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Version: 1.0 | Last update: 13 December 2018
Getting Started
HTML Structure
Helper Classes
Contact Form
Browser Support
Source & Credits
Thank you for purchasing Novas template!
This documentation will give you an understanding of how Novas is structured and guide you in performing common functions. If you
require further assistance not covered in this documentation, please contact us in our Support Portal http://support.aucreative.co/
If you need custom customization, please contact us from here: http://themeforest.net/user/Eagle-Theme
Thank you so much!
Getting Started
What's Included
Once you have download the package you will see the following folder structure in " template" Folder
css- Main Stylesheet Files
fonts- Fonts file and css for fonts
images- Images Files
js- Javacripts Folder
includes- PHP Files (contact form... etc)
vendor- Vendor Files (jquery, bootstrap... etc)
audio- Audio Files (mp3... etc)
In order to use in your website, you need to upload template files ( inside the folder www) to your web server with the help of one of the
FTP-clients (for example, WinSCP or Total Commander etc).
HTML Structure
Novas template is based on Bootstrap Framework ( http://getbootstrap.com/) Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS
framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Below is a sample coding structure:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
Logo Settings
Default site logo is placed insideheader container.
Changing Fonts
By default Novas Template uses One fonts from google library: 'Poppins' from the Google Fonts Library
If you wish to add/change the site fonts, please take a look in thehead part of the website and you will find this tag:
To include new font you can simply add another line like this:
Or add an| seperator and pasteLato:400,300,800,700,600 after default website fonts link.
Novas includes 1 sliders that gives you all the options they need.
Owl Carousel 2: Is an touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.
Owl Carousel 2 data config
This excellent carousel slider can be controler usuing HTML5 data attirbutes, see the full list below:
items - Type: Number The number of items you want to see on the screen.
loop - Type: Boolean Infinity loop. Duplicate last and first items to get loop illusion.
nav - Type: Boolean Show next/prev buttons.
navText - Type: Array HTML allowed.
navElement - Type: String DOM element type for a single directional navigation link.
dots - Type: Boolean Show dots navigation.
autoplay - Type: Boolean Autoplay.
responsive - Type: Object Object containing responsive options. Can be set to false to
video - Type: Boolean Enable fetching YouTube/Vimeo/Vzaar videos.
animateIn - Type: String/Boolean Class for CSS3 animation in.
remove responsive capabilities.
The full documentation of Owl Carousel 2 can be found here
Slider Revolution
Novas includes 1 slideshow that gives you all the options they need.
Slider Revolution: An All-Purpose Slide Displaying Solution that can show any kind of media with highly customizable transitions,
effects and animations.
The full documentation of Slider Revolution can be found here
Novas helper css classes allow you to build your custom layout without touching any CSS code
These classes are generic helper classes predifined in the CSS of pages, here is quick view what they can do
You can add this helper class to any element in your HTML code to set Margins
First Prefix ( m*)
m for margin
Second Prefix(m-t/b/l/r-*)
t : top, b : bottom, l : left, r :
Last Prefix(m-t$value)
5,10,15,20, ... 150
example :
m-t-10 which means Margin Top 10px
m-b-20 which means Margin Bottom 20px
m-l-5 which means Margin Left 5px
m-r-35 which means Margin Right 35px
Note:Value can not be anything, 1,2,4,5,6. It has a step of 5px, eg: 5,10,15
Other options:
To remove margin from a HTML element add the class
You can add this helper class to any element in your HTML code to set paddings
First Prefix ( p*)
Second Prefix(p-t/b/l/r-*)
Last Prefix(p-t-$value)
Prefix ( p- t : top, b : bottom, l : left, r :
for padding
Second Prefix(p-t/b/l/r-*)
... 150
example :
p-t-10 which means padding Top 10px
p-b-20 which means padding Bottom 20px
p-l-5 which means padding Left 5px
p-r-35 which means padding Right 35px
Note:Value can not be anything, 1,2,4,5,6. It has a step of 5px, eg: 5,10,15
Contact Form
You need to modify email address and email title onincludes/config.json in includes folder,line 2 andline 3
"MAIL_HOST": "info@yourdomain.com"
"MAIL_TITLE": "[Novas] Contact Form Message"
with your or company contact email address and the title mail you want.
Note: Your server must support php sendmail()function to make contact form work properly
Bootstrap grid includes a responsive, mobile first fluid grid system that appropriately scales up to 12 columns as the device or viewport
size increases. It includes predefined classes for easy layout options, as well as powerful mixins for generating more semantic layouts
Grid systems are used for creating page layouts through a series of rows and columns that house your content. Here's how the Bootstrap
grid system works:
You must start withrow
There are pre-define classes of columns starting from 1 to 12, examplecol-md-1 tocol-md-12
Each of these value represent a percentage of the screen, 1 being the smallest and 12 being 100%
You can create different grid pattern that finally forms 12
For more information about Bootstrap, visit: http://getbootstrap.com/
example :
NoteBootstrap includes different grids for different screen sizes, "col-md" md stands for medium screen, the following table explains:
Grid behavior
Class prefix
# of columns
Column width
Gutter width
Extra small devices Phones (
Small devices Tablets
Medium devices Desktops
Large devices Desktops
Horizontal at all times
Collapsed to start, horizontal above breakpoints
None (auto)
30px (15px on each side of a column)
Browser Support
Novas is built keeping mind to support a wide range of browsers and devices. We all major browers Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 9 and Above
Mac OS
Firefox Internet Explorer
Supported Supported
Supported N/A
Not Supported N/A
Not Supported Supported
Supported Supported
Supported Supported Supported
Not Supported
Source & Credits
All images are only for demonstration purpose, however you can re-download them in sites below. Almost all (not including
overclothing.com, Daniel Zenda, Freepik etc...) images are released free of copyrights under Creative Commons CC0.
Images & Mockups
All Free Stocks http://allthefreestock.com
Pexels https://www.pexels.com/
jQuery http://www.jquery.com/
Owl Carousel 2 http://kenwheeler.github.io/slick/
Slider Revolution https://www.themepunch.com/revsliderjquery-doc/slider-revolution-jquery-5-x-documentation/
Media Element https://www.mediaelementjs.com
noUiSlider https://refreshless.com/nouislider/
Countdown http://hilios.github.io/jQuery.countdown/
FancyBox http://fancybox.net/
CSS & Fonts
Bootstrap Framework http://getbootstrap.com/
Line Icons https://linearicons.com/free
Material Design Iconic Font http:http://zavoloklom.github.io/
Google Fonts https://www.google.com/fonts