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What is Studying

Ten years ago, I set out to find the framework for a happier life. Testing the
wisdom of the ages with scientific research, I learned how to strengthen my
relationships, increase energy and more.
But a few years ago, I started to notice that I felt stuck in my head —
disconnected from other people and from myself.
Suddenly, I realized that I’d been treating my body like a car that my brain was
driving around town. But it was actually my body — through my five senses —
that was my essential connection to the world.
I didn’t want to come to the end of my life and think, “So many things
happened to me. I wish I’d been paying attention.”
While writing my book, “Life in Five Senses,” I discovered some surprising
ways that our senses can help us to focus more deeply, live longer and spark
1. Need a burst of energy and cheer? Use
your sense of smell.
When you need a quick lift, you can indulge in beautiful smells by taking a
deep whiff of clean towels at home or fine wood at a hardware store.
With a scent, you can’t bookmark it, rewind it, stockpile it or save it for later. It
ties you the present moment and, at the same time, can transport you to your
The smell of eucalyptus, for example, always reminds me of the 10 lovely
months I lived in San Francisco.