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Feeling Is The Secret

“One of the greatest pitfalls in attempting to use the law of assumption
is focusing your attention on things,a new home,a better job....
righteousness is not the thing itself;it is the consciousness,the
feeling of already being the person you want to be,of already having the
thing you desire”.
--Neville Goddard-Most desires are masks.At our core we want to feel loved,accepted,safe,
stable...and not much else.
If you find yourself feeling desire about any physical thing look within
for the CORE of what you actually want.The physical thing is an inert
object,and there's nothing inherently wonderful about it.
Look at the FEELING which your desire will give you,because that's what
REALLY matters.This is something that you can feel RIGHT NOW.It costs
you nothing,requires no physical action on your part and there are no
obstacles,and you can enjoy it RIGHT NOW.
Feel yourself into the situation of the answered prayer and then live
and act upon that conviction.Accept your desire as your new reality and
don’t think any other way.
Plan your future around your desire.Don’t have a plan B:your desire is
your only option.Feel satisfied right now without waiting for the
physical manifestation.
Feeling it is done,is the secret.