Uploaded by Mustafa haji saed

Online books store systemFinal1

online BookS Store SyStem
online BookS Store SyStem
In our database system we have following entities and their attributes:
Strong Entities
1. Customer
User ID, UserName, Passwor,Phone,Address,Email.
2. Staff
ID,Role Password,Name
3. Book
4. Order
OrderID,Qty,payment,shipping Address,TotalPrice,OrderDate,State
5. Category
6. Sub_Category
Week Entity
7. Order_Item
online BookS Store SyStem
Database diagram
online BookS Store SyStem
Data modeling
Is the formalization and documentation of existing processes and events that occur during
application software design and development.
Data modeling techniques and tools capture and translate complex system designs into easily
understood representations of the data follows and process, creating a blueprint for construction
and re-engineering.
In our project we consider the following entities :
Every Customer has UserID,UserName,Password,Email,PhonNo,Address
Every Staff has Role,Password,Name,
Book has the following attributes BookID,BookName,Qty,ISBN,Author,Price,Publisher,Picture and
Order has the following properties
Order_Item has the following Price,Item_No,Order_Item_ID.
Every Category has CategoryID,CategoryName
Every Sub_Category has Sub_Category ID and Sub_Category Name
online BookS Store SyStem