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Grade 7 Worksheet on the Respiratory System and Breathing

Grade 7 Worksheet on the Respiratory System and Breathing
Learning Outcomes:
1. To identify the various parts of the Respiratory System
2. To be able to compare inspiration (inhalation) and expiration (exhalation).
3. To analyse models that illustrate breathing.
Task 1
Watch the video links below which show how we breathe.
a) Video 1 by MedlinePlus
b) Video 2 by Prismatic Speech Services on ‘Respiration, 3D Medical Animation’.
c) Optional Video for extension principles (Watch only if you would like more detail)
Task 2
Study the diagram below which compares inspiration and expiration using diagrams.
2.1. Construct a table in your books to compare the process of inspiration and expiration.
Try and work out the correct order of events labelled in the diagrams on pg 1:
Inspiration / Inhalation (Breathing in)
Expiration / Exhalation ( Breathing out)
Points to note:
Air only moves from a high to a low pressure.
An increase in volume lowers the pressure.
A decrease in volume increases the pressure.
Ventilation: Moving air in and out of the lungs.
Breathing: involves the movement of air and muscular contraction
Task 3
Use the video below to describe how to construct a model of the Breathing System in
humans using balloons, straws and a plastic bottle.
3.1. Write down your method in point form in your books.
3.2. Draw a labelled diagram of the model (in your books) illustrating what each part
represents in the human body.
Task 4
Answer the questions to the worksheet entitled ‘Breathing and Respiration 2’ in your