Uploaded by Courteney Thompson

ALA Kids Physical

ALA Kids, Physical Standards
Physical Standards- Call out each standard for teacher before beginning the activities. Ensure that all
students participate in the activity follow prompts accordingly.
Materials needed:
Bean Bags
Basket or Tub
Hallway/Space to Run
Directions: Call out each standard for teacher before beginning the activities. Ensure that all students
participate in each activity. Follow the prompts accordingly.
Physical 4 Demonstrate traveling skills.
TEACHER: Take students to marked space in the hallway. Show students that there are two pieces of
tape in the hall—a starting point and a stopping point. Model running from the starting point to the
stopping point. Emphasize for students that the goal is to STOP at the designated point.
Physical 6 Demonstrates gross-motor manipulative skills.
TEACHER: Demonstrate to students the bean bag toss, by pointing to the basket and tossing the bean
bag. Remind students that they only receive one turn to throw the bean bags.
Physical 7a Uses fingers and hands.
Students demonstrate cutting skills by utilizing their tools to cut an activity or picture provided.
Physical 7b Uses writing and drawing tools.
Students receive a topic such as, draw your favorite toy or food. Students can utilize drawing tools
accordingly. The teacher will analyze drawings and score as needed.