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Narak journal

“ Clangenay 14th, 3144 The last of the Greenhelm family has left, along with Garm and Gelvi, there is not enough left
in the veins of the earth here to mine, and furthermore, some evil seems to stir about. filling
the upper and most lower chambers as well. Even some of the family elds now start to ask
themselves if this is not the time to let go of Narak, and seek out more fertile grounds.
But I cannot allow this to happen, now that we have a greater mission, we must fight the evil
from out and contain the one from within. This is my destiny now, And I must follow it to its
“ Clangenay 2nd 3145 Alas, ill news again, the guardian has attacked Garhil in the last skirmish. The rest think this
was just an accident but I know it was not. Naraks’ strongest defender has been corrupted.
The rest of Sidra’s mechanisms kept true to their purpose, but she gave this one a mind and
that was her folly. Even the strongest of minds can go insane by the evil laying beyond these
doors, and signs are starting to show. I have ordered to seal the main doors and placed the
guardian outside, there it will keep watch, without doing us harm.
The rest of the clan will have to be evacuated, I have ordered a new tunnel to be dug, one
which will lead us to safety.”
“ Hansear 21st 3145 We’ve lost two more of our members today, these are indeed grim times. Not two weeks
have passed since the Basilisk attack and another creature arrived, more terrible and
cunning. With the help of Helfgar we sealed it with ice, I truly hope that the rune will hold, as
this is our last line of defense.”
“ Berrenay 6th, 3145 This will be the last entry of this journal, along with the last stand of Narak. We have held
our posts long enough, the tunnel is complete and the last of the clan fled the city. The upper
halls are long deserted, the guardian is nowhere to be seen, probably eaten by the horrors
up there.
But I won’t leave my post. Each day I go down to the doors and watch them, they fill my
dreams with fire and cries for help. The doors will open only to the voice of their lord but I
must know what lies behind. So many of us sacrificed so much, didn’t we earn the right of
I am the last protector, if I won’t pass through the doors, nobody will.”