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MKTG 469 - Lecture 2 Culture

Global Marketing
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
(The bubble we live in)
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Culture - Definition
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
The total community heritage of nonbiological, socially transmitted traits,
including technological, social,
ideological, religious, and artistic forms
of behavior and material objects.
- Lewis Binford
Evolution of Culture
Mankind does not inherently have the biological equipment to survive
Fangs, claws, fur, superior strength, superior eyesight, superior hearing,
In order to survive, our earliest direct evolutionary ancestors, the
hominids (≈1 - 3 million years ago), developed culture
Who were they and how did they do it?
Some of you may not believe in human evolution, and that’s OK
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Normal Reactions When Exposed to Other Cultures
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Culture shock
Reverse culture shock
Business Practice
Western business/ marketing
model has been adopted in most
However, local cultural variants
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Day-to-day operations
Conduct of meetings
Business hours (…the siesta)
Personal interactions, etc.
The marketing mix
(Frames our world view)
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Written Language
Meaning versus
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Spoken Language
Universe divided by gender
Grammar / specificity / importance
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Der in der ecke stehende stuhl
The chair in the corner
Volume / pitch / strength of voice /
amount of eye contact
Social status (accent, diction, wording, etc.)
Spoken Language
Winston Churchill
once said:
“The Americans and
English are two great
peoples divided by a
common language.”
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Spoken Language
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Spoken Language (Cont’d)
Fractured branding
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Lonewdew Macewdonewdew
Can‘t be used in English-speaking
Hall’s Silent Languages…Unspoken but known within the cu
 Language of Time
Mañana / Bokhara, inshallah
 Language of Space
 Office location, size, and type
 Language of Things
 Language of Friendship
 Language of Agreements...“We will take it into consideration.“
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
(Our moral compass)
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
It may not be ours…but…
As Marketers, we need not subscribe
to a particular religion or belief
 However, we need to know,
understand, and respect differences in
doctrine in order to be successful
 Holidays (holy days) / Friday / Saturday /
 Business practices
 “Right” and “wrong” / Taboos
 Etc.
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
It may not be ours…but… (Cont’d)
Religiously conservative countries
 Poland, Hungary, most Islamic countries
Religiously liberal countries
Brazil, Japan, most of Western Europe
Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara, Japan
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Business Etiquette
(Normative behavior)
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Doing What Is “Proper”
• Title / social status / ethnicity / class /
clan / tribe / age
• Meeting conduct / how & when to
• Office design ; layout
• Eye contact
• Door position
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
The Legal System
(Codified conduct)
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Importance of Different Systems
• British Common Law
• Le code de Napoleon
• Sharia Law
• Communist Law
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
• You don’t need to be an expert,
but your success will be based
in no small part by your:
 Knowledge of local culture
(and history)
 Empathy and understanding
despite of your “dislikes”
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Need for Appreciation and Flexibility
Cuisine / eating habits
Visual arts
Dress code
Gender roles / behavior
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
Knowledge Breeds Success
• Key to successful marketing:
 Learn about the local country /
region from:
 Ethnography /anthropology sources
 U.S. Chamber of Commerce country
guides (free or low cost)
 U.S. Military country guides
 Country publications (e.g., JETRO)
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469
University of Illinois
At Chicago
Marketing 469