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Mark Klimek Yellow Book

Rule of the B's: If the ph and the bicarb are both in the same direction then it is metabolic. When it’s different directions it’s respiratory.
If they are in different directions = acidosis
Just look at the ph and bicarb
pH = 7.35 – 7.45 acidosis / alkalosis
(below 7.35) (above 7.45)
HCO3 =22—26 bicarb years (the biggest decisions are done between 22 - 26)
CO2 = 35-45
pH 7.30 down HCO3 20 down = metabolic acidosis
pH 7.58 up
HCO3 32
up = metabolic alkalosis
pH 7.22 down
HCO3 30
up =respiratory acidosis
Know the principles, not the lists.
5. As the ___ph____ goes, so goes ____my patient__________________ except for __potassium___________________
Paralytic/adynamic ileus
Seizures *need suction
Respiratory arrest *need ambu bag
Heart block
paralytic ileus
EXAMPLE: You are providing care to a client with the following blood gas results: pH 7.32, CO2 49, HCO3 29, PO2 80, and SaO2 90%. Based on
these results, the client is experiencing: ____respirtatory acidosis _______________________
MacKussmaul— _found in metabolic acidosis. Rapid RR. ______________________________________________________________
- Pregnant woman hyperventilating.
- Ventilator setting is TOO HIGH.
- Emphysema
- Drowning
- Pneumonia
- PCA pump (toxicity)
- Ventilator setting is TOO LOW
2. What if it is NOT a LUNG SCENARIO? It is METABOLIC
Surgery with NG tube suction for 3 days
Hyperemesis gravidarum
Acute RF
Infantile diarrhea
3rd degree burns over 60% of body
Hyperemesis gravidarum with dehydration
NOTE: Always pay attention to MODIFYING PHRASE rather than
original statement.
10. Caused of acid base imbalances: First ask yourself, "If it’s ____lung_______?" If yes, then it's ___respiratory_____________. Then ask yourself: "Are they
____overventilated______________ or ___undervintlated______________. If ___overventilated_________________, pick ______alkalolsis________________. If
___underventilated__________________, pick _____acidosis_____________________
11. Caused of acid base imbalances: If it's not lung, then it's ___metabolic________. If the patient has _gastric_________ _______ vomiting or suction, pick
___alkaolsis___________. For everything else that isn't lung, pick __metabolic_________ _acidosis__________. When you don't know what to pick, choose
___metabolic acidosis__________________
Ventilator is working too hard to get air into lungs. There is INCREASED RESISTANCE due to OBSTRUCTIONS.
[machine is pushing too hard to get air into the lungs] RESPIRATORY ALKALOSIS
Kinks → unkink
Water condensing into dependent loops → empty
Mucus in airway → turn, cough and deep breathe, THEN suction PRN. **in that order**
Ventilator finds that it is working too easy to get air into lungs. There is DECREASED RESISTANCE due to DISCONNECTIONS. [too easy for the machine…] RESPIRATORY
Main tubing is disconnected → reconnect
Oxygen sensor tubing, which senses FiO2, is disconnected. This is the black coated wire → reconnect
MD orders to disconnect ventilator in AM @ 0900hr. At 0600hr, ABC reveals respiratory acidosis. What do you do?
Follow order
Call MD and hold order
Call RT
Begin to decrease settings.
B is the answer because the patient is not able to breathe without the ventilator. The settings are TOO low. Patient should be in respiratory ALKALOSIS.
12. High pressure alarms are triggered by ____increased________ resistance to air flow.
13. High pressure alarms are triggered by increased resistance to airflow and can be caused by obstructions of three types: ____kink________________
action, __condensed water in the tube_________________ action, _________mucus plug_____________ action
14. Low pressure alarms are triggered by ______decrese_________ resistance to airflow.
15. Low pressure alarms are triggered by decreased resistance to airflow and can be caused by disconnections of the _____main tube____________ or
____o2 sensor tube ______________________________________________________________.
16. Respiratory alkalosis means ventilator settings may be too ____high______
17. Respiratory acidosis means ventilator settings may be too ___low________
18. What does "wean" mean? _______________________________________________________________
19. What is Maslow's highest priority to lowest priority?
20. Arrange from highest to lowest priority using Maslow's:
___electorlyte imbalance_________________
Spiritual Distress
____falls risk________________
Pain in Elbow
__pain in elbow__________________
Fall Risk
Pathological Family Dynamics
__family dynamics__________________
Electrolyte Imbalance
___spirtual distress_________________
21. What are the 5 stages of grief?
_______bargaining _____________
22. The #1 problem in abuse is __denial___________
23. Denial is the ___refusal_________ to accept that__they have__________ a problem
24. Treating denial: ___Confront_________ it by pointing out to the person the difference between what they __say_________ and what they __do________.
In contrast, __support____________ the denial of loss and grief
25. Dependency: When the _abuse______________ gets the Significant Other to do things for them or make decisions for them
26. Codependency: When the __significant____________ ____other_________ derives positive __self-esteem______________ from doing things for or making
decisions for the ______abuser__________.
27. When treating dependency/codependency: Set _limits_________ and ______enforce_______ them. Agree in advance on what requests are allowed,
then enforce the agreement
28. When treating dependency/codependency: Work on the _self-esteem_________________ of the codependent person
29. Manipulation: when the _abuser____________ gets the __significant_____________ ___other______________ to do things for him/her that are not in the
_____best____________ _____interest__________ of the __significant______________ ___other_______________. The nature of the act is
__dangerous_______________ or ___harmful________________ to the _significant________________ ___other____________.
30. Treating manipulation: set ____limits_______________ and
31. ____enfource_______________
32. Wernicke's (Korsakoff's) Syndrome: __psychosis__________________ induced by Vitamin __B1_____(thiamine) deficiency
Form of dementia
33. Primary symptoms of Wernicke's (Korsakoff's) Syndrome: ____amnesia_______________ with ____confabulation______________
34. Characteristics of Wernicke's (Korsakoff's) Syndrome:
___Preventable (take B1)__________________________
__Arrestable (stop it from getting worse—>give b1)___________________________
__Irreversible (70%)___________________________
35. Disulfiram (Antabuse/Revia) is aka ___aversion therapy___________________
36. Onset and duration of effectiveness of Antabuse/Revia: _____2 weeks____________________________
37. Patient teaching with Antabuse/Revia: Avoid ___all____________ forms of ______alcohol____________ to avoid
39. ______nausea_______________, _____vommiting_____________, ________death______________
40. What are examples of products that contain alcohol?
_____vanilla extract
__insect repellent _
__uncooked icing
_OTC liquid meds
hand sanitizers
vinaigrettes (EXCEPT Red wine
vinaigrette= this one's okay.
41. Every alcoholic goes through _alcoholic__withdrawl____syndrome__. Only a minority get ____delerium tremens_
42. _______alcholic withdrawal syndrom___ is not life-threatening. ____delrium tremens ___ can kill you
43. Patients with _____alcoholic withdrawal syndrom__are not a danger to themselves or others. Patients with _delrium tremens_are dangerous to
self and others
44. AWS or DT: Semiprivate room, any location _AWS______
45. AWS or DT: private room near the nurse's station __DT____
46. AWS or DT: Regular diet _AWS_____
47. AWS or DT: Clear liquid or NPO diet (risk for aspiration) ___DT___
48. AWS or DT: Up at liberty __AWS____
49. AWS or DT: Restricted to bedrest with no bathroom privileges __DT_____
50. AWS or DT: No restraints __AWS_____
51. You should restrain a DT patient with __vest or 2 point restraints. one arm and the opposite leg→2 point restraints.
_________________________________________________. You should check them every ______2HR_____. You should rotate them ___q2h_______________.
52. Both AWS and DTs patients are on ______antihypertensizes_____________, ____tranquilizers______________, and _______Vitamin B1___________.
53. AWS or DT: Give anti-HTN medication _both______
54. AWS or DT: Give tranquilizer ___both____
55. AWS or DT: Give multivitamin to prevent Wernicke's _both_______
56. What are the names of Uppers?
_______adderall __________
57. What are the signs and symptoms of uppers? = everything goes up
__increased RR_____
__increased BS, diarrhea___
58. For Aminoglycosides, think " __A_____ _____Mean_________ ___Old______ ______Mysin__________"
59. When are antibiotics/aminoglycosides used? __severe___________, ___life threatening__________, ___gram negative_ infections
60. All aminoglycosides end in ___mysin___________, but not all drugs that end in __mysin_________ are aminoglycosides.
61. What are some examples of wannabe mycins?
62. What are some examples of aminoglycosides?
63. When remembering toxic effects of mycin's think __ears____________________
64. What is the toxic effect of aminoglycosides and what must you monitor?
_tennitus_(ringing of ear)
65. The human ear is shaped like a ___kidney____________________ so another toxic effect of aminoglycosides is ____nephrotoxic_________________________
so monitor ____Cr__________________
66. What is the best indicator of fluid balance? ____Cr______________
67. What is the best indicator of dehydration? ___Cr_______________
68. The number "___8______" drawn inside the ear reminds you of cranial nerve ___8______ and frequency of administration ___q8hr____________
69. What is the route of administration of aminoglycosides? ______iv________ or _____im_______
70. Do not give aminoglycosides PO expect in these 2 cases:
__heaptic encephalopathy__ (due to high ____ammonia________________ level)
Pre-op ____bowel_____________ surgery
71. Who can sterilize my bowel? __NEO KAN (neomycin and kanamycin)_________________
72. What is the reason for drawing Trough and Peak levels? _narrow __therapuetic__ window __________
73. When do you ALWAYS draw the Trough? __30min before__
74. When do you draw the Peak level of Sublingual medications? __5-10min after its dissolved
75. When do you draw the Peak level of IV medications? _____15-30min after its finished
76. When do you draw the Peak level of IM medications? ____30-60min
77. When do you draw the Peak level of SQ medications? ____see diabetes
78. When do you draw the Peak level of PO medications? __don’t need to know for nclex
79. What are biological Agents in Category A?
80. What are Biological Agents in Category B? _____________________________
81. What are Biological Agents in Category C? _____________________ and _______________________
82. When it comes to Biological Agents: Category ____________ is ______________, Then Category _______, Then Category __________________
83. Smallpox
Spread? _______________________________
Precautions? ___________________________
Dies from? _____________________________
Symptoms look like? _____________________
Category? ___________
84. Tularemia
Spread? _______________________________
Precautions? ___________________________
Dies from? _____________________________
Symptoms look like? _____________________
Treatment? ____________________________
Category? ___________
Precautions? ___________________________
85. Anthrax
Spread? _______________________________
Dies from? __________________________
Symptoms look like? _____________________
Treatment? ____________________________
Category? ___________
86. Plague
Spread? _______________________________
Precautions? ________________________________________________________
Dies from? __________________________________________________________
Symptoms look like? __________________________________________________
Treatment? _________________________________________________________
Category? ___________
87. Hemorrhagic illnesses
Spread? _______________________________
Precautions? ___________________________
Dies from? _____________________________
Treatment? ____________________________
Symptoms look like? _____________________
Category? ___________
Precautions? ___________________________
88. Botulism
Spread? _______________________________
Dies from? _____________________________
Symptoms look like? _____________________
Treatment? ____________________________
Category? ___________
89. What are some examples of chemical agents that cause Bioterrorism?
90. What is the primary symptom of Mustard Gas? ____________________________
91. What is the primary symptom of Cyanide and how do you treat it?
Symptom? ____________________________
Treatment? ____________________________
92. What is the primary symptom of Phosgine Chlorine? ____________________________
93. What are the symptoms of Sarin (hint it's a nerve agent)?
94. What do you use when cleansing patients exposed to chemical agents?
95. When do you commonly give anti-cholinergic? ___________________________________________.
96. Which agents do you isolate the patient for? ______________ _______________
97. Which agents do you decontaminate for? _______________ ________________
98. How does decontamination work?
99. Calcium Channel Blockers: they are like ___valium__________ for your heart. What does that mean? __calms your heart down. Relaxes and slows
down the heart. ___________
100. Calcium Channel Blockers: __negative____________ inotropic, chronotropic, dromotropic
101. Inotropic strength of heart
102. Positive Inotropic strong heartbeat
103. Negative Inotropic weak heartbeat
104. Chronotropic rate of heartbeat
105. Positive Chronotropic fast heartbeat
106. Negative Chronotropic slow heartbeat
107. Dromotropic conductivity of heart
108. Positive Dromotropic excitable heart
109. Negative Dromotropic blocks/slows conduction
110. Positive Inotropic, Chronotropic, and Dromotropic is seen with which medications?
___cardiac stimulants________________________________
111. Negative Inotropic, Chronotropic, and Dromotropic is seen with which medications?
_______caclium channel blockers____________________________
______beta blockers_____________________________
112. What do Calcium Channel blockers treat? (indications)
_____antiartial arrhymias______________________________________________
113. What are some of the side effects of Calcium Channel blockers?
114. Names of Calcium Channel Blockers can be remembered by calling....
115. "QRS depolarization" always refers to __ventricular___________________
116. "P wave" refers to ____artiral________________
117. Asystole ______flat line___________________________
118. Atrial Flutter _________P wave saw tooth______________________________________________
119. Atrial Fibrillation _____chaotic p wave__________________________________________________
120. Ventricular fibrillation ___chaotic qrs____________________________________________________
121. Ventricular Tachycardia _____bizarra qrs__________________________________________________
122. Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVC) _______periodic wide bizarre qrs __________________________________________
123. Be concerned about PVC's if:
_____6 or more in a min __
____> 6 in a row
_PVC falls on a t wave __
_______V fib (quiver)
124. What are the lethal arrhythmias?
125. What is the potentially life-threatening arrhythmias?
______v fib__
126. Prioritize life threatening arrhythmias?
127. When dealing with an IV push drug if you don't know go ______________ except _________________!
128. What is the treatment for PVC's? _____lidocane___________________ and ____________amiodarone _.
129. What is the treatment for V Tach? ___Lindocane_____ and ____amiodarone_______.
130. What are the treatments for Supraventricular arrhythmias? [ABCD]
____adenocard adenosine_____________________________
____beta blockers_____________________________
__calcium channel blockers_______________________________
__digitals (digoxin) lanoxin_______________________________
131. What is the treatment for V-fib? ___dfib=shock________________
132. What is the treatment for Asystole? ___epinephine, atropine _
133. asystole
134. atrial fibrillation
135. atrial flutter
136. Normal Sinus Rhythm
137. Supraventricular tachycardia
138. ventricular fibrillation
139. The purpose for chest tubes is to re-establish _negative____________________ pressure in the pleural space
140. In the pneumothorax, the chest tube removes _air__________
141. In the hemothorax, the chest tube removes ____blood_________
142. In the pneumohemothorax, the chest tube removes ______air_______ and _______blood__________
143. when the chest tube is __apical________ (__top____) for _air_______. aka _________
144. When the chest tube is ___basilar_______ (___bottom___) for __blood______ aka _________
145. How many chest tubes and where for unilateral pneumohemothorax? ___; ___one apical and one basilar to remove air and blood on affected
146. How many chest tubes and where for bilateral pneumothorax? one apical on right side and one apical on left side____;
147. How many chest tubes and where for post-op chest surgery/chest trauma?
2___one apical and one basilar____________________________________________
___on affected side____________________________________________
148. In routine __________ clamp chest tube. In emergency ______________ the chest tube
What do you do if you kick over the collection bottle? ______pick it back up and tell them to take a few deep
149. What do you do if the water seal breaks?
First- _______clamp______________________________
Best- __submerge in sterile water___________________________________
150. What do you do if the chest tube comes out?
First- ____cover with gloved hand______________________________________________________________
best- _____cover with vaseline gauze tape 3 sides _____________________________________________________________
151. If there's bubbling in the water seal intermittently it is… good ____________
152. If there's bubbling in the water seal and it's continuous it is... ____bad_______
153. If there's bubbling in the suction control chamber intermittently it is... __bad_________
154. If there's bubbling in the suction control chamber continuously it is... __good__________
155. Rules for clamping the tube:
never clamp longer than _____15 seconds__________ without Dr's order use _______rubber tooth clamps______________________
156. Every congenital heart defect is either _____trouble_______________ or ______not trouble *all good*_____________
157. R-L = Right to Left Shunt
158. B = Blue
159. T = starts with the letter "T"
160. What are some examples of "TRouBLe" congenital heart defects?
__tetralogy of fallot_____________________________________________
__tricuspid atresia_____________________________________________
161. What are some examples of "No TRouBLe" congenital heart defects?
_____ventricular septal defect__________________________________________
_________pulmonic stenosis______________________________________
162. Akk CHD kids will have 2 things, whether TRouBLe or No TRouBLe...
___________ECG to see why the murmur____________________________________
163. Four defects present in Tetralogy of Fallot are...VarieD, PictureS, Of A, RancH
_ventrical defect______________________________________________
__pulmonic stenosis_____________________________________________
__overriding aorta_____________________________________________
____right ventricular hypertrophy___________________________________________
164. How do you measure crutches for a person?
______2-3 fingers width from armpit anterior axillar fold (NOT AXILLA) and pad, 30 degree flexion wrist at handle level, tip point lateral (6
inches) and slightly in front of the foot (6 inches) __________________________________________________________________________
165. When the handgrip is properly placed, the angle of elbow flexion will be ___30____________ degrees
166. 2-point gait
step one-- ______right foot and left crutch_________________________________________
step two-- ____left foot and right crutch___________________________________________
used for? ____mild bilateral weakness___________________________________________
167. 3-point gait
step one-- ____both crutches and bad foot___________________________________________
step two-- ____good foot___________________________________________
168. 4-point gait
step one-- _____left crutch__________________________________________
step two-- ___right foot____________________________________________
step three-- ___right crutch____________________________________________
step four-- ____left foot___________________________________________
169. Swing through ___similar to 3 point, good foot goes pass the tip of both crutches. for non weight bearing and
Use the ____even_____ numbered gaits when weakness is ____evenly________ distributed. __2______ point for mild problems and ___4______
point for severe
171. Use the ____odd______ numbered gait when one leg is __affected_________
Stairs: which foot leads when going up and down stairs on crutches? _up_________ with the __good________ and ____down_________ with the
_____bad_______. The crutches always move with the ___bad__________ leg
Cane: Hold cane on the ________strong___________ side. Advance cane with the ____weak_________ side for a wide base of support
What is the correct way to use a walker? picks it up, sets it down, walks to it.
What is a big NO when it comes to walkers? ___putting stuff on the front of the walker (side is okay), having tennis ball wheels,
174. What is the correct way to get up from a chair using a walker? Holds the chair, stands up, holds the walke
175. What is the difference between a non-psychotic person and a psychotic person?
______psychotic person has no insight or is in touch with reality. nonpsychotic has insight and is reality based. Nonpsychotic should be
treated like a med surg patient.
176. Delusion ___false/fixed belief, thought, or idea. it is in the patient’s head. ___________________________________________________________________________.
177. What are the 3 types of delusions? __paranoid (someones after me)____________, _____grandiose (im God)_______________, _somatic (body
178. Paranoid or Persecutors Delusion: people are out to get me/kill me
179. Grandiose delusion: im God, im christ, im president, i'm the smartest person
180. Somatic delusion: my eyes have x ray vision. there’s a worm in my arm
181. Hallucination __a sensory perception_____________, ______________________________________.
182. What are the 5 types of hallucinations?
183. Illusion ____a sensory perception. real stimuli misinterpreted.
184. What is the difference between illusions and hallucinations?
_______illusions have referent- something to refer to. both patient and nurse can refer to it (i.e., a cord pt thinks is a snake, vs a snake
and nothing being there)
When dealing with a patient experiencing delusions, hallucinations or illusions, first ask yourself, "What is their problem?" (what are the
different problems that could be going on?)
Functional psychosis
function in everyday life 90% of ppl
chemical imbalance in the brain
Dementia psychosis
actual brain damage
Delirium psychosis
secondary to a cause
loss of reality
sudden, dramatic, temporary
186. What are the different types of functional psychosis?
schizoaffective disorder
major depression (not depression)
187. What are the different types of Psychosis of dementia
organic brain syndrome
anything that says senile/dementia
188. What are the different types of Delirium psychosis
fluid and electrolyte imbalance, dehydration
thyroid imbalance
adrenal crisis
189. How do you deal with a person with Functional Psychosis?
acknowledge feelings
present reality
set limits
enforce them
190. How do you deal with a person with Psychosis of Dementia?
Acknowledge feelings
191. How do you deal with a person with Psychotic Delirium
acknowledge feelings
provide reassurance regarding safety and the temporariness of their condition
192. What are the different types of loosening of association?
Flight of ideas, word salad, neologisms, narrowed self- concept, ideas of reference
193. Flight of ideas: rapid flow of thoughts
194. Word salad: words being thrown together then spit out.
195. Neologisms: making up new words
196. Narrowed self-concept: when a psychotic refuses to change clothes and leave their room. They only know who they are in those clothes and in
that room. Can stay there forever on the NCLEX. different from a depressed person who is not psychotic.
197. Ideas of reference: you think everyone is talking to you.
198. Dementia hallmarks: memory loss, and inability to learn reality.
199. Always acknowledge feelings.
200. What are the 3 "Re's"?
201. Diabetes mellitus _error in glucose metabolism
202. Diabetes insipidus
__polydipsia (dehydration)______________________
_NOT DM, therefore NO sugar problem, just Fluid problem
203. Type I Diabetes Mellitus
_____insulin dependent
___ketosis prone
___non ketosis prone
204. Type II Diabetes Mellitus
_____non insulin dependent
205. Signs and symptoms of diabetes mellitus
206. Treatment for Type I Diabetes Mellitus
____Diet (least important)______________________________
___Insulin (most important)______________________________
207. Treatment for Type II Diabetes Mellitus
______Diet (most important)____________________________.
______Oral hypoglycemics____________________________.
208. Diet of Diabetics
_____restrict cals (1200, 1400, 1600)_____________________________.
____6 small meals per day______________________________.
209. Insulin acts to __decrease__________________ blood sugar
210. Insulin Type: R
Type: _____regular__________________
Peak: ______2hr_________________
Onset: ___1hr___________________
Duration: ______4hr______________
211. Insulin Type N
Type: ___intermediate____________________
Peak: ___8-10hrs___________________
Onset: _6hr____________________
Duration: _____12hr______________
212. Insulin Type: Lispro (Humalog)
Type: ___fast____________________
Peak: ______30min_________________
Onset: ___15min___________________
Duration: ____3hr________________
213. Insulin Type: Lantus (Glargine)
Type: ______long lasting_________________
Peak: _____no peak__________________
Onset: ____n/na__________________
Duration: _12-24 hours___________________
214. With insulin remember:
_____expirary date______________________
Label exp date of 30 days after opening.
Exercise ______is another shot of_______________insulin: if more exercise, need __less_____________insulin. If less exercise, need
216. Sick day rules for insulin
Hyperglycemic & dehydration ___________________________
______serum BGL levels go up due to PSR therefore insulin is needed even if they're not eating
___need any sips of water
217. Low blood sugar in Type I diabetes Mellitus (insulin shock) is caused by:
___not enough food_______________________________
__too much insulin________________________________
___too much exercise_______________________________
218. Why is low blood sugar in Type I Diabetes Mellitus (insulin shock) dangerous? ____too much insulin can cause permanent brain
219. Signs and symptoms of low blood sugar in Type I Diabetes Mellitus [insulin shock]
drunk in shock
__staggering gait
_slurred speech
________increased HR
__cerebral impairment
______increased RR____
decreased social inhibition
_______decreased BP__
slow reaction time
cold/clammy mottled skin
220. Treatment for low blood sugar in Type I Diabetes Mellitus [insulin shock]
____sugars & rapidly metabolized carbs______________________________________________________
____1 sugar + 1 protein/starch______________________________________________________
___OJ + crackers, juice + turkey, skim milk (has both sugar and protein)
221. High blood sugar in type I diabetes Mellitus/DKA/Diabetic coma is caused by:
_too much food_________________________________________________________
___decreased insulin_______________________________________________________
____decreased exercise ___
Acute viral resp infection in the last 2 weeks __
222. Signs and symptoms of high blood sugar in Type I diabetes Mellitus/DKA/Diabetic Coma
Dehydration- dry, poor skin turgor, decreased elasticity, dry MM, warm to touch
Ketones in serum, high K+, Kausmaul breaths
Acetone breath, Acidosis, Anorexia due to nausea
223. Treatment for high blood sugar in type I diabetes mellitus/DKA\/diabetic coma
_IV insulin (regular 1-2-4)________________________________
_Hydration (200ml/her FAST)_____________________________
224. Treatment for low blood sugar in Type II DM:
__sugar + protein/starch_______________________________
____hold hypoglycemics _____________________________
225. High blood sugar in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
____diet, oral hypoglycemics, activity ______________________________________________________
226. Signs and symptoms of high blood sugar in type II DM
227. Treatment for high blood sugar in type II DM ____________________
228. Long term complications of HHNC are related to
__poor tissue perfusion_______________________________
_peripheral neuropathy________________________________
Which lab test is the best indicator of long-term blood glucose control (compliance/ effectiveness/ adherence)? ____Hb
230. Cold and clammy: hypoglycemia (drunk + shock). Hot and dry: hyperglycemia (DKA-dehydration)
231. What are the therapeutic and toxic levels for Lithium?
Therapeutic level: __0.6-1.2___________________
Toxic level: __>2_________________
232. What are the therapeutic and toxic levels for Lanoxin (Digoxin)?
Therapeutic level: _____1-2________________
Toxic level: ___>2________________
Toxic level: _>20_________________
233. What are the therapeutic and toxic levels for Aminophylline?
Therapeutic level: ______10-20_______________
234. What is the therapeutic and toxic levels for dilantin (phenytoin)
Therapeutic level: 10-20
- Toxic level: >20
235. What are the therapeutic and toxic levels for Bilirubin in newborn?
Therapeutic level: ___0-9_
Elevated level: 10-20
Toxic level: ____>20______________
(therapeutic in adults is 0.2-1.2 but its not tested on NCLEX)
236. Kernicterus: _Elevated bilirubin in the brain_______________________________
237. Opisthotonos : the position a newborn is in when they have elevated bilirubin in the brain. irritation of meanings due to kernicterus.
Hyperextension posture. It is a medical emergency!!
238. Dumping Syndrome: GI contents are dumped too fast into the duodenum. Going the right way but at a fast rate.
239. Hiatal Hernia: Gastric contents are going backwards and upwards the esophagus. Going the wrong way at the right rate.
240. Hiatal Hernia or Dumping Syndrome:
Gastric contents move in the right direction at the wrong rate ___Dumping_
Gastric contents move in the wrong direction at the right rate ___Hiatal_____________________
GERD like symptoms when supine and after eating ____Hiatal___________________
241. ADS S/S—Acute Dumping Syndrome
_DRUNK- staggering gait, slurred speech, slow reaction time, imparied judgment, labile emotion, cerebral impairment (because all the
blood has gone to the gut not the brain).
_SHOCK- tachypnea, tachycardia, decreased BP, cold/clammy
_ACUTE ABDOMINAL DISTRESS- cramping, guardian, N+V, diarrhea, borborygmi, bloating, distention
242. Treatment for Hiatal Hernia
HOB during & 1 hr after meals = ___up______
Carbohydrate content of meals = _up______
Amount of fluids with meals = _up______
Goal: _empty contents faster so it doesn't back up
243. Treatment for Dumping Syndrome
HOB during & 1 hr after meals = __down_______
Carbohydrate content of meals = _down______
Amount of fluids with meals = _down______
Goal: slow down the emptying of contents__________________
244. Kalemias do the __same_____________ as the prefix except for ___heart rate____________ and __urine output______________.
Hyperkalemia= high potassium
Hypokalemia = low potassium
Hyper = ↑; HR ↓; Urine Output ↓
Hypo = ↓; HR↑; Urine output↑
245. Calcemias do the __opposite_________________ of the prefix. No exceptions.
Hypercalcemia = high calcium
Hypocalcemia = low calcium
Hyper = ↓
Hypo = ↑
246. Two signs of neuromuscular irritability associated with: Hypocalcemia are chvostek sign and trousseau’s sign.
Chvostek’s sign = _neuromuscular irritability__________ → _hypocalcemia. check cheek___________
Trousseau’s sign = _hand spasms from BP cuff__________ → _hypocalcemia. check BP___________
247. Magnesemias do the ______same__________________ of the prefix.
Hypermagnesemia: high magnesium
Hypomagnesemia: low magnesium
Hyper = ↓
Hypo = ↑
If symptoms involve nerve or skeletal muscle, pick _calcium________________________. For any other symptom, pick
____potassium__________________ (generally anything effecting ___blood pressure__________________________)
249. HyperErnatermia= _dehydration_______________________________________________
250. HypOnatermia = ___overload________________________________________________
251. The earliest sign of any electrolyte disorder is ___numbless___________________ & ___tingling = Paresthesia_____________________.
252. The universal sign-symptom of electrolyte imbalance is __muscle weakness= Paresis_
253. Never push ______potassium_________________________ IV.
254. Not more than ___40__________________ of K+ per liter of IV fluid.
255. Give _______d5w___________ & _____insulin_____________________ to decrease K+. This is a temporary solution, but quick acting. shifts K from blood to
cells, hides the K in the cells.
256. Kayexalate: _exchanges Na for K. Long term/permanent treatment for hyperkalemia. After the exchange, it helps the body get rid of the K for
good in stool. Takes hours, “K EXITS LATE”
*Also giving the pt fluids as kayexalate will cause hypernatremia which also is dehydration. therefore treatment involves d5w, insulin,
and kayexalate simultaneously, as well as IV fluids to correct dehydration*
257. In a patient with hypercalcemia, which monitor pattern would be the most likely threat?
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with decreased ST segments
Bradycardia with 2nd degree Mobitz type II block & elevated ST segment
Frequent PAC’s with multifocal coupling of PVC’s and tall T-waves
First degree heart block with decreased ST segment and inverted T-waves
Hypercalcemia= everything goes low!
therefore no tachycardia, no elevated ST segment, no tall T waves.
258. Hyperthyroidism = __hypermetabolism_______________________________________________
259. Signs & Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism
heat intolerance, cold tolerant
Bulging eyes (exophthalmos)
weight loss
Increased HR
Increased BP
Hyperthyroidism is also known as _Graves disease_________________________. So, remember ____run__________ yourself into the
261. The problem is hyperthyroidism. Treatment options:
Nuke it in radioactive iodine
no visitors in hospital or home for 24 hours
private room for 24 hours
must flush the toilet 3 times after urinating
if you get your urine on the floor, hazmat deam must be called to clean it
PTU (put thyroid under) Propylthiouracil (medication)
Thyroidectomy (total and sub)
262. What is the big risk with radioactive iodine? _Cancer- monitor WBC
263. What does PTU do? __put thyroid under
264. What is the most common treatment for hypothyroidism? _Thyroidectomy
265. Total thyroidectomy—need lifelong _hormone_________________replacement. At risk for ___hypocalcemia due to not being able to save parathyroid
266. What are you at risk for with a subtotal thyroidectomy? ___thyroid storm____________________________.
267. What are signs and symptoms of thyroid storm?
__High BP___(210/180)_____________________________
Psychotically delirious _______________________________
268. What is the treatment for thyroid storm? Bring the temperature down and give oxygen. ice packs is the first intervention, but cooling blanket is
the best intervention.
269. Total = Tetany_________________
Subtotal = Storm __________________
270. Post operation risks for total and subtotal thyroidectomy in first 12 hours
airway (due to edema)
hemorrhage (due to endocrine being very vascular)
271. Post operation risks for total thyroidectomy in 12-48 hrs? Tetany
272. Post operation risks for sub-total thyroidectomy in 12-48 hrs? Thyroid storm
273. Post operation risks for total and subtotal thyroidectomy after 48 hours? - infection
274. Hypothyroidism = Hypometabolism______________________
275. Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism
weight gain
cold intolerant, can tolerate heat
decreased HR
dull flat personality, boring_
decreased BP
academically challenged
276. Hypothyroidism is also known as __myxedma (hypothyroidism with skin involvement)
277. What are the 3 reasons for accuchecks?
278. Treatment for hypothyroidism _thyroid meds-synthroid/levothyroxine 30min-1hour ac breakfast. take on empty stomach with water.
279. Caution: with hypothyroidism treatment DO NOT _sedate these patients.
280. Surgical implications for they hypothyroid patient
______________________________________ and ________________________________________.
281. Adrenal Cortex Diseases start with letters __A__________ or ____C_________
282. Addison’s Disease is ____undersecreation______________________- of the adrenal cortex
283. Signs and symptoms of Addison’s disease
__can’t adapt to stress (can't maintain BGL=hypoglycemia, can’t maintain BP therefore perfuse brain and organs therefore other
symptoms can be present that represent this)
284. Treatment for Addison’s Disease __steriods/corticosteroids -SONE
285. Addison’s = add-a-sone
286. Cushing’s Syndrome is __oversecretion_________________________- of the adrenal cortex
287. Signs and symptoms of Cushings syndrome (same as side effects of steroids)
__moon face
__gynecomastia big breasts
_increase in sodium and water retention
_buffalo hump
bruise easily
_central obesity
_increase in glucose
_stretch marks Striae
_muscle atrophy
_potasium leaving the back
grouchy and immunosuppressed
288. Treatment for Cushings Syndrome : adrenalectomy → addisons→ on steroids→ start looking like Cush-man (S&S of addison's/SE of steroids) → takes
about a year to titrate and get the right dose.
289. What are CONTACT precautions uses for?
_Enteric-anything GI- hep A, e.coli, c.diff, cholera, dysentery
290. CONTACT PRECAUTIONS: Select all that apply:
__Y___ private room
_____ mask
_Y____ gloves
_____ special filter respirator masks
__Y___ handwashing
291. What is droplet precaution used for?
____H.influenza B __
292. DROPLET PRECAUTIONS: select all that apply:
__Y___ Private room
__Y___ Mask
__Y___ gloves
_____ special filter respirator masks
__Y___ handwashing
293. What are airborne precautions used for?
_____ Pt wear mask when leaving room
_____ eye/face shields
_Y____ disposable supplies
_____ negative air flow
___Y__ gown
_____ pt wear mask when leaving room
____Y_ Eye/Face shields
__Y___ Disposable supplies
_____ Negative Air Flow
_____ Gown
___Mmr (measles, mumps, rubella)________________________________
294. AIRBORNE PRECAUTIONS: select all that apply:
__Y___ Private room
_____ Mask
___Y__ gloves
__Y___ special filter respirator masks
__Y___ handwashing
295. Unless otherwise specified, assume that PPE includes:
__Y___ pt wear mask when leaving room
_____ Eye/Face shields
__Y___ Disposable supplies
__Y___ Negative Air Flow
_____ Gown
296. The proper place for donning PPE is __outside___________ the room and doffing PPE is ____in________ the room.
297. The proper order for donning PPE is
298. The proper order for removing PPE is:
In airborne and droplet precautions only, the mask is removed _______________ the room and the patient remove mask _______________ the
300. Handwashing or scrubbing position hands below elbows ___________________
301. Handwashing or scrubbing position elbows below hands ___________________
302. Handwashing or scrubbing length seconds ___________________
303. Handwashing or scrubbing length minutes ___________________
304. Handwashing or scrubbing can touch handles ___________________
305. Handwashing or scrubbing not allowed to touch handles ___________________
Handwashing or scrubbing use when entering/leaving room, before/after glove use, whenever hands get soiled ___________________
307. Handwashing or scrubbing use when patient is immunosuppressed (beginning of stuff) ________________
308. Handwashing or scrubbing soap and water ___________________
309. Handwashing or scrubbing use “Chlor—” ___________________
When can you use an Alcohol-based solution?
311. Can you use an alcohol-based solution after using the restroom? ___________________________
312. Dry hands from______________ to _________________. Turn water off with __________ paper towel
313. Sterile Gloving:
Glove _______________ hand first
Grasp _______________ of cuff
Touch only the _______________ of glove surface
Do no _______________ cuff
Fingers ______________ second glove cuff
Keep thumb ________________
Only touch _________________ surface of glove
314. Skin touches ________________ of glove
315. OUTside of glove only touches _______________ of glove
316. Remove _______________ to __________________. __________________ to __________________
317. What patients do NOT need interdisciplinary care?
Example: ___________________________________________________________
318. What are the major criteria for interdisciplinary care?
Example: ___________________________________________________________________
319. What is the minor criteria for interdisciplinary care?
320. What are the 3 principles to consider when choosing appropriate toys for kids?
___age appropriate___________________________________________
321. What are some safety considerations when it comes to kids’ toys?
Don’t give small toys to under 4 year olds, over 4 they can have smaller toys
Don't give metal toys to kids on Oxygen (sparks)
Hard plastic toys can be sanitized- give these to immunosuppressed kids
Fomites on stuffies
INFANTS (0-6mo, 6-9mo, 9-12mo)
322. What is the BEST toy for 0-6-month olds (sensorimotor)? ______musical mobile
323. What is the 2nd BEST toy for 0-6-month olds? ___large and soft_
324. What is the BEST toy for 6-9 months (object permanence)? ____cover/uncover- jack in a box, peek-a-boo
325. What is the 2nd best toy for 6-9-month olds? ____Large and hard (worst toy is musical mobile due to risk of strangulation)
326. What is the BEST toy for 9-12 months olds? Vocalization- talking toys and books.
327. Remember with 9-12-month olds __purposeful play.
328. Avoid answers with the following words in them for children 9 months and younger
____build___________, ___make_____________, ____sort____________, ____stack____________ & _____construct__________
Toddlers (1-3yr)
329. What is the best toy for toddlers (1-3 yrs)? push/pull toys- wagon, dog on wheels
330. What skill is being worked on when toddlers play? __Gross motor skills- running, jumping, hand paint.
331. What type of play do toddlers do? _Parralell play- play alongside each other not with each other
Preschoolers (3-6)
332. Preschoolers need toys that work on: Fine motor skills & finger dexterity- drawing, writing, scissors. As well as balance- skating, bike riding, and
333. Preschoolers play is characterized by: Highly imaginative
334. Preschoolers like to play: cooperative play- play with each other.
Schoolage (7-11)
335. School age (7-11 yrs) aka __Concrete___________________ are characterized by the 3 C’s:
_Collective- baseball cards, beanie babies
_Competitive- winners and losers
_Creative- wanting to draw, legos _
Adolescents (12-18)
Adolescents (12-18 yrs) their “play” is peer group association. Allow adolescents to be in each other’s rooms unless one of them is:
__post up less that 12 hours_____________________________
___immunosupressed ____________________________
When given a variety of ages to choose from always go ___younger_______________________ because children ____regress_______________ when
sick and you want to give them ____time to grow________________________________
338. Creatinine is the → _best indicator of kidney function__
339. Creatinine lab values: __________________________
If elevated: _
INR (International Normalized Ratio) (what does it monitor?)
_measures coumadin (warfarin) and reflects PTT (time it takes blood to clot)
340. What is the therapeutic range for INR?
Normal: ______________
↑ INR = _______________
Critical: _______________
341. What do you do when INR is > 4?
342. What is the therapeutic range for Potassium (K+)? _______________________
343. What do you do if Potassium is low? LEVEL C
344. What do you do if Potassium is 5.4-5.9? __LEVEL C_
345. What do you do if Potassium is > 6? ___LEVEL D
Do the following at once:
346. What is the therapeutic range of pH? ______________________________
347. What do you do if pH is in the 6’s? LEVEL D
348. What is the therapeutic range for BUN? _8-25 LEVEL A ______________________________________________
349. What do you do when a patient has an elevated BUN?
350. What is the therapeutic range for Hgb? _______________________________________________
351. What do you do when a patient has 8-11 Hgb? LEVEL B
352. What do you do if a patient has a Hgb of < 8? LEVEL C
353. What is the therapeutic range for HCO3?
354. What is the therapeutic range for CO2? _______________________________________________
355. What do you do if CO2 if in the 50s? LEVEL C
356. What do you do if the CO2 is in the 60s? LEVEL D
357. What is the therapeutic range for Hct?
358. What is the therapeutic range for PO2? _______________________________________________
359. What do you do if PO2 is 70-77? LEVEL C
360. What do you do when PO2 is < 60s? LEVEL D
361. What is the therapeutic range for O2 saturation? _____
362. What do you do if O2 saturation is less than 93? _
363. BNP _Brain Natriuretic Peptide.
364. What is the therapeutic range for BNP? ________________________
365. What do you do if BNP is elevated? _______________________________________________
366. What is the therapeutic range for Sodium? ________________________
367. What do you do if sodium is abnormal in a patient? LEVEL B, LEVEL C if changes in LOC
__depends if it's hyponatremia or hypernatremia. (overload=lasix, dehydration=IV fluids)
368. What is the therapeutic range for WBC’s? LEVEL C ____________________________
369. What is the therapeutic range for ANC? LEVEL C ____________________________
370. What is the therapeutic range for CD4 count? LEVEL C ____________________________
371. What is another name for high WBC count? ____________________________
372. What are some other names for LOW WBC count?
373. What do you do when WBC is < 5,000?
374. What do you do if ANC < 500?
375. What do you do if CD4 <200?
376. What are neutropenic precautions?
___strict hand washing
__no fresh flowers/potted plants
_vs q4h
_no raw fruit/veggies/meat
_designated stethoscope and BP cuff
_no standing pitcher of h20 more than 15 min
_reverse/precaution isolation
No catheterization
_avoid crowds
Shower BID with microbial soap
_private room _
don't reuse cups or disposable plates
_restrict staff and visitors
Check WBCs daily
Dedicated items in room: __stethoscope, BP cuff
377. What is the therapeutic range for platelets? _150k-450k___________________________________
378. What do you do if platelets are < 90,000? LEVEL C
379. What do you do if platelets are < 40,000? LEVEL D
380. What are bleeding precautions?
381. What is the therapeutic range for RBC’s?
____LEVEL B__________________________
382. What are the 5 D’s? [remember the 6’s]
K+: _6 or above
PO2: _60s or less
pH: _in the 6s
Plt: _<40K _
CO2: _in the 60s
383. When should you call a Rapid Response Team?
384. Laminectomy
385. What is the reason for a laminectomy? __________________________________________________
386. What are the 3 signs and symptoms of nerve root compression?
387. What are the different locations for a laminectomy?
__________________________, _________________________, __________________________
388. What is the most important assessment in a pre-op cervical laminectomy?
389. What is the most important assessment in a pre-op thoracic laminectomy?
390. What is the most important assessment in a pre-op lumbar laminectomy? __________________________
391. What is the # 1 post-op answer on NCLEX? ____________________________________________
392. What is the specific “activity”/mobilization strategy post-op?
393. Post-op complication for cervical laminectomy _____________________________________________
394. Post-op complication for thoracic laminectomy _____________________________________________
395. Post-op complications for lumbar laminectomy _____________________________________________
Laminectomy with fusion involves taking a______________________ _____________________ from the __________________ _________________. Of the two
incisions, which site has the most:
Pain? _________
Bleeding/Drainage? ____________
Risk for Infection? _____________
Risk for rejection? _____________
397. Surgeons are using cadaver bone from bone banks. Why?
398. What are some temporary restrictions (6 wks) with discharge teaching?
399. What are some permanent restrictions for laminectomy patients?
400. Nagele’s Rule (calculating due date)
401. Total weight gain during pregnancy ___________________________________
402. 1st Trimester weight gain ____________________________________________
403. 2nd/3rd trimester weight gain _________________________________________
404. Fundus (top of uterus) is not palpable until week _____________.
405. Fundus typically reaches the umbilical (navel) level at week ______________.
406. What are 4 positive signs of pregnancy?
407. What are some probably/presumptive signs of pregnancy?
408. Morning Sickness: Which trimester and what treatment?
409. Urinary incontinence: Which trimester and what treatment?
410. Dyspnea: Which Trimester and what treatment? ___________________________________________
411. Back Pain: Which trimester and what treatment?
412. What is the truest, most valid sign of labor? ______________________________________
413. Dilation ______________________________________
414. Effacement ______________________________________
415. Station ______________________________________________________________________________
Negative = _____________________
Positive = ______________________
416. Engagement: ________________________________________________
417. Lie: ________________________________________________________
418. Presentation: ________________________________________________
419. What is stage 1 of labor and delivery?
420. What is stage 2 of labor and delivery? ________________________________________________
421. What is stage 3 of labor and delivery? ________________________________________________
422. What is stage 4 of labor and delivery? ________________________________________________
423. Transverse lie and station that won’t go positive = ______________________
424. Latent:
CM dilated: ___________
Duration: ____________
CXN freq: ____________
Intensity: ____________
CM dilated: ___________
Duration: ____________
CXN freq: ____________
Intensity: ____________
425. Active:
426. Transition:
CM dilated: ___________
Duration: ____________
CXN freq: ____________
Intensity: ____________
427. Contractions should not be longer than __________ seconds or closer than every __________ minutes.
428. Assessment of contractions: Frequency _____________________________________________________
429. Assessment of contractions: Duration _____________________________________________________
430. Assessment of contractions: Intensity _____________________________________________________
431. What complications of labor is indicated if the mom is having painful back pain?
432. What should you do with a prolapsed cord?
433. Interventions for all other complications of labor and birth
Do not administer a SYSTEMIC pain medication to a woman in labor IF the baby is likely to be __________ when the _______________ is
435. What do you do with a low fetal heart rate?
436. What do you do with FHR accelerations? ______________________
437. What do you do with low baseline variability?
438. What do you do with high baseline variability? ______________________
439. What do you do with late decelerations?
440. What do you do with early decelerations? ______________________
441. What do you do with variable decelerations?
442. Second stage of labor and delivery—what do you do?
443. What do you check for with the delivery of the placenta? ____________________________________
During the ____________ stage (recovery stage) (first 2 hours after delivery) what ____________ things do you do _________________ times an hour.
445. What is the tone, height and location of the uterus postpartum?
Tone: _______________________
Height: __________________________________________________________________
Location: ________________________________________________________________
446. What is the color of lochia in the first days? ___________________
447. What is the color of lochia after a week or so postpartum? _____________________
448. What is a moderate amount of lochia? _____________________________________
449. What is an excessive amount of lochia? _____________________________________
450. What do you assess for in the post-partum assessment?
451. Distended sebaceous glands which appear as tiny white spots on baby’s face ___________________
452. Small white epithelial cysts on baby’s gums ____________________________
453. Bluish-black macules appearing over the buttock and/or thighs of darker-skinned neonates
454. Red popular rash on baby’s torso which is benign and disappears after a few days
455. Benign tumor of capillaries ____________________________
Swelling caused by bleeding between the ostium and periosteum of the skull. This swelling does not cross suture lines.
Edematous swelling on scalp caused by pressure during birth. This swelling may cross suture lines. It usually disappears in a few days.
458. Normal, physiologic jaundice appears after 24 hours of age and disappears at about one week of age
459. Whitish, cheese-like substance which appears intermittently over the first 7-10 days
460. Normal cyanosis of baby’s hands and feel which appears intermittently over the first 7-10 days
461. Generic term for birthmark
462. Tocolytics [stop contractions]
463. Oxytocics—stimulate labor
464. Fetal/Neonatal Lung Meds
465. Steps of drawing up insulin
1. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
5. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
466. IM—length and gauge ________________________________________________________
467. SQ—length and gauge ________________________________________________________
468. Heparin
Antidote: ____________________________
Labs: _______________________________
469. Coumadin
Antidote: _____________________________
Labs: ________________________________
470. Baclofen [Lioresal]
471. Sensorimotor
Age: ________________
Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________________
Teaching Guidelines—
When: ____________________________________
What: ____________________________________
How: _____________________________________
472. Pre-Operational
Age: ________________
Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________________
Teaching Guidelines—
When: ____________________________________
What: ____________________________________
How: _____________________________________
473. Concrete Operations
Age: ________________
Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________________
Teaching Guidelines—
When: ____________________________________
What: ____________________________________
How: _____________________________________
474. Formal Operations
Age: ________________
Characteristics: _____________________________________________________________________
Teaching Guidelines—
When: ____________________________________
What: ____________________________________
How: _____________________________________
475. Stage 1 pressure sore _______________________________________________
476. Stage 2 pressure sore _______________________________________________
477. Stage 3 pressure sore _______________________________________________
478. Stage 4 pressure sore _______________________________________________
479. __________________ beats ______________________
480. ________________ _______________ beats ________________ or _______________ ______________.
481. _________________beats ____________________
482. What makes a patient stable?
483. What makes a patient unstable?
484. What 4 patients are always unstable?
485. The more ________________ the _________________, the higher the priority
Most vital → _________ → __________ → _________ → _________ → _________ → _________
486. What responsibilities would you not delegate to an LPN?
487. What would you not delegate to a UAP?
Do not delegate to _________________: __________________ responsibilities. They can only do what you _______________________ them to do
489. How do you intervene with inappropriate behavior of staff? (4 options)
490. What 4 questions should you ask when dealing with inappropriate behavior from staff?
491. Pre-interaction phase
Purpose: ___________________________________________________________________________
Length: ____________________________________________________________________________
Correct answer: ____________________________________________________________________
492. Introductory phase (orientation phase)
Purpose: ___________________________________________________________________________
Length: ____________________________________________________________________________
Correct answer: ____________________________________________________________________
493. Working phase (therapeutic phase)
Purpose: ___________________________________________________________________________
Length: ____________________________________________________________________________
Correct answer: ____________________________________________________________________
494. When does the termination phase begin? ______________________________
495. Psych treatment protocol for depression
496. Psych treatment protocol for schizophrenia
497. Psych treatment protocol for bipolar
498. Psych treatment protocol for anxiety disorder
Tx: _________________________________
499. Restraint protocol
In psych: _________________________________________________________________________
Not psych: _______________________________________________________________________
500. Psych treatment protocol for violent clients
501. All psych drugs cause…
502. Phenothiazines
_major tranquilzers, end in “zine”_______________________________
Example: __thoraZINE, compaZINE______________________________________
Large doses: _antipsyc, decreases symptoms but does not cure it _
Small doses___antiemtic ________________________________
503. Side effects of phenothiazines [Remember ABCDEFG…]
A = __anticholingeric (dry mouth, urinary retention)__
B = ___blurry vision__________________________________________
C = __constipation___________________________________________
D = __drowsiness___________________________________________
E = _EPS (parkinsons, tremors, pill rolling)____________________________________________
F = __foto sensitivity ___________________________________________
G = __aGranulocytosis___________________________________________
504. Nursing care for phenothiazines __#1 for ABCDEF= safety education, #1 for G= infection
505. Deconate or “D” - IM court ordered long acting for non compliant patients _
506. Tricyclic Antidepressants
Type: _NSSRI__________________________________
Example: Elavil, tofranil, avently, desyrel_
507. Side effects of: Tricyclic antidepressants (Elvail starts with “E” so this group goes to “E”)
A = __anticholingeric (dry mouth, urinary retention)__
B = ___blurry vision__________________________________________
C = __constipation___________________________________________
D = __drowsiness___________________________________________
E = __euphoria___________________________________________
Take for how long? _2-4 weeks to kick in but can be taken long term.
508. Benzodiazepines
Type: anti-anxiety
minor tranquilizers
always have “ZEP
Prototype: valium, induction of anesthesia, muscle relaxant, alcohol_______________________________
ETOH withdrawal
_Pre op induction of anesthesia
ventilation- muscle relaxant for ppl on ventilators
_muscle relaxants______
Number 1 nursing teachings: kicks in right away but cannot be taken for longer than 2-4 weeks. Taken at the same time as Tricyclic
antidepressants. i.e. take valium and elavil at same time. Valium works right away, by the time elavil kicks in (2-4 weeks), valium can be
discontinued, as it cannot be taken longer than 2-4 weeks.
509. Side effects of Benzodiazepines
A = __anticholingeric (dry mouth, urinary retention)__
B = ___blurry vision__________________________________________
C = __constipation___________________________________________
D = __drowsiness___________________________________________
510. Monoamine Oxidase (MAO) Inhibitors
Type: antidepresants __________________________
Drug Names: __starts with MAR, NAR, PAR__________________________________
____I.e., MARplan, NARdil, PARnate
511. Side effects of MAO inhibitors
A = __anticholingeric (dry mouth, urinary retention)__
B = ___blurry vision__________________________________________
C = __constipation___________________________________________
D = __drowsiness___________________________________________
512. Interactions/ patient teaching for MAO inhibitors
___teach pts to avoid foods containing tyramine, or else they were enter hypertensive crisis.
Foods containing tyramine:
Fruits & veggies—_BAR- bananas, avocados, raisins,
Grains: _yeast, everything else is okay.
Meats: organs and preserved meets (cured, smoked, dried, pickled, hot dogs)
Dairy: mozza and cottage cheese is okay, avoid other cheeses
Other: ETOH, elixiris, soya sauce, caffeine, chocolat, licorice, iodine/betadine
513. Lithium
decreases mania in bipolar patients, not depression.
514. Side Effects of Lithium
The three “P’s”
___metalic taste__
__severe diarrhea
# 1 intervention: ____give fluids________________________________________
If sweating → ___give fluids___________________________________________
Monitor __sodium_________________________________
515. Prozac
__ mood elevator__________________________________________
516. Side effect of Prozac
A = __anticholingeric (dry mouth, urinary retention)__
B = ___blurry vision__________________________________________
C = __constipation___________________________________________
D = __drowsiness___________________________________________
_parethesia (first sign)
E = __euphoria___________________________________________
Causes:___insomnia, take at noon. if BID take at 6am and noon. _________________________________________________________________________
Changing doses? _careful in changing doses in adolescents (12-18 years) as this can cause suicidal risks.
517. Haldol (Haloperidol)
same as phenothiazines ____________________________________________
518. Side effects of Haldol
A = __anticholingeric (dry mouth, urinary retention)__
B = ___blurry vision__________________________________________
C = __constipation___________________________________________
D = __drowsiness___________________________________________
E = _EPS (parkinsons, tremors, pill rolling)____________________________________________
F = __foto sensitivity ___________________________________________
G = __aGranulocytosis___________________________________________
Monitor for: NMS. Patients may develop NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome) from an overdose of haldol. S&S: fever, tremors. Seen in
elderly and young white shizo pts, doses should be half than normal adults. It is life-threatening. *the difference between NMS and EPS is
that EPS is non life-threatening and it does not include a fever like NMS*
519. Clozaril (clozapine)
_Atypical antipsyc_
don’t confuse with clonazepam (benzo)
520. Side effects of Clozaril
G: aGranlucytosis
521. Zoloft (Sertraline)
_anti depressant___________________________________________
___can cause insomnia_________________________________________
_interacts with st john’s wort and warfarin. be prepared to decrease the dose of sertraline if pt is on warfarin. __
522. Side effects of Zoloft
SAD Head
apprehensive (impending doom)