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Business Intro Prospect Letter

First Name Surname
Suburb, State, ZIP Code
Dear [first name],
We hope your business is thriving.
Trying to find the edge in the online world can often be confusing and difficult, unless you understand the game
and how it works. Many businesses do it all wrong without ever realizing that they leave money on the table.
As one of [city or country here]’s leading search engine optimization firms, [insert your business name here]
knows what it takes to succeed online among the competition. We can help you improve your search engine
placement positioning, improve your sales conversions and assist you with customer list building. All strategies
of which helping you to increase your profits in the process.
We have worked with clients such as [client name], [client name], [client name], and [client name], and helped
them to increase their presence and website rankings. Instead of being limited to thousands of customers, they
can now target millions thanks to their performing web sites.
Please pay a visit to our web site at [your web address here] to understand how we can help you.
Yours sincerely,
Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code
(543) 555-1234 (543) 555-1235 fax
[your web address]