Uploaded by leilalampkin


ALERT 🚨 🚨🚨 please do not sign on with this company let me explain!!! First off the only reason I accepted my
lease is because my credit is bad. I have the income but my credit low so I accepted this into next year when my
credit will be fixed by then. Since moving in we enter a dirty home with stain no walls, ripped floors, refrigerator
not working, grime in all the bathrooms with mole. Air filter was black as night like it was never changed. They
don’t respond to any maintenance calls, and on top of all this I had to get a mail box key made just to get my mail
when the lease clearly states that on the previous tenants to have key remade. And don’t get on here apologizing for
the short coming cause as an organization this is the worse. Then I didn’t even get my access code on move in date.
Did I mentioned that I only been here a week and been dealing with all this with no AC. And half the light bulbs
were out in the house. The filter in the photo with the trash can to show you all how dirty it was.