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9 Best-In-Class Landing Page Builders You'll Love [Expert-Approved]

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Landing Pages
Landing Page Builder
9 Best-In-Class Landing Page
Builders You’ll Love [ExpertApproved]
Lauren Breen
Head of Content
CypherCrescent, Get Your Free
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For The Professional Services
For The Professional Services
Chapter 7:
Landing Page Tools
Landing Page Builder
Unbounce Landing Pages
Heat Maps
Just like a carpenter couldn’t build a house without a framer, a digital
marketer or conversion rate optimization (CRO) specialist couldn’t
optimize campaign conversions without a landing page builder.
Landing page builders provide the necessary infrastructure for
designing, publishing, testing, and scaling campaign creative with speed.
You can’t run proper CRO campaigns without one, just like you can’t
build a house without walls.
Good news: As a PPC agency that specializes in landing page design and
CRO, we’ve experimented with dozens of different landing page builders
over the years. Only a few stick out as worthy.
In this article, we’re going to explore nine great landing page builders,
along with a thorough analysis of each
along with a thorough analysis of each.
From the best all-around and user-friendly to the most affordable and
best for eCommerce, we’ve got a best-in-class landing page builder for
Jump to:
What is a landing page builder?
Benefits of a landing page builder
9 best landing page builders
1. Unbounce
2. LeadPages
3. Instapage
4. Shogun
5. ClickFunnels
6. Swipe Pages
7. Kajabi
8. ShortStack
9. Hubspot
Honorable mention
Wrapping up
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What is a landing page builder?
A landing page builder is a SaaS tool that makes creating, editing,
publishing, and testing landing pages easier, faster, and more effective.
By offering a suite of features like template libraries, drag-and-drop
visual editors, one-click publishing, and A/B split testing, all in one
comprehensive tool.
Benefits of a landing page builder
Without a landing page builder, you’ll never find the speed or scalability
you need to launch and optimize landing pages for your marketing
campaigns. It takes too much time, skill, and resources to create and test
custom landing pages without a tool.
With a landing page builder, every marketer's life gets much easier:
Code-free designing: Anyone can build and publish a landing page, not
just web developers. Even you, non-designer/non-tech marketer.
Drag-and-drop builder: Landing page builders make web design easier
than ever with drag-and-drop editors. No more complicated design tools
(ahem, Photoshop); just design within the editor. Fonts, colors, layouts...
it’s all customizable with a page builder.
A/B split testing: Running a split test using hard-coded web pages
makes CRO impossible. The best landing page software includes built-in
A/B testing tools that let you test different variants with a click of a
One-click publishing: Once you connect your landing page builder to
your domain, you don’t need any support to publish pages. Just click
“publish” within the page builder and it will go live on your website.
Landing page template libraries: Cut down on the time it takes to
design a landing page by using one of the hundreds of pre-made
templates, from webinar registration to opt-in pages, and everything in
Analytics tools: Easily measure conversions within one seamless
dashboard instead of just tracking goals inside Google Analytics.
9 best landing page builders
Landing page builders come in all shapes and varieties.
Though a few stand out from the crowd, dozens of landing page tools
exist for different needs and business models.
To make life easier, we narrowed our list down to nine best-in-class
landing page builders, each for a different use case.
1. Unbounce: Best all-around landing page software
2. LeadPages: Most affordable all-around landing page software
3. Instapage: Easiest to use landing page software
4. Shogun: Best all-around landing page software for eCommerce
5. ClickFunnels: Best landing page builder for sales funnels
6. Swipe Pages: Best landing page software for low budgets
7. Kajabi: Best landing page software for knowledge businesses
8. ShortStack: Best landing page software for contests
9. Hubspot: Best FREE landing page builder
Let’s explore each!
1. Unbounce
🏆 Best all-around landing page builder
Unbounce landing page builder
The oldest kid on the block. Unbounce got its start in 2009 and has never
relinquished its position as the best all-around landing page software.
Today, what separates Unbounce from the rest is their suite of machine
learning, are their AI-powered features that bring a healthy dose of
conversion science to landing page design.
What we love: Smart Copy.
Smart Copy is Unbounce’s AI-powered text generator. Not only does it
offer 30+ copy templates to kickstart your landing page messaging, but
by adjusting a few parameters, it will help you expand ideas, write
headlines, test calls-to-action (CTAs), remix old content, and even
generate copy from scratch for you.
Smart Copy - Watch video on Unbounce
What needs improvement: mobile responsiveness and global
di i
Unbounce is the gold standard, but it’s missing a few key features you
would expect it to have. Nothing mission-critical, but useful nonetheless.
First, mobile responsiveness. Unbounce calls their platform “mobile
responsive,” but they only give you two breakpoints to design within:
desktop and mobile. That’s it. This severely limits design capabilities
unless you add custom code. The third breakpoint for tablets would help
a lot as well as a fourth breakpoint for wide desktop viewports.
Second, global editing. Though you’re not supposed to use a landing
page builder to build a website (unless it has a website building
component to it), it’s not uncommon to have dozens of landers with the
same headers or footers. Unbounce doesn’t make it easy to update
global headers and footers (i.e. update one and they all get updated);
instead, you need to edit each one individually. Super tedious.
Proprietary features:
SmartBuilder: Powered by 1.5 billion past conversions, SmartBuilder
uses AI to offer on-the-go recommendations for better design and
SmartTraffic: SmartTraffic tracks conversion patterns and
automatically serves different variants of your landing page that it
thinks will convert higher based on traffic type (geography,
demographics, device, etc.).
Unbounce Apps: An entire suite of integrations that will bring your
favorite marketing and conversion apps and widgets to any
Unbounce landing page.
Bonus features:
Template library
A/B split testing
Dynamic content (change copy depending on traffic source)
Drag and drop editor
Direct domain publishing
HTML/CSS custom code
AMP support
On-page SEO
Agency features (duplicate across clients, sub accounts, client alerts,
and permissions)
Mobile responsive (mobile, desktop breakpoints)
SSL certificate
Pricing: $90-$225 annually; $81-$203 monthly
Unbounce pricing
2. LeadPages
🏆 Most affordable all-around landing page builder
Leadpages landing page builder
LeadPages started out as an affiliate marketing page builder but has
since grown into a powerful, reliable landing page creator for all use
cases. The best part: LeadPages is the most affordable landing page
software in the “all-around” top three.
What we love: Checkouts.
Unlike most landing page builders, LeadPages includes customizable
checkout pages that integrate with a payment processor like Stripe. Not
only can you design a beautiful lander, but you can sell products directly
from them too.
If you sell digital downloads, subscriptions, courses, or event tickets, use
LeadPages checkouts to close the loop from ad to visit to purchase.
LeadPages checkouts - source
What needs improvement: design editor.
LeadPages’ design editor has come a long way over the last 8+ years, but
it’s still not as intuitive or flexible as Unbounce or Instapage.
Proprietary features:
Website builder: Build a full-blown website using LeadPages,
complete with global headers/footers, customizable sections, and
high-converting templates.
Lead magnet hosting/delivery: Automatically email digital
downloads like guides or lead magnets when a visitor opts in on a
landing page or pop-up.
Pop-ups and alert bars: LeadPages was the first page builder to
include pop-up lead boxes for any page on your website. With popups and alert bars, you can nudge traffic to convert from any page on
your website using a small snippet of code.
LeadMeter: Improve conversion with real-time recommendations
regarding page layout, calls-to-action, readability, and forms.
Bonus features:
Global headers/footers (edit once and all headers/footers change)
Template library
Thank you pages/confirmation pages
A/B split testing
On-page SEO
Dynamic content (change copy depending on traffic source)
Drag and drop editor
Direct domain publishing
HTML/CSS custom code
SSL certificate
Mobile responsive
Pricing: $37-$74 annually; $49-$99 monthly
Leadpages pricing
3. Instapage
🏆 Easiest to use landing page builder
Instapage landing page builder
Instapage is the second oldest kid on the block (circa 2012), and though
not as powerful as Unbounce, it offers a suite of tools that make it one of
the easiest and most scalable landing page builders you’ll ever use.
What we love: Instablocks
Instablocks allows you to create and save custom design blocks that you
can reuse across any landing page. Not only can you reuse custom
blocks, but you can edit them globally (edit once and all pages that use
them change too) and kickstart design from a library of pre-made blocks.
Bottom line: Instablocks makes Instapage one of the easiest editors to
Instablocks from Instapage - Source
What needs improvement: cancellation support, pricing.
While you can easily cancel your free trial plan from within the Instapage
user dashboard, if you wish to terminate a paid plan, you need to email
Instapage (and many have had less than satisfying experiences doing
Also, Instapage doesn’t offer flexible pricing. You can pay $199/month
(annually) or $299/month (monthly), which prices out small businesses
and startups with tight budgets.
Proprietary features:
Built-in collaboration: Easily communicate with colleagues and
clients about landing page design, directly within Instapage.
AdMap/PostClick score: Import your Google ad campaigns and
Instapage will score your landing page relevance in relation to your
Thor Render Engine: Load pages super-fast using their proprietary
rendering engine.
Heatmap: Instapage is the only landing page with its own heat map
that lets you see where visitors spend most of their time on your
Bonus features:
Template library
A/B split testing
Dynamic content (change copy depending on traffic source)
Drag and drop editor
Direct domain publishing
HTML/CSS custom code
AMP support
On-page SEO
Agency features (duplicate across clients, sub accounts, client alerts
and permissions)
Mobile responsive landing pages
Mobile responsive landing pages
SSL certificate
Global editing (headers/footers)
Pricing: $199 annually; $299 monthly; custom pricing
InstaPage pricing
4. Shogun
🏆 Best all-round landing page builder for eCommerce
Shogun landing page builder
If you run an eCommerce store on Shopify or BigCommerce, then you
already know how frustrating it can be to build a custom landing page
for your campaigns, as neither platform offers a landing page builder.
*Shogun enters the chat.*
Shogun turns your eCommerce website into a drag-and-drop visual
builder, making landing page design easy for everything from discount
pages and coming soon pages to bundle pages and seasonal pages.
What we love: Page Builder.
With Shogun’s Page Builder, you can easily build landing pages from
scratch or edit existing Shopify, BigCommerce, or Salesforce Commerce
Cloud pages. Borrow from a library of eCommerce elements like product
boxes, product inventory, product price and add to cart.
Shogun Page Builder - source
What needs improvement: pricing.
While Shogun has updated their pricing to include lower-cost plans with
fewer features if you want to get the full Shogun experience, expect to
pay $299/month minimum.
Proprietary features:
Elements library: Choose from a library of eCommerce-specific
elements that you can drag and drop onto a page.
Frontend: Shogun’s headless commerce page builder. Headless
commerce refers to decoupling the front end (design) of your
eCommerce website with the back end (payment processing,
inventory, database, etc.) so you can get the most out of both.
Bonus features:
Template library
A/B split testing
Dynamic content (change copy depending on traffic source)
Drag and drop editor
Direct domain publishing
HTML/CSS custom code
On-page SEO
Various design breakpoints (wide, desktop, tablet, mobile)
User permissions
Pricing plans: $0-$999/month
Shogun pricing
5. ClickFunnels
🏆 Best landing page software for building integrated sales
ClickFunnels landing page builder
ClickFunnels is an all-in-one platform for creating high-converting sales
funnels, from landing page design to email drip campaigns and beyond.
What we love: end-to-end.
ClickFunnels doesn’t have the best template library or customizable
landing page editor. Far from it. But they make up for it by offering an
end-to-end sales funnel platform. No other landing page software
includes email autoresponders, checkout pages, membership sites,
upsell pages, SMS texting, and opt-in pages, all integrated into one
ClickFunnels funnel builder - source
What needs improvement: design and website.
Like I mentioned, the ClickFunnel visual design editor has its limitations,
and the template library is filled with poorly designed landers. But
ClickFunnels didn’t build their marketing platform to compete against
the best landing page builders; they built it to be the best sales funnel
tool with a landing page builder.
Second, the ClickFunnels website is so overwhelming it’s hard to figure
out how the product works. Each page is a long, drawn-out sales page
with little cohesion. It reminds me of web 2.0 sales pages that we all
came to despise (and distrust).
came to despise (and distrust).
Proprietary features:
Click Funnels: Design a sales funnel using a drag-and-drop editor.
Simply shuffle or reshuffle different landing pages in a sequence until
you get the funnel you desire.
Follow-up Funnels: Create secondary funnels for people who opt-in
to your offer so you can upsell them on additional offers.
BackPack: BackPack helps you build and run an affiliate program.
With it, you can easily add an affiliate program to your campaigns.
Bonus features:
Email autoresponders
Checkout pages
One-click upsells
Template library
Membership sites
Order forms
A/B testing
Pricing: $97-$297/month
ClickFunnels pricing
6. Swipe Pages
🏆 Best landing page builder for low budgets
Swipe Page landing page builder
Swipe Pages packs the punch of an Unbounce or LeadPages, but for an
even lower price.
What we love: pricing.
You’re not going to get AI, machine learning, or advanced features like
the Thor Render Engine or SmartTraffic, but for $29/month, you can get
everything you need to create and publish beautiful landing pages.
What needs improvement: differentiators.
Honestly, this is a pretty damn good tool, especially for the price, but it’s
lacking any mission-critical differentiating features. As of now (2022),
think of Swipe Pages like a low-cost clone of Unbounce, LeadPages, or
Proprietary features:
Mobile slides: Create a seamless user experience for mobile visitors
by turning your mobile landers into an app-like experience using
Bonus features:
Template library
Unlimited landing pages at every price point
Pre-built blocks
Global editing
A/B split testing
On-page SEO
Dynamic content (change copy depending on traffic source)
Drag and drop editor
Direct domain publishing
HTML/CSS custom code
AMP support
SSL certificate
Mobile responsive
Pricing: $29-$119/month (annually); $39-$199/month (monthly)
Swipe Pages pricing
7. Kajabi
🏆 Best landing page builder for knowledge businesses
Kajabi landing page builder
Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for business content creators who sell
courses, consulting, coaching programs, educational guides,
memberships, and more. Aside from a landing page builder, Kajabi
offers full websites, payment processing, email, automation, and
What we love: full integration.
With Kajabi, landing pages integrate seamlessly with email marketing,
automation, payments, and downloads. No other apps are needed to
drive traffic, convert visitors, or deliver digital products and services.
Kajabi all-in-one dashboard - source
What needs improvement: functionality.
Because Kajabi is an all-in-one platform with a landing page builder, the
actual page builder lacks some critical functionality like A/B split testing,
dynamic copy, or AMP support. However, for content creators who sell
knowledge products as a business, you probably only need the bare
Proprietary features:
Pipelines: Pipelines are like pre-made funnels to sell your knowledge
products, complete with landing pages, email automation sequences,
and sales pages.
Websites: Not only can you easily design landing pages, but you can
easily design an entire website with global headers and footers.
Kajabi University: Massive library of educational tutorials to help
you launch landing pages and sell products using Kajabi.
Bonus features:
Template library
Drag and drop editor
Direct domain publishing
HTML/CSS custom code
On-page SEO
Mobile responsive (mobile, desktop breakpoints)
SSL certificate
Pricing: $119-$319/month (annually); $149-$399/month (monthly)
Kajabi pricing
8. ShortStack
🏆 Best landing page builder for contests
ShortStack landing page builder
What we love: landing page contests.
With ShortStack, you can run giveaways, photo contests, voting contests,
invite-only contests, social media contests, and more—all from one
landing page.
Landing page contests in ShortStack - source
What needs improvement: design.
What they make up for in functionality (easy contest campaigns), they
lack in design. The visual editor needs some work: it’s not easy to craft a
well-designed landing page.
Proprietary features:
Coupon codes: Instantly deliver coupons codes to visitors who
complete a contest from a landing page.
Games: Create games within your landing pages, like personality
quizzes, virtual slot machines, or knowledge quizzes.
Bonus features:
Drag and drop editor
Template library
Agency white-labeling
Custom domains
Contest management (backend)
Pricing: $79-$399/month (annually); $99-$499/month (monthly)
ShortStack pricing
9. Hubspot
🏆 Best FREE landing page builder
HubSpot landing page builder
You’ve likely heard of HubSpot before. What started as a marketing
automation platform many years ago has morphed into a full-blown
customer relationship management (CRM) platform. They offer a suite of
sales and marketing tools, including marketing automation, customer
relationships management software (CRM), help desk, and landing page
What we love: free (duh).
Any free landing page builder is bound to be awful, right?
Not exactly.
While it certainly doesn’t include features like A/B testing, AI, dynamic
content, content blocks, global editing, or custom HTML/CSS, Hubspot’s
free builder does include templates with a clean drag-and-drop visual
editor. For $0, you can design and publish a landing page, even if you
don’t have your own website domain (great for beginners).
Inside the Hubspot landing page builder
Bonus features:
Template library
Content modules
On-page SEO
Free landing page hosting
Direct domain publishing
Pricing: Free plan (upgrade for pro features)
Honorable mention
The following landing page builders didn’t make the top of our list, but
they deserve some love nonetheless. It’s worth giving each a gander:
ConvertKit (creator platform with landing page builder)
Elementor (for native WordPress landing pages)
Editor X (for Wix)
KickOffLabs (for giveaway contests)
MailChimp (for email marketing landers)
Wrapping up
While Unbounce, LeadPages, and Instapage offer the best all-around
landing page builders, choosing the right software for your business
comes down to your needs.
Whether you’re looking to sell memberships, improve lead generation,
grow your email list, convert more Facebook ads, sell more physical
products, or something else entirely, your best-in-class builder will vary.
Whichever landing page software you choose, landing page builders will
help you increase conversions, reduce cost per acquisition, and increase
the ROI of your marketing campaigns—as long as you’re building it right.
Wanna Hit Your
Marketing Goals Faster?
Chapter 7:
Landing Page
Chapter 7
Landing Page Tools
Landing Page
Unbounce Landing
Heat Maps
Chapter 8:
Landing Page
Chapter 8
The Breadcrumb
Micro Conversion
Lead Magnet
Case Study
Conversion Rate
Better Marketing Performance
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