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Fami Reinforcement Activity-1

One of the first things that I observe is that generally thriving businesses are under
European countries. From what I can grasp that each of these countries do is that they utilize
the products and services they offer and make sure to export as much as possible. I saw one to
two countries where they mandate law/s to make sure they can do their businesses with less
hassle than most countries put. These countries also make sure that in the market they excel at
and focus on it as a form of trade in the globalization of this free-market world.
It would be nice if our country and government would take note of what process they take to
make business in their country do well. So that business in the Philippines can also flourish
more than it already is. We have so much potential but many businesses here are being held
back as the government is not taking extra steps to make our free market like these ten