Uploaded by Holly Barton

45 captions quotes - Complete Content 24 7 Product Edition

1. Go easy on yourself today. Whatever you do, let it be enough.
2. Life is tough, but so are you.
3. Take it day by day.
4. Maybe what lies ahead is greater than what you expected.
5. Make a little more time for the things you love.
6. What we focus on magnifies.
7. Grateful for all that I have and grateful for what is yet to come.
8. It’s the smallest things that brighten our lives.
9. It’s a damn good day to have a good day.
10. This is your reminder that it’s ok to take care of yourself and your needs.
11. It’s your story. Feel free to hit them with a plot twist at any moment.
12. I hope your day is as nice as you.
13. Reminder, no one is posting their failures. Be kind to yourself.
14. Spread love as thick as Nutella
15. What would happen if you stopped being afraid at what could go wrong, and
started wondering what could go right?
1. COMING SOON: It's been months in the making… now it's only days away.
Can you guess what it is?
2. OH SHUT THE FRONT DOOR. These just arrived and I am seriously IN LOVE!
3. It was love at first sight when I unpacked these. What do you think?
4. Set your alarm NOW! New items are dropping {date/time} this week and I
know these babies will be gone before you know it.
5. Welcome to the weekend! I'll be spending my days dreaming of these
6. The finer details... making your {product type - e.g. handmade soaps} so
much better.
7. Happy Monday {product type - fashion} lovers.
8. It’s a {product type – flowy skirt, outside play, skincare, self-care} kind of day
9. Another little beauty added to our range this week.
10. You’ll be the favourite this {event - Christmas, easter, thanks giving} with this
as the gift you’re giving.
11. {Event - Sundays, birthdays, summer} has never {looked/felt} so good.
12. Tuesdays are made for {something related to your brand - coffee, getting
organised, saving the world}.
13. {Gift type – e.g. Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary} gifts done right.
14. {Something here - e.g. your dream summer dress} in just one easy step.
That step is “add to cart”.
15. Ummm run, don’t walk. This is now on the website and won’t last long.
16. You deserve only the best {product}. Don’t settle for less.
17. These babies are perfect to {benefit - e.g. stay cool in summer} and {benefit
e.g. be comfortable all day long}.
18. INSTRUCTION: To be paired with a testimonial or user-generated content. A
little extra proof you’ll love our {product name or type}.
19. In love with Friday as much as I'm in love with this {product}.
20. Give it up for these new goodies! Beyond excited to be introducing these to
21. Ready to go or ready to gift. Whether for you or a friend, this is the perfect
{product type}.
22. Beautiful memories get made around our {product type}.
23. Who is getting ready for {event type - e.g. a first birthday, Christmas, silly
season} at the moment? If so, then this is a must-have.
24. What is there not to love about a new {product type}
25. Meet the new kid on the block!
26. All about the details.
27. Need a pick me up? You deserve it. Our {new product name} is here,
available online now.
28. It’s an add to cart kinda year.
29. This + you = match made in heaven.
30. I’ll take 10, please.