Uploaded by JAKIAH FIROOZ BITHI 191-35-396


1. Assignment Scope Description:
In this project, I will play the role of a forensic analyst and I have to
investigate a h4ck3d computer. My job is to conduct a forensic
examination of the artifact and document any evidence related to
the hacked computer.
Victim name is Rana, who has complained to the police.
Officers got a .pcap file. I have to continue my investigation using this
file as an artifact from Rana’s Computer.
2. Investigating the artefact:
I'm here to look into this some more. I've been using Wireshark
What makes me use Wireshark when there are other instruments for
sniffing available?
The most famous and commonly used network protocol analyzer in
the world is called Wireshark. Allows us is the de facto (and
frequently de jure) standard across many commercial and non-profit
companies, governmental organizations, and educational
institutions. It allows users to see what is occurring on our network
at a microscopic level.
Since Linux and Windows operating systems both support Wireshark,
it is generally usable.
What is Wireshark used for?
● Capturing data packets
● Identifying and analyzing protocols
● Isolating and identifying source and destination traffic
● Inspecting the contents of data packets.
3. Relevant Findings:
1. There is an insecure service which the attacker has targeted to
exploit by login. Please identify that service.
from the .pcapng file, which is the artifact. Wireshark may be used to
run it, and we can observe the log number, time, traffic source,
destination, protocol duration, and other details.
So after investing I have found that the insecure service which the
attacker has targeted to exploit by login is:
Screenshot is given below
2. Identify the username by which the attacker is trying to login
(you can use the filter related with the service discovered in the
first question).
Using the FTP service filter and the credentials tools integrated into
Wireshark, we can quickly determine the username the attacker is
attempting to use to log in.
From the artifact we can identify that the username is:
3. Was the attacker able to login successfully? If yes, collect the
evidence of login.
Yes. The Attacker was successfully able to login.
Username: jenny
Password: password123
4. Identify the working directory after the attacker logged in.
Working Directory: "/var/www/html"
5. What has been done by the attacker to gain a reverse shell?
(whether the attacker has written any script or downloaded
something, specify any filename/script type/urls etc what you have
I discovered the following URL in the.pcapng file, which the attacker
utilized to obtain a reverse shell.
Url : http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/php-reverse-shell
File name: Shell.php
This is a very common reverse shell created by pentestmonkey in the
PHP language.
Screenshots are copied from Azizul Haque.
4. Lesson learned:
Learning network forensics and fundamental penetration testing
techniques are combined in the assignment.
I have learned a lot from this assignment as I investigated the
provided file using wireshark.
1. How to extract the password from a.pcapng file that was left by an
2. There were several different services in operation here, but the
attacker only used the FTP service to obtain access.
3. How to make a reverse shell as well as how to identify one from an
4. I can read what's going behind the service using the TCP stream.
5. What kinds of code are developed to gain access to the reverse
shell is another thing I've discovered.
6. I have discovered it even though the attacker used a command to
get root shell access.
7. Attackers also download the project “Reptile” for github using the
git clone command.
There are other important learning materials available in this
assignment which I have learned.
Most Importantly I have learned various things about wireshark.