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Antarctica - SDG goal 6

SDG Goal 6
SDG Goal 6, also known as
Sustainable Development Goal 6,
focuses on ensuring sustainable
access to water and sanitation
services for all. Although Antarctica
is not explicitly mentioned as a
specific target in SDG 6, the
principles of water efficiency and
conservation can be applied to the
continent. Let’s find out some things
about SDG 6 and Antarctica:
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.
Antarctica has a large portion of the world’s fresh
water, which is stored as ice. Managing these
resources is critical to global water security, as
continental ice sheets and glaciers contribute to
sea level rise and affect ocean waters
change and
ice melting
The effects of climate change are
particularly evident in Antarctica, causing
ice and ice melt This phenomenon
affects global water resources, ocean
currents and climate. Addressing climate
change is essential to reducing negative
impacts on water availability and
sustainability in Antarctica and beyond.
Antarctica is an important site for scientific research, including
research on climate change, ice, and aquatic ecosystems
Research and efforts in Antarctica contribute to understanding
water systems, climate internal trends and potential impacts on
global aquatic resources well
protection and waste
The preservation of the pristine Antarctic
environment is essential to maintaining its
hydrological integrity Practices used in
waste management, wastewater
management and wastewater disposal are
essential to prevent pollution and preserve
the continent’s unique biodiversity
Antarctica is governed by the
Antarctic Treaty System (ATS),
a framework that promotes
international cooperation,
scientific research, and
environmental protection.
Although the goals of SDG 6 may not be directly relevant to
Antarctica, sustainable water use, conservation and
environmental protection are important considerations for the
long-term conservation of the continent and global output they