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What is Last Mile Delivery Service

Riddhi Corporate Services Limited
What is Last Mile Delivery Service?
Last Mile Delivery Services
In Last Mile Delivery Service, packages are transported from a
transportation hub to the final destination, usually a residential
building or retail store, during the final phase of the delivery
In the delivery process, is the most crucial phase, and
organizations strive to make it as quick and efficient as
possible. In the retail, food, and e-commerce industries,
consumers expect expedited shipping to meet their needs.
For commodities traveling to their final destination, it is also the
most expensive part of the route.
Key Steps — Last Mile Delivery Process:
1. Registration of the Order
In the first step, orders are digitally entered
into a centralized database. It is likely that the
recipient is monitoring the delivery status via a
tracking number at this point, in addition to the
sender tracking the order.
Key Steps — Last Mile Delivery Process:
2. Arrival at the Distribution Centre
Orders are dispatched and shipped to the
recipient once they reach the distribution center.
Considering that last mile delivery affects the
delivery time of the shipment, it is a crucial stage.
In order to ensure that orders are delivered as
quickly as possible, the companies make sure the
order is delivered from the transportation hub to
the customer as soon as possible.
3. Allocation to Delivery Services
The third step involves assigning orders to delivery
workers based on routes and recipient addresses.
It is crucial to classify and designate parcels for
delivery strategically in order to provide an optimal,
cost-effective last mile delivery logistics service.
4. Preload order scan
Before delivery truck loading orders are scanned. Both
sender and recipient tracking the shipment get an
update on the status of the order. In addition, it reduces
the possibility of packages being misplaced along the
5. Final delivery
It is confirmed that orders have been delivered and that
confirmation of delivery has been obtained. This is the
point at which the parcel reaches its final destination.
By updating the tracking information accordingly, the
delivery staff confirms and confirms the delivery.
RCSL’s ultimate goal for this complex operational
setup is to enable businesses to provide their
customers with the best possible last mile
delivery service experience.
Thank You…
Riddhi Corporate Services Limited
Source Blog: https://medium.com/@riddhicorporatesl/what-is-last-mile-delivery-service-e4b225aca9c