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Entry Ticket 1.4

Entry Ticket 1.4
Imagery and Figurative Language: Find Your Voice!
In literature, voice is the thing that makes writing unique. The vocabulary, sentence-structure,
and style you have will be different from your friend’s, your classmate’s, or your teacher’s. Many
times, an important part of a writer’s unique style is their use of figurative language. Write a
short, descriptive paragraph about your favorite memory. Make sure to use words that put your
reader in the moment. Help us see what you see, hear what you hear, feel what you feel. Below
are some examples to help inspire you!
Her dark eyes glittered like the night sky. (Similie)
A blanket of snow glistened under the bluish light of a quiet moon. (Visual imagery)
The iron roar of a train’s whistle burst through the air, stinging my ears. (Auditory imagery)
Mom’s spaghetti smelled like comfort; the scent of warm garlic and smooth tomato sauce
hung in the air. (Gustatory/Olfactory imagery)