Uploaded by Cueto, Trisha Almae D.


I. Read the definitions in Column A and find the answers
in Column B. Write your answer in the space provided.
I. Read the definitions in Column A and find the answers
in Column B. Write your answer in the space provided.
Column A
Column B
___1. One of the earliest genres
a. Fiction
of literature.
b. Simile
___2. Direct comparison of two
c. Personification
unlike things
d. Metaphor
___3. Giving human attributes
e. Poetry
to an object or animal.
f. Flash-fiction
___4. It exaggerates the meaning
g. Non-fiction
of a sentence
h. Drama
___5. A story that is based on the
i. Hyperbole
author’s imagination
___6. Genre that tells about stories
that actually happen in real life
___7. Two unlike things compared to
each other using “like” or “as”.
___8. Written work that tells a story
through action and speech.
___9. It is telling a story in a few words,
usually about 100-1000 word or less.
___10. It is a short poetry in a form of tanaga,
that is sent through SMS on mobile phone
Column A
Column B
___1. One of the earliest genres
a. Fiction
of literature.
b. Simile
___2. Direct comparison of two
c. Personification
unlike things
d. Metaphor
___3. Giving human attributes
e. Poetry
to an object or animal.
f. Flash-fiction
___4. It exaggerates the meaning
g. Non-fiction
of a sentence
h. Drama
___5. A story that is based on the
i. Hyperbole
author’s imagination
___6. Genre that tells about stories
that actually happen in real life
___7. Two unlike things compared to
each other using “like” or “as”.
___8. Written work that tells a story
through action and speech.
___9. It is telling a story in a few words,
usually about 100-1000 word or less.
___10. It is a short poetry in a form of tanaga,
that is sent through SMS on mobile phone
II. Enumerate the five elements of drama.
II. Enumerate the five elements of drama.