Uploaded by Lacy Deshotel

Gmail - Loan number 5647148600 not reveieved or aware of

Loan number 5647148600 not reveieved or aware of
1 message
cls <cls@sba.gov>
To: Lacy Deshotel <lacyrdeshotel2019@gmail.com>
Tue, May 4, 2021 at 12:03 PM
Hello Lacy,
Thanks for contacting the CLS Help Desk.
5647148600: Harvest Small Business Finance, LLC
5689118404: Legacy Bank
Please, be aware, this is the extent of the information I can provide. We are the technical support desk and, we don't get
involved in the loan process.
Thank you,
Capital Access Financial System Help Desk
*** Important Notice ***
Please check out our Updated Customer Service Support Page:
Internet Explorer is NOT supported
Office of Capital Access
U.S. Small Business Administration
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From: Lacy Deshotel <lacyrdeshotel2019@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 4, 2021 12:35 AM
To: cls <cls@sba.gov>
Subject: Loan number 5647148600 not reveieved or aware of
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