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ATI ch.9

ATI chapter 9 peds
1. Describe four pain tools used with pediatric clients
○ FLACC: used for 2 months-7 years, behaviors are observed
■ (F)ace
● 0: smile or no expression
● 1: Occasional grimace or frown, withdrawn, disinterested
● 2: frequent or constant frown, clenched jaw, quivering chin
■ (L)egs
● 0: Normal position or relaxed
● 1. Uneasy, restless, tense
● 2: kicking or legs are drawn up
■ (A)ctivity
● 0: lying quietly, normal position, moves easily
● 1: squirming, shifting back and forth, tense
● 2: arched, rigid, or jerking
■ (C)ry
● 0: No crying
● 1: moans or whimpers; occasional complaint
● 2: crying steadily, screams, sobs, frequent complaints
■ (C)onsolability
● 0: content, relaxed
● 1: reassured by occasional touching and hugging,
● 2: difficult to console or comfort
○ Numeric scale: for children 5 years and older
■ Pain scale 1-10 (0 meaning no pain and 10 meaning worst pain)
■ The child will report a number
○ FACES: for children 3 years and older
■ Pain scale 0-5 related to a diagram of 6 faces (explain each face to
the child and ask the child to choose a face that best describes how
they are feeling)
● 0: No hurt
● 1 Hurts a bit
● 2 Hurts a little more
● 3 Hurts even more
● 4 Hurts a whole lot
● 5 Hurts worst
○ Non-communicating children’s pain checklist: for children 3 years and
■ Behaviors are observed for 10 minutes
■ Each of the 6 subcategories are scored on a scale of 0-3
● 0: Not at all
● 1: Just a little
● 2: Fairly often
● 3: Very often
■ Subcategories
● Vocal
● Social
● Facial
● Activity
● Body and limbs
● Physiological
■ Cutoff scores
● 11 or higher indicates moderate to severe pain
● 6- 10 indicates moderate pain