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Ultimate Guide on TikTok Organic Lead Generation 1-2023-09-16T22-58-00.177Z

How I was able to
Generate Over
13,000 Leads
With Only One
TikTok Video
These are Strategies that are Nowhere to
be Found on the Internet—And I didn’t
have to show my face for these Videos.
by Akram Mohammad
This is Where It all Begins…
I am not sure how you stumbled on this E-book, but l want you to know that you have
stumbled on a gold mine.
Within the next few pages, I am going to show you the best strategies you can
implement right away and generate hundreds of leads organically through Tiktok that
no one has talked about on the Internet before!
Unlike many people out there who deal with the scarcity mindset, I believe in sharing
all I know with people who genuinely want to make a change in their life with the
knowledge I provide
And if you are reading this ebook with the intention of making quick money using this
strategies then you shouldn’t be reading this at all
You are Free to leave now!
I am writing this ebook as I have seen many people struggle with making money
online and are always complaining that it’s because they don’t have enough traffic
coming in
And I am out here chilling with the big boys generating hundreds of leads daily and
having generated over 13,000 of them in the past from just 1 video
Before we get started with the real juice, I just want you to keep in mind, If I can do it,
You can do it as well
I am not some special kid, I don’t think I am any smarter than you, neither am I better
than you
I am just a normal kid with a vision that didn’t let self-doubt stop him from making the
vision a reality
You need to understand that TikTok Organic Traffic is pretty easy to acquire if you
know what you are doing
That is exactly the entire purpose of this ebook, to let you know how to do it and go
out there to conquer it!
For those who still don’t believe I was able to make over 13,000 leads from a Video,
Check the picture below
Why You Should Listen to Me?
Well because I am Good looking, Smart, Mature, I could keep on going, lol
I am just kidding
Here is the real deal, Incase you didn’t know me…
My name is Akram and I am a 17 year old student who was once broke until I hacked
the Tiktok Algorithm and started making money from the attention I acquired
Just 2 years ago, I was broke and didn’t have much going on for my life
All I did was play mobile games 24/8 (that wasn’t a mistake)
I played games like my life depended on it (If you are wondering what games, mainly
it was PUBG)
I played that game for over a year and was basically addicted until I had to move to
see my dad for a while (personal reasons)
The connections and network there was bad, so I was literally forced to stop playing
the game because as we all know it’s an online game
Long story short, After that trip, I was back to Abuja (where I stay) and I completely just
stopped playing the game
It was as if a demon possessed me back then and he just left my body now.
I decided to change for the better and I started looking into Internet Money, so I can
better myself
On that journey, I stumbled upon Affiliate Marketing, from first glance it was love at
first sight
I knew it was something I could do and I immediately started taking action
What I didn’t know was - I needed massive traffic to succeed in this business model
I tried everything I could just to be able to acquire traffic to my Affiliate Offers
But nothing seemed to work…I mean NOTHING
Facebook ads, WhatsApp TV, Instagram ads, Influencers = waste of my money
Other forms of Organic Traffic = waste of my energy and time
It all wasn’t just working out for me, around that time anyways, TikTok started blowing
up and it started gaining massive traction, around 2020/2021
Everyone was leaving Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat and many more to come see what
the hype was all about on this new app called TikTok
Tiktok did their magic and before you knew it, everyone got sucked into the
short-form content game including ME
A year goes by and I noticed Tiktok was still one of the biggest Platforms out there
I decided to seize the opportunity and promote my affiliate offers, this was during
summer of 2022
I started posting videos of the Product Creator on Tiktok which got a few thousands
views and I made a few sales
I began learning more about the Tiktok Algorithm and How to go Viral and whatnot
Implemented the Knowledge, but It just didn't seem to work for my account at the
I decided to do it my way, I optimised my profile, posted consistently and was more
active on the app to know the kind of videos people were watching
After a while, I finally understood how the algorithm works
I posted a Video and it gained 3 Million Views which gave me over 13,000 Leads
And all other Videos I started posting after that were gaining thousands of views
I started teaching a few people how to do it, the people that really understood what I
was saying…
Were able to grow and also generate hundreds, sometimes thousands of leads in a
day or week
Please promise that you will put this information to use or at least give it to someone
who will use it.
Chapter 1
Why you should use Tiktok
Well at first glance TikTok might not seem like the platform to run to when trying to
acquire traffic
Due to it being a Platform where you go when you want to be entertained or kill time
or even escape reality
The truth is, Tiktok is a huge gold mine that not many people are making use of
especially businesses like yours
Tiktok has exploded in popularity in recent years. With over 1 billion active users,
TikTok is a great opportunity for businesses to reach a large audience and generate
Reasons why you should use TikTok in 2023 for generating leads:
● TikTok has a young and engaged audience. The average TikTok user is 16-24
years old, and they are highly engaged with the platform. This means that your
content is more likely to be seen and interacted with by potential customers.
● TikTok is a visual platform. Videos are a great way to tell stories and connect
with your audience. TikTok is a great platform for businesses to share product
demos, behind-the-scenes videos, and other visual content.
● TikTok is a mobile-first platform. More and more people are using their phones
to access social media. TikTok is a mobile-first platform, which means that your
content will look great on any device.
● TikTok is a cost-effective platform. You can use TikTok to generate leads
without spending a lot of money on advertising because you can do everything
organically. TikTok offers a variety of tools that make it easy to create and
promote your content.
Chapter 2
Understanding your Audience
This is an Important step of this entire process
To grow organically on TikTok, you would need to thoroughly understand your
audience, so that you can create content that would really resonate with them
Ask yourself these questions before you start creating TikTok videos:
Who are they?
What are their interests?
What are their pain points?
Their geographical location?
Once you know who you're trying to reach, you can start creating content that will
appeal to them - and grab their attentions
One way you can easily understand your audience is by Interacting with them
Respond to their comments, ask them questions, build relationships with them
But if you are reading this book you most likely do not have much followers to carry
out that task
As an alternative, what you can do if you have no following yet is…
Check out competitors Tiktok pages
Look out for, what their audiences are asking them, what they are interested in the
most, their pains and much more
Or you can simply ask ChatGPT or Bard.ai to help you with this task
I would always recommend you do this on your own tho as AI might not always be
correct with the market/audience research
Chapter 3
Creating Content
Now we are getting to the juicy part, lol
I am going to show you exactly how I created my OWN contents
This is not based on what other creators on the Platform are doing
This is my own proven method, you don’t have to be in the Video
If you are camera shy or not ready to put out your face on the internet just yet
This would work perfectly fine for you!
Here is an example - Let’s say you are creating a tiktok video on Moving to Canada
And you are promoting a Travel to Canada Immigration Product
You would firstly need to understand your audience (that's why the previous chapter
was very important)
To be able to come up with Hooks that would capture the audience's attention
The pain of someone wanting to get to Canada would be something like “Lack of
Adequate funds”
Your video hook should then be centred around this pain and be - “If you have been
wanting to Move to Canada Permanently but lack the necessary funds, Watch this
It's as simple as that!
Now, the remainder of the video should be something just like in this image below
The texts should be structured as shown in the image above
And never forget the CTA at the end of the texts as shown above as well
There is really no limit to how many of these videos you can create in a day
I would recommend you just post 2-3 of these videos in a day
If you get lucky, and go viral as sometimes TikTok algorithm can be super random
You would begin making money and your follower count would grow!
But when it comes to TikTok, I don’t want you to focus too much on Follower Count
As it really doesn’t matter on TikTok
You can be having 50,000 followers and be getting 100 views on TikTok
It’s very possible, so try as much as possible to just create quality content that would
CAPTURE attention!
And the followers would come with it naturally
How to Create Videos that Looks like the Image I
showed you above
This kind of videos are super useful when trying to grab people’s attention
It's not a very complicated process and can be done easily by you!
Step 1: Go to your browser and type in “pexels.com”
This website allows you to gain access to non-copyright free videos that you can use
for your background in your tiktok videos
Step 2: Simply go to the website and type in the keywords for the kind of background
you are looking for and viola!
You would see hundreds of videos regarding that keyword, simply click on the video
of your choice and export it to your device
Step 3: Open up your Tiktok app and click on the plus sign at the bottom
Select your video from your camera roll/gallery
Add a befitting sound to the video that correlates with whatever it is you are
Click on the texts Icon and begin adding the texts as shown in the image above
Voila! You are done!
Chapter 4
After you are done creating the video
You might have heard/seen from other sources that you need to put hashtags on your
I am here to tell you that isn't true at all
Tiktok algorithm is super friendly and random at the same time
The need for hashtags is not very important
But there is no harm in putting hashtags on your video
Two things hashtags can help with:
It would help tell the tiktok algorithm what video your category falls into
Helps in targeting the right audience
Ultimately tho, hashtags (#) or no hashtags wouldn’t stop you from getting views
If your videos don’t start getting views within 1-3 days of posting, that’s completely
Don’t Fret!!!
You should allow your videos to breathe for at least a week before you start judging
the videos performance
I’ve seen videos of mine that didn’t do well till after a few months of posting them
So don’t be panicked!!!
If your video did well, do more of those kind of videos
If it didn’t, try to find out what the problem is or why the video didn’t perform well and
then correct it in your next video
Consultants and High-Ticket Coaches, Listen
If you are a consultant / coach that has been struggling with generating leads to grow
their business and you want me to take you by the hand and help get you from
generating 0 leads to generating 100s of high-ticket leads
Click the link here to learn more about my coaching offer
Where I would give you everything I know and fast-track your journey to success in no
This is a direct 1:1 coaching to help you generate leads to your business in no time
(Not Free)
The information in this ebook is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a
substitute for professional advice or services. The author and publisher of this ebook make
no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the
contents of this ebook. The author and publisher shall not be liable for any loss or damage
arising from the use of this ebook.
By reading this ebook, you agree to the following:
You understand that the information in this ebook is not a substitute for professional
advice or services.
You agree to use the information in this ebook at your own risk.
You agree to hold the author and publisher of this ebook harmless from any and all
claims arising from the use of this ebook.
Results May Vary
The results you achieve using the information in this ebook may vary. The author and
publisher of this ebook cannot guarantee that you will achieve any specific results.
Success Requires Effort
Generating leads using TikTok organic traffic takes time, effort, and dedication. There is no
guarantee that you will be successful. However, if you are willing to put in the work, you can
increase your chances of success.
Have Fun
Generating leads using TikTok organic traffic should be fun. If you are not having fun, you
are less likely to be successful. So relax, enjoy the process, and have fun!