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Q: What are the dominant images of young people held in your
community/society? Givetwo examples from recent media coverage.
Youth in pakistan is define as the people between the age of 15 and 29, which means
approximately 2/3 of the population of pakistan is catagarized as youth.The rate of pakistani
youth entering in workforce is increasinging 3% annualy (Planning Commission, Government of
Pakistan, 2011).Pakistan is going through one of the biggest challenge that is covid-19, but there
are still many peoople who are bringing everyone together and take care of those people wwho
lost their job and have nothing to do.Along with the health workers,sanitory workers and other
paksitani peple who are working for public, our paksitani students and our young youth are also
not far behind.
Here are the examples from recent media coverage which shows dominant images of our young
youth participating in different activities.
● Pakistan Against Covid-19 — Volunteers group (Pac-V) :
A volunteer group in islamabad called Pakistan Against Covid-19 — Volunteers group (Pac-V) is
providing a line to those people who are manufacturing the materials and also to the suppliers
of ppe kits at low price and free of cost.A 39-year old mechanical engineer Dr Bilal Siddiqui of
the PAC-V, and his team is working on providing ventilator using 3D printing tecnolgy.They are
the young people of pakistan who are working day and night to serve their country.In an
interview with dawn news he said “We are trying to coe up with an ICU grade ventilator.”
Pakistan is home to a lot of talent. Youth of this nation have gone on to do great things and have
made their mark all around the earth. One such celebrated example of talent was Arfa Karim,
who was one of the youngest Microsoft Certified professionals in all over the world.Our youth
has, throughout the time,demonstrated to the world that Pakistan refuses to be overlooked in
any aspect, be it education, sports, IT, acting or even video games,beating many of the
hardships and challenges to attain success and acquire their goals. The tech-savvy youth of
Pakistan are inclined and have an enhancing interest to have developed a better understanding
about Kashmir issue consequently turning all the more sensitive towards the plight of Kashmiris
living in Indian occupied valley of the Jammu Kashmir. It was thus no surprise that students from
different universities and young professionals of Karachi Wednesday sounded far more
sensitive,devoted,enthuziastic, passionate and full of spirits about the cause as compared to
their seniors.
A positive aspect was also their peaceful approach that in no manner lacked
assertiveness to help the ten thousand inhabitants struggling for their right to self-determination
and freedom in their own free state. Mursal Alvi, a media science student, was completely clear
that the tools must be vigilently utilized to change and exaggerate world's opinion about the
right of Kashmiris as well as plight of the muslims living in india in general. Today, world is
much more sensitive and cocerned about human rights abuse and a strong force is expressed
against violators, he said urging the young generation of Pakistan and Kashmir youth to make
maximum of their skills.“Internet and social are just some of the present day tools to get across
the message and expose atrocities committed against our dear ones in IoK,” as very truly and
clearly told by Alvi.
● Tent School by Zulqernain Jameel :
A youngue boy named zulqernnqin , Originally having initiated the concept of the ‘Tent School’,
this IT genius is currently also working on developing apps on tablets, that will make learning
easier for kids in villages, using visual, auditory and touch senses. Quickly having made a
difference in the lives of a few kids by helping them surpass the first grade curriculum in two
months, this motivated optimist is not disheartened by the obvious lack of resources and
funding that are required to further his vision.Originally having initiated the concept of the ‘Tent
School’, this IT genius is nowadays also working on discovering,exploring and developing apps
on tablets,mobile phones,laptops, that will make learning much more comfortable,reliable and
reasonable for the students and children in villages, using visual, auditory and touch senses.
Zulqurnain is distinguished by having made quite a big difference in the lives of a few kids by
helping them in surpassing the first grade curriculum in only two months, this motivated
optimist is not disheartened and never loses his enthusiazm and courage no matter whatever
the difficulties be, by the obvious lack of resources,sometimes the behavior of students or
teachers which is quite discouraging foe someone lame person,also the environment and
funding that are required to further his great precious vision.Thus he created a new sight of
vision into the eyes of villagers as well as the citizens of Pakistan.Moreover,he always had been
very kind,humble and sweet towards the children,increasing their interests and raising their
morals.Never did he show pride in his work.Devotion,loyalty,hardwork,spirit are his weapons he
uses to achieve success.He never loses hope in his work no matter if his task is failed,he always
tries again and again .In this way,this boy created an image of spiritual hope and hardwork in
the eyes of the young generation and has conveyed us the lesson to never lose hpe and try your
best what you can,neglecting the cruelties during the journey.Because your effort never goes in
vain,We cannot sometimes mark the outcome of our efforts but,it exists no matter what the
shape be
● Pakistan social and living standard measurements( pslm ):
Survey is a regular activity of PBS since it is confirmed 1st July 2015, earlier it was PSDP funded
project started in July 2005 and continued up to 29th June 2015. It was designed to provide
Social ,cultural & Economic indicators in the alternate years at provincial and district levels.
The data generated through surveys was used to assist or accommodate the government in
formulating to reduce the poverty and strategy as well as development plans at district level for
the rapid excess of programs in the overall context of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
As such this survey was one of the main mechanisms for the monitoring of indicator as out of 19
targets and 39 indicators adopted or appropriated by Pakistan, 7targets and 19 indicators were
monitored through PSLM Surveys, which were held at district level and at Provincial level
respectively at alternate and different years.PSLM District level survey collected information on
key Social indicators which is the main source of estimation ,assessment or analysis of
Multi-Dimensional Poverty, whereas provincial level surveys were collecting information on
social indicators as well as on Income and Consumption. HIES data is used by Planning
Commission for the sake of estimation of consumption based Poverty.
Through different instances of recent achievements of Pakistani young generation,this thing has
been brought into light that Pakistan's new generation is nowadays very advancing towards the
road of modern world.In diverse fields,numerous youngsters are attaining their goals.Social
working among them has also dominated in last two years.No one can be perfect in this mortal
life,therefore,this genration has lack such as time maintenance,punctuality,cleanliness.Sometimes
they fall a victim of a quarrell.But inspite of all the lackings,they have always remained very
helpful,friendly,humble,and motivating their fellows which makes them unique in the whole
● Explain at least 5 reasons why authoritative parenting provides
advantages over other styles.Justify how it can make a youngster a
responsible citizen.
Introduction to authoritative parenting :
Authoritative parenting is a style of parenting characterized by high qualified responsiveness
and high demands. Authoritative parents are different in nature different from others that they
are more responsive to the child's emotional needs while or instead of having high standards.
They set limits to their childrens and are very consistent in every time,every face of life in
enforcing boundaries.Both of authoritative and authoritarian parents were strict and have
qualified and high expectations of their kids. There is a difference between authoritative and
authoritarian parents. Authoritative parents are little strict and warm, instead of
authoritarian parents are strict and very cold in nature.
Authoritative Parenting style is known as the best and most used one in our society and in most
countries. They said that this gives the children enough discipline rule sand regulation and
produces the best results. An authoritative parenting style is characterized by expectations,their
love ,care ,response and warmth rules.their punishment is always explained to where the child
can understand their mistakes what they did wrong and why they are being punished. Their
punishments are always fair and for the sake of childrens betterment.
Explanation :
Authoritative parents discuss and explain briefly many rules to their children for their better
growth. Authoritative Parenting style is known as the best and most used one in our society and
in most countries. They said that this gives the children enough discipline rule sand regulation
and produces the best results. An authoritative parenting style is characterized by
expectations,their love ,care ,response and warmth rules.their punishment is always explained
to where the child can understand their mistakes what they did wrong and why they are being
punished. Their punishments are always fair and for the sake of childrens betterment.
According to some physocologists, authoritative parentswants to share some common
characteristics, including and briefing:
● They are very aware about their kids activity and also listen to their children with paying
full attention.
● They allow or permitt their children to express their emotions and opinions.
● They also gave confidence to them and encourage their children to discuss and talk
about the options.
● They foster ,encourage ,support ,ebt ,promote, independence and reasoning.
● They are very strict to their childrens behavior and habbits they place limits,
consequences,risks and expectations on their children's behavior.
● They express warmth, kindness, tenderness, affection and nurturing.
● They administer or give or talk to them with fair and consistent discipline when they
broke rules.
While the expectations of authoritative parents are high,and risky these kinds of parents also
want to tend to be very flexible. If there are tough and different situation, extenuating
circumstances, authoritative parents will adjust their response accordingly with the situation in a
very better way. Discipline, then, takes into account all variables, which must includes the child’s
behavior, the situation, and so on. It has been recommended,advocate or nominate that parenting
styles plays a meaningful a very big part in the upbringing or growth of children and their
different perspectives.
Analysis :
Authoritative parents should be considered the most attractive of the sorts, description ,
categorize due to their distinguished and difference or symmetry between structure,design
,composition and affection. Child development professionals generally categorize ,catalize
,classify, breakdown the authoritative parenting style as the greatest methodology, practice or
technology to parenting. This research study proves in detail that a total of big or huge numbers
of members or participants in survey conducted, regarding parenting and academic gain and
achievement. It was hypothesized and noticed on a big scale that students with high and up
authoritative parents would have higher learnings, focused goals and gets a higher college GPA
than students with low and below average authoritative parents. It was also seen and theorized
that students having high authoritative parents would place and have a greater amount of
blame,fault and criticism of academic failures on lack of effort and very low will power than
those with low authoritative parents. Following the completion of the survey and
widespread,worldwild,global analysis, there has been an indication that authoritative parenting
is reasonably related to the manner,behavior or approach in which a student contemplates and
performs in his / her studies.
Thus, children of authoritative parenting possess greater and hardest competence
in early peer relationships and boundings , engage in low levels of drugs use as adolescents, and
having more emotional well-being as young adult and younge generation. Information and
education on optimal parenting styles and early establishment of effective practices are really
very strict and are both important to a child’s social adjustment,joy and success. In many
situations, adoption of a flexible and warm authoritative parenting style is most beneficial for a
child’s social, intellectual, moral,educational and emotional growth. However, research in this
area of parent-child interaction and their relation between economic and cultural life is very
appreciatable and obviously a big corrperation of making their lives and make a life style of
their own it must continue to expand and became aware of what happened and what is going to
be happen to become more evaluate not only outcomes in a broader variety but also
ethnic/racial/cultural and socioeconomic groups, but also it depends on their economy and
outcomes in children of different ages so that families and their social background in all types of
situations can reap the full advantages and benefits of research and their searches. A lot of
people search that it is very benefitial for both the social and agriculture and for more reports of
income to test their children that equality and youth .The most economic and beneficial status are
the behaviours of the children that how they react and what is the behavior of their attitudes
toward all the problems that facing in their in entire life.
It must be noticed that there is always a brief or a huge conclusion of any sort of discussion
.From this discussion it must be noted that in some cases authoritative parenting is good still
there are also some negative aspects .the positive ones are that the authoritative parenting helps a
lot in a very good upbringing of their children .they made their children confident and realize
them that there is always someone that listens to them and be helpful in their problems.But there
is an always a special role of their parents in their life .in my opinion the negativity of
authoritative parenting is that their children are not independent thay do not have a single right of
making their dissions by there own. themselves. An authoritarian parent is very strict and has a
harsh rules that are always strict their children to a limit inflicted. It is also a negative aspect that
if a child disobeys any order of the authoritarian parent, harsh punishment will always take
place. The child that has been influenced and in controlled by the authoritarian parent usually
grows up being responsible and have sense of their responsibilities and taking their orders
seriously but more introverted socially. Some children are of different nature and take things
differently who experience this style have rules set that are very dramatic. For example, if a child
came home only two or three minutes late the parent might take their phone away or give a
different punishment for two months and they could be grounded for four. Those measures
were taken to the extreme and taken seriously.Several different research studies support us that
each other in finding that authoritative parenting is the parenting style with the best positive
outcomes for children in terms of high self esteem,good qualities,caring,emotional skills, good
emotional regulation, good social skills, healthily autonomy along with high academic
achievements and good grades.These are all values and skills considered,examine and scan very
important in the Western world!