Uploaded by Reem Man

1st Lesson

Materials Design for Teaching Arabic
Lesson Plan
Class: Beginners
Lesson Title: Introducing my friend to you
Time: 3 Hours /20 minutes Break
Name of Stuff:
Date & Time of Lesson:
Aims: - Learn to introduce himself/herself and
introduce others.
- Giving and exchanging personal information when meeting people, and
asking and answering “Yes/No questions’ and ‘Wh-questions’.
- Talk about weather, career, interests and hobbies
- Introduction to Demonstrative pronouns such as “‫ ”هذا‬and “‫”هذه‬
- translating words from English to Arabic
Task & Learning outcome
Warmer Activity:
Break students into partners, each of students has a piece of paper to write as much as information
about the other partner in Arabic. Then, teacher will ask each student to introduce his or her partner.
The aim of this activity is to allow students to remember the vocabulary they have learnt before and
use it in the right context while speaking. Also, improve writing skills for the student who is
registering the information.
Task 1: Reading Activities:
Students will see a slide with a picture and dialogue between “‫ ”زين“ ”نور“ ”جبر‬with sentences used
for introducing each other comprising vocabulary about weather and purpose of studying. After,
students will be asked to read them, then, underline the difficult words. These difficult words will be
discussed to get the right meaning and translation, and how it will be used in Arabic to make a
correct sentence. Teacher will need to make sure that all students comprehend the new vocabulary,
because they will be asked to use them when introducing each other.
Task 2: Writing Activities:
1- Writing sentences on selected vocabulary, each student will be given 4 words to write a sentence
2- Students are asked to arrange mixed words in the right order to make correct sentences.
3- To translate two sentences into Arabic.
4- To find the correct words that describe pictures.
Task 3: Listening Activities
Power point
You tube
Group activity
Watching YouTube clip https://youtu.be/S6kC582bD5U about Greeting and Acquaintance in Arabic
where people greeting each other, students will be asked to make notes of difficult words. To
simplify the task, during the dialogue there are bubble speeches in both languages Arabic and
Task 4: Speaking Activities
Student will be asked to work in pairs to introduce each other, where they come from, why they
choose the UK, and why they are interested to study Arabic language. This will give them opportunity
to practise open Wh-questions.
Task 5: Grammar Activities
Watching YouTube clip https://youtu.be/bUnmZj_boaM to learnt about demonstrative pronouns and
distinguish between the ones used for male and the ones used for female. Then, students need to give
examples of their own to make sure that they understand the difference.
You tube