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after 20 years教案

Unit 9 After 20 Years
课 时
1 period
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aims:
• Students will learn some new words and phrases.
• Students can acquire more information about American Literature.
Ability aims:
• Students will be able to use different basic reading strategies like skimming and
scanning correctly in their reading process.
• Students can cultivate their ability to select local and overall information
• Students can foster their awareness of questioning and improve their ability to analyze
and solve problems through exercises.
• Students will master the writing skill with creative thinking.
Emotional aims:
• Students can foster the interest and desire of learning English and be fond of taking
part in kinds of class activities.
• Students can practice their critical thinking after reading the passage.
Teaching demands
• To recognize the cultural background
• To further understand the text
• To master the paragraph writing skill
Teaching Focuses and Difficulties:
1. Understand the background of the text
2. Master the difficult words and phrases
3. Be aware of the theme of the article
4. Apply the creative thinking in writing
Teaching aids: computer
Teaching Procedures
Period 1 (50 mins )
Step One Lead-in(5 mins)
Imagine you’re meeting an old friend in 20 years’ time.
1. How do you think you’ll have changed?
2. What kind of life have you been leading?
(Justification: The questions are close to life, which can arouse students' interest to the
teaching activity. Meanwhile, it can also lead to the topic naturally。)
Step Two pre-reading(10 mins)
Background information
• Author’s information
• Cultural background
Elements of Fiction
• Setting
• Character
• Plot
Words and expressions
The teacher will get one student to read the vocabulary, and rest of them read after him/her.
After reading, the teacher will explain some of the words/phrases.
(Justification: Through above activities, students will be prepared to read
and can understand the material better.)
Step Three While-reading(15 mins)
1. Fast-reading(5 mins)
Students will have 5 minutes to read the passage for the first time to sort the six parts.
(Justification: Through fast reading, students will have a general understanding of this
passage. Students will have a preliminary concept of the topic and structure of the passage.)
2. Careful-reading(10 mins)
Character Description
Students should read the passage for the second time and to summarize the character traits.
True or false
1. Students should identify truth or not of the sentence.
(Justification: Through these reading activities, students can cultivate their ability to select
local information and overall information and their ability to read independently.)
Step four post-reading(20 mins)
Group Discussion
Students will work in groups to discuss the following questions:
• Is it right or wrong for Jimmy to tell a plain-clothes officer to arrest Bob?
• Why doesn't Jimmy reveal himself to Bob in "After Twenty Years" by O. Henry?
After the discussion, several students will be invited to share their answers.
Then the teacher will make a conclusion.
(Justification: This task will make students to be more confident to share their opinions in
public. Besides, it will be useful for their critical thinking.)
Try to think a new ending for the story.
(Justification: This task can arouse students' interest and involve the whole class. Also,
students' creative thinking can be developed. )
Ask students to summarize the whole text and do a paraphrasing with requests.
(Justification: Write down the summary with requests can deepen students' practice writing
Step Five Assignment & homework
Write a reply to Jimmy no more than 200 words.
(Justification: Writing can test students’ mastery of the course content. While this task can
help them better apply the new word and expressions, even the structure of passage in their
essay. Also, the students can also improve their creative and critical thinking.)
Reflection after Class