Uploaded by sagarsumanbehera


Our story starts in a very small village. There lived a young boy named sagar. Although his name's
literal meaning is the 'sea', he did not know how to swim and hence had a lot of bad experiences with
the river. Some of them were near-death experiences, but luckily he was saved all those times by
someone. He had two friends, Sourav and Chandra, both of the same age as him. All there belongs to
poor families so they were unable to any luxurious schools in the city. Even still Sourav dreams of
becoming an Entrepreneur while Chandra was living his days dreaming of becoming a civil servant.
Sagar on the other hand was unable to decide what he wanted to do in the future and hence was a
little bit depressed.
One day Chandra suggested going swimming in the nearby river. Sagar resisted initially but later
agreed and went along with them. Upon reaching the riverside they realized that the water level as
not yet sunken to a safe level as per their swimming skill. Sagar decides to stick to building the sand
castles and wait till sunset and then return home. The other two had different plans. They were
boasting about how much they know about swimming and how they and swimming across larger
water bodies and that crossing this river is a piece of cake for them. When they started crossing the
river it was easy for the initial few meters but as soon as they moved deeper they lost control and
started sinking. They shouted for help from the fear of dying. Fortunately, sagar heard their crying
voices and immediately rushed for help. Seeing them sinking he ran towards a fisherman far along the
shore for help. Thankfully both were saved. They then laughed while looking at the sunset. On that
evening Sagar decides to get rid of his fear of water and start learning to swim. Soon after graduating
from their high schools their paths diverged and they chased after their dreams.
It's been 10 years since that day. Sourav has established himself as a successful businessman in the
U.S.A, Chandra has become a brave I.P.S officer and to our surprise, Sagar has become a renowned
figure in the world of swimming, he has become a national-level swimmer. They meet on the same
riverside and agreed to have a small swimming race.