance of global cooperation and
economic diplomacy.
As the quiz concluded, the tension was replaced by a sense of camaraderie. Whether participants
won or lost, we all left with a greater appreciation for the complexities of the global economy and
the role of organizations like the G20 in shaping the world's future.
Activity 2
GDSC Orientation and Speaker Session
The event began with a warm welcome and an overview of what DSC stands for - innovation,
collaboration, and empowerment. The enthusiasm in the room was palpable as we realized the
potential to be part of a global network of developers.
A representative from Google took the stage and shared insights into the various tracks and
opportunities available through the DSC program. We learned about workshops, hackathons, and
the chance to work on real-world projects, which excited many of us. It was clear that this
program was not just about learning but also about applying knowledge to create impactful
The orientation session was followed by an inspiring speaker session. A seasoned developer, who
had worked on cutting-edge projects, graced the stage. His journey in the world of technology
was a testament to the power of innovation, hard work, and continuous learning. He shared his
experiences, highlighting the importance of curiosity, creativity, and the courage to take risks.
The speaker session was not just about success stories but also about the challenges and failures
that had shaped his journey. His words resonated with all of us, reminding us that it's okay to
make mistakes as long as we learn from them and keep pushing our boundaries. One of the most
exciting parts of the day was the opportunity to interact with fellow students who shared a passion
for technology. We formed connections, exchanged ideas, and discussed potential projects we
could collaborate on in the future. The sense of community and support was invigorating.
As the event concluded, we left with a sense of purpose and a commitment to explore the vast
opportunities that the Google Developers Student Club offers. We were filled with ideas,
aspirations, and the drive to make a difference through technology.
Activity 3
Social Welfare/Community Welfare
Our recent visit to the Urban city Slums of Haiderpur offered a firsthand look into the challenges
faced by its residents. Overcrowded living conditions, limited access to clean water, and
inadequate waste management were prominent issues. Conversations with the community
emphasized concerns about waterborne diseases.
Health and sanitation emerged as critical areas needing attention. The absence of proper waste
disposal systems called for immediate intervention. Residents expressed a desire for health
awareness programs to improve overall community well-being.
Education, especially for children, presented a significant challenge. Lack of access to quality
education prompted discussions about initiating programs for educational empowerment and skill
development, with the aim of enhancing employment opportunities for the youth.
In conclusion, addressing these multifaceted challenges requires collaborative efforts.
Recommendations include working closely with local authorities, NGOs, and community leaders
to implement sustainable solutions. Advocacy for policy changes, resource mobilization, and
forging partnerships will be crucial for creating lasting positive impacts on the lives of those in
marginalized communities like Haiderpur.