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In the past few years, there has been a HUGE increase in computer use worldwide,
followed by a similar expansion in mobile phone ownership. Technological advancement
happens every year, impacting and improving people's lives. As technology advances, people
tend to use gadgets even in their leisure time.
As computer use migrated from the work environment to the home environment, it
was paralleled by technological advances in functionality and information access through the
internet. The release of mobile phones created a stir; it made access to the internet and
communication easier. These new advancements have all affected how people make decisions
and conduct themselves.
There are truly different things you can spend your time with. For example, playing
competitive sports, even in friendly games, and using a game console. The nature of leisure has
changed considerably over time.
Leisure time has now evolved from walking to the park and admiring the scenery to
spending all day on the phone. As technology develops and improves, humans become more
reliant on it.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of new technologies in social leisure
among the Grade 12 STEM students of University of Bohol. The researchers look forward to
finding alternative solutions and making recommendations for the problem that will help the
Quality of Life Theory
Quality of Life Theory, as describe by researchers Shin and Johnson (1978), as a "Global
assessment of person's life satisfaction according to his chosen criteria." Diener (1984)
suggested that the judgement on how to distinguish peoples satisfactions are with their present
state of affairs base on comparison with a standard, which each individual set for himself of
herself. Argyle (1987) defined happiness as a state of positive emotion or satisfaction of life as a
whole. Therefore, quality of life measures life satisfaction. As a result, overall life satisfaction is
measured by quality of life. The subjective and objective perspective are the two determinants
used to determine the the life satisfaction. The subjective construct perceived the the quality of
life by personality dispositional factors. While the objective construct perceived the quality of
life by enviromental or situational factors. To maintain a big standard of living technologies
have played an important role (McPheat, 1996). Internet's impact in the society is heavily
debated since 1990s. Communication media have the capacity to reshape our work, leisure,
and lifestyle.
Technology Acceptance Model Theory
The Technology Acceptance Model Theory (Davis, 1989) has been one of the most influential
models of technology acceptance, with two primary factors influencing an individual’s intention
to use new technology: perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. An older adult who
sees playing online games as a waste of time will be unlikely to learn how to use technology.
However, an older adult who sees online games as an entertainment to pass time and stimulate
brain activity and is easy to learn will be more likely to learn how to play digital games.
Compensatory Theory
Compensatory Theory, as described by (Parker and Padick, YEAR) work, leisure, and neutrality
have an inseparable relationship with each other. The following two theories state a
relationship between work and leisure, whereas the rest of the theories presented here can be
summarized under the term "neutrality". The main idea of the compensatory theory is that
"work is seen as the dominant force in life, and leisure is seen as compensating for either the
boredom or the excitement of the job." (Bammel & Bammel 1992, p. 188).
Personal Community Theory
The Personal Community Theory (Bammel, 1992) holds that leisure behavior is influenced by
the peer group, such as friends, family, and neighbors, because they often introduce people to
certain forms of leisure. In addition to this, human beings are social beings, seeking friends or
groups with like interests. One is more likely to stick to one activity where he knows lots of
people than to one where he is isolated. Doing things together also deepens human
relationships. "The family that plays together, stays together."
The execution of the preceding policy, in accordance with the provisions of this Act can
Be found in Republic Act No. 2067, under Section3, No.1, which states, "Stimulate and
guide scientific, engineering and technological efforts towards filling the basic and
immediate needs of the people."
The Civil Code of the Philippines
The privacy provisions can be found in Chapter Two of the Philippine Civil Code, under
Human Relations, where Article 26 states that "Everyone shall respect the dignity,
Everyone hasthe rightto free expression and the freedom to hold opinionswithout
interference,aswellasthefreedom toseek,receive,andtransmitinformationandideas
ofinformationandcommunicationtechnologies.Thelaw coversillegalaccess(hacking),
data interference,device abuse,cybersquatting,computer-related offensessuch as
computerfraud,content-related offenses such as cybersex and spam,and other
rightofprivacy,ofcommunicationwhileensuringfreeflow ofinformationtopromote
intellectual,emotional,psychological,and socialwell-being.The law covers explicit
sexualactivity thatincludes actualorsimulated—as to form:sexualintercourse or
New technologieshaveanirreversibleimpactontheworld,andtheseimpactsdonot
thosethatareinducedbychangesinhumanbehaviorratherthanbythenew technology
itself.Thesocialimplicationsofnew technologieswereoftenunpredictablesincethey
First-ordereffectsarethedirecteffectsofanew technology.Second-and
introduction ofa new technology.First-ordereffects are generally easy to predict.
changes in behaviorthata new technology induced.These changes often aren’t
foreseen.However,later,whenthenew technologyhassettledinsociety,theeffectsare
clear.Butatthatmoment,thereisnotmuchanymorethatcanbedoneaboutthem asthe
technologyis‘entrenched’ insociety(Mulder,2013)
The migration ofcomputertechnologyto personaluse in the home in the lasttwo
networking and e-commerce–firstimpacted onpeople’sleisure,modifying former
usage ofmass media came to dominate leisure activities with the introduction of
shifted from the workplace to the home,itwas accompanied by technological
breakthroughs in functionality and information access via the internet,resulting in
Inthelastdecade,3G mobilephonetechnologiesenabledinternetaccessviamobile
ofthesechangeshavehadasignificantimpactonhow peoplelivetheirlives.Social
they spend communicating,and whatotheractivities have been displaced.These
changes have had a significantimpacton leisure activities in both developed and
emergingcountries,includingwhatpeopledo,how theypursuethoseactivitiesintheir
homeareas,and whenand how theytravel.Whatpeopledid withleisuretimewas
stagesoftechnologicaldevelopmentand engage with the latestmedia technologies
available.These technological advancements are completely revolutionizing how
(Fitzsimons,2011)indicatedthatthedevelopmentofcomputersfrom calculatinganddata
-handlingmachinesinto more generaltechnology used forinformation anddataprocessing,
communication,and entertainmenthas leadto them becomingembedded
inhumanactivityand essentialto manytypes ofpopularleisurebehavior.Duetothe
continuallychanging nature oftechnology,anyanalysisofitsimpacton anyhuman
activityislikelyto behighlyprovisionalinnature,yetcertainbasicprinciplescanbe
sometimes due to the costs of leisure goods,sometimes due to the changing
timeandhow peopleengagewithtechnologyintheirleisure.Witheachtechnological
advancementandtheintroductionofanew mediadevice,new userprofilesemerge.
Differentsocieties have differentculturalpreferences,and men and women use
andgrowingaffluenceforcertainsectorsarereflectedinthewaypeopletravel.(Roberts, 2006,p.19)
Some of the effects of technology on leisure have been a consequence of
technologicalchange‟sbroaderimpacton the behaviourofindividualsandsocieties.
people‟s behaviour including changing patterns of family life, work, and social
connections.Whilstthe relationship between technologyand leisure isobviousin its
broadimplications,analysisof thespecific impactsof currenttechnologicalchange
and itslikelyfutureimpactarecomplicatedbyarangeofissues.(Fitzsimons,2011)
As mentioned by (Ciochetto,2015)in herrecentstudy,the primary influences on
children'sinternetuse–forpleasureorlearning–inOECD countriesarefamily,cultural
the1990sinthesecountrieswasthegrowthofa‘wiredgeneration’ ofchildren(also
girls;theyhavewidercomputerexperienceandspendmoretimeonline.Girlsseem touse
computersforcommunicating,word processing,textmessaging,emailand blogging
effects on educationalperformance (OECD,2008).One of the most significant
Oneeffectofnew technologiesinsocialleisureisthatusersaremakingmorecallsand
sending moremessages.Thereappearedtobeatrendthatsmartphoneuseamong
countries,thisdeclineinpersonalinteractionhascreatednew socialproblemsincluding
increasedsocialisolationand‘internetaddiction’.InKorea– oneofthe‘mostwired’
nations–clinicshave been established to dealwith the growth ofinternetaddiction.
technologynow allowsfor24-houravailabilitymeansthatthelinesbetweenworkand
OECD (2008).New Millennium Learners:a projectin progress.Optimising learning:
Fitzsimons,V.G.(2011).22TheImpactofNew TechnologyonLeisureNetworks.SSRN
New Media Trend Watch UK (2012). Online travel market. Retrieved from:
Mulder,K.F.(2013,January).ImpactofNew Technologies:How toAssesstheIntended
and Unintended EffectsofNew Technologies?ResearchGate.Retrieved February17,
2022,from https://bit.ly/3sOBcyn
Ciochetto,L.(2015,July).TheImpactofNew TechnologiesonLeisureinDevelopedand
Related Studies
Hall and Khan published a study titled "Adoption of New Technology" in May 2003. The
contribution of new technology to economic growth can only be realized when and if it is
widely disseminated and used. Diffusion is the consequence of a succession of individual
decisions to begin using a new technology, decisions that are frequently based on a trade-off
between the uncertain advantages of the new invention and the uncertain costs of adoption.
Understanding the elements that influence this decision is critical for both economists
investigating growth determinants and the designers and producers of such technologies.
Educators, communication experts, sociologists, and economics all agree that the
creation and spread of information and communication technology (ICT) has had a significant
impact on modern society. This is due to the benefits of new digital media, which allow manyto-many communication among people regardless of time or space, including mass
collaborative text editing; facilitate the creation of a global hyper-indexed multimodal
information structure; and enable content production and distribution in both writing and
multimedia on a scale never before possible (Jewitt, 2008; Warschauer, 1999).
For all of these reasons, computer-mediated communication might be called a "new
method of information" (Poster, 1990) or a "fourth revolution in the means of knowledge
production" (Harnad, 1991, p. 39), following the three previous revolutions of language,
writing, and print.
The preceding revolution, brought about by the creation and spread of printing, took decades
to unfold since its full influence was dependent on the industrial revolution, which Gutenberg's
printing press predated by centuries (Eisenstein, 1979).However, today's development and
spread of computers and the Internet coincides with a new economic revolution based on the
shift from an industrial to an informational economy (Castells, 1996). This helps to explain why
new media has spread so quickly, as well as why they are so important for full social and
economic involvement.
In 2011, Anand Dixit and Alan Wood published a study titled "The Impact of New
Technology on Soft Error Rates." New technologies are created left and right every year, from a
computer that is as big as a house to microprocessors that are as big as small chips. This
technology has impacted people's way of life by making chores easier. It also affects education.
With the growing production of new technology, schools can implement flexible learning. This
technology also gives us entertainment in our free time. Technologies have come a long way
and are still continuing to evolve.
In November 2007, Elizabeth White Baker published a study titled called "The Effects of
Gender and Age on New Technology Implementation in a Developing Country: Testing the
Theory of Planned Behavior." The effects of technology on our lives are truly undeniable.
Technology has truly changed our way of life. It has improved our education system. The
invention of technology made the transfer of information faster and easier. The current
infrastructure makes traveling to our destination faster. This study shows the effect of
technology on gender, age, and education.
In June 2011, Becchetti, Rica, and Pelloni published a study called "The Relationship
Between Social Leisure and Life Satisfaction: Casuality and Policy Implications." Social leisure is
generally found to be connected to life satisfaction. Social leisure is the activity of gatherings
like parties and clubs. Life satisfaction is how people perceive their lives based on the emotions
and moods they feel. This study shows that social leisure is one way to get positive feedback
with regards to life satisfaction.
In 2015, de Francisco, Lopéz-Sintas, and Garca-lvarez published a study called "Social
Leisure in the Digital Age." Technology has truly transformed how we spend our leisure time,
with the majority of our time spent on gadgets such as phones, computer games, and social
media sites.With the progress of technology, digital gaming is one of the most common ways of
spending your leisure time. Professional gaming is already a way of earning money while having
In 2005, Linda Caldwell published a study called "Leisure and Health: Why is Leisure
Therapeutic?". Leisure is one of the things that can help one's mind be distracted from
problems and enjoy life. Leisure gives peace of mind to people who are experiencing mental
health issues or those who are feeling alone. This study shows that leisure and health are also
connected with one another. When a person is feeling happy and positive in life, his or her life
satisfaction is always positive, which can also help in making his or her mental health healthy.
In 2019, Talmage, Coon, Dugger, Knopf, O'Connor, and Schofield published a study
called "Social Leisure Activity, Physical Activity, and Valuation of Life: Findings from a Longevity
Study." The advancement of technology has also transformed our social leisure. The social
leisure activity from before involves physical activities that can help maintain people's
physically fit bodies, but with the new technologies, the social leisure activity transforms into a
digital one. People spend most of their time on social media and gaming. This study shows how
social leisure, which involves physical activity, affects our lives in a good way.
In 2011, Adams and Moon published " A critical review of literature on social and
leisure acitivity and well being in later life."healthy, active lifestyle is seen as a key component
of effective aging.Many older persons who engage in a lot of social and recreational activities
indicate that they have a lot of fun.positive wellbeing, which fueled the development of the
original activity theory and continues to inspire academics, theorists, and practitioners. The
goal of this research is to reconsider how older persons are conceptualized and measured in
terms of activity Considering the correlations between certain variables described in the
gerontological literatureactivity and well-being dimensions.
In 2014, Abachi and Muhammad publisged a study called "The impact of m-learning
technology on students and educators." This research looks at the influence of mobile learning
technologies from both the learner's and educator's perspectives. The authors discuss the use
of e-learning in smart courses, which is followed by a similar argument on the use of m-learning
technologies. Following that, a statistical evaluation of m-learning is undertaken among
undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as professors, using several surveys. Finally,
the results of these polls are given in graphical form, highlighting the advantages and
disadvantages of m-learning technology.
In 2012, Downes and Bishop published a study called "Educators engage digital
natives and learn from their experiences with technology: Integrating technology engages
students in their learning."When confronted with a question, today's pupils use Google or other
search engines to get answers in seconds. When they want to learn a new skill, they go to
YouTube and watch a video. When they need more information, they turn to an electronic
forum or social network, which connects them with a large number of others who share their
interests. Prevalent young teen learning processes have been altered by easily available
technologies. Through Facebook, messaging, and online gaming, kids "hang out" with dozens of
friends every day.
.In 2009, Morgan Kaufmann published a study called "Mobile Technology for Children."
This study states that children are one of the biggest mobile technology users. This category
includes laptops, game consoles, and many electronic toys.The effects of technology are seen
world-wide in education, communication, and entertainment.
In 2000, Roschelle and Pea published the study, "Changing how and what children learn
in school with computer-based technologies." This study shows that the need for education in
every child is important, but the traditional way of teaching cannot cater to everyone, which
shows the innovative way of learning through technology.
In 2010, Guha, Druin, and fails published "Investigating the impact of design processes
on children." This study shows While there is a lot of knowledge about children's technology
and the design procedures that go into making it, there is a scarcity of data on how children
who participate in these design processes are affected.
In 2010, Leslie J Couse and Dora W Chen published a study called "A tablet computer
for young children? Exploring its viability for early childhood education."The feasibility of tablet
computers in early education was investigated in this study, which looked at how easily
preschool children adapted to tablet technology and how well it engaged them in drawing.
Legal Bases
The Civil Code of the Philippines
Data Privacy Act of 2012
The Cybercrime Prevention Act of
Universal Declaration of Human
Rights Article 19
Science Act of 1958
Anti-child Pornography Act of 2009
Quality of life Theory
TAM Theory
Compensatory Theory
Personal Community
Data gathered on:
Profile of the students
Permission to conduct the study and consent forms.
Gathering of data
Statistical analysis
Presentation and Interpretation of the data
Summary of findings
Figure 1
Research Flow
Statement of the Problem
The overall objective of this study is to determine the effects of new technologies in social
leisure among the University of Bohol Grade 12- STEM students who are currently
enrolled in University of Bohol for the Second Semester of Academic Year 2021-2022.
It aimed to address the following questions at the end of the study.
1. Profile of the respondents in terms of?
Hours of gadget use in a day?
Kind of technology used?
Purpose of technology used in daily life?
2. Is there a significant relationship between the profile of the respondents and the use
of gadget?
3. Is there a significant degree of correlation between new technologies and social
4. What recommendations can be made based on the findings of the study?
This chapter involves data collecting, as well as the explanation of methodologies, processes, and
procedures relevant to the research. The chapter provides information or description of the
participants. The instrument utilized for data collection was also explained, as were the procedures
employed to carry out this study. The researchers proceeded over the statistical treatment of data that
was utilized to examine the data. Finally, this chapter assists researchers in reaching a conclusion on
how the data being analyzed, interpreted, and processed was carried out, as well as the findings.
This study makes use of quantitative research design. The design is correlational in nature, which aims to
determine whether relationships between two variables exist. The variables of this study are the new
technologies and social leisure. The standardized questionnaire is the standard tool that will be used to
measure each of the variables in this study.
Our study uses a collection of ideas or opinions acquired through the survey or questionnaire that would
be the best captive to students' attention, knowledge and understanding towards the topic.
The locale of this study is in University of Bohol Senior High School Department, which is located in Dr.
Cecilio Putong Street, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines. The researchers will conduct their study in UBSenior High School with approximately 40 students being given. To be able to get data and information,
the researchers will conduct a study in University of Bohol Senior High School through online surveys as
a reference regarding the topic.
Figure 1.1 University of Bohol Map
Respondents of the Study
The respondents who will participate in this study are 34 qualified students from the Grade 12- STEM of
University of Bohol for Academic Year 2021-2022.
Research Instrument
For the purpose of this study, several questionnaires developed by different authors will be used in this
research to determine whether and how new technologies are connected with social leisure.
Furthermore, to see if the relationships with social leisure might generalize to other concepts, measures
of having new technologies was included.
The Media and Technology Usage and Attitudes Scale (MTUAS) authored by Rosen et al., 2013; is a 60item concerning technology and media usage scale, along with 18 additional items assessing attitudes
toward technology (Cronbach α: Study 1: α = 0.88; Study 2: α = 0.89), with responses made on 7-point
Likert-type scales (1: strongly disagree, 7: strongly agree).
The Leisure Activity Participation Scale (LAPS) authored by Şimşek, K. Y., & Çevik, H., 2020; is a 34-item
scale measuring individual’s participation in leisure activity, in the form of a 5-point Likert scale (1:
strongly disagree, 5: strongly agree; α = 0.89).
Statistical Treatment
This part shows the dummy table presenting the statistical tools that will be used for data
Table 1: Dummy Table of the Data Analysis
Determine whether the
new technology has a
significant effect on the
social lives of the students
at the University of Bohol.
Statement of the Problem
Data Processing
Profile of respondents in
terms of age, gender,
hours of gadgets use a
day, kind of technology
used and the purpose of
technology used in daily
Profile of the Respondents
Frequencies and
Is there a significant
relationship between the
profile of respondents and
the use of gadgets?
Relationship between the
profile of respondents and
the use of gadgets
Frequencies and
Is there a significant
degree of correlation
between new technologies
and social leisure?
Degree of correlation
between new
technologies and social
Pearson r correlation
What reccomendations
can be made base on the
findings of the study?
Findings of the study
Frequencies and
Ethical Considerations
Furthermore, as a protocol prior to the study's conduct, the research methodology and
questionnaire will be thoroughly examine by the University of Bohol Research Ethics Committee
to ensure that "do no harm" is maintained throughout the course of the study. Consent from
the respondents will be secured through consent forms and letters that will be sent to the
prospective respondents. Amenable respondents will then signify their agreement to be in the
study by affixing their signature. The respondents will be made aware of the objectives of the
research and will be informed that they can stop answering at any point if they feel that their
rights are being violated.
This study will be conducted in the view that it will be beneficial and useful to students' internal
and external perceptions on the effects of new technologies in social leisure among University
of Bohol Grade 12- STEM students for the Academic Year 2021-2022. The researchers believed
that the study would benefit the following people:
Students. The direct recipients of the output of this research are the students. The study
determines the effect of new technologies in the social leisure of the students. Student will
understand the impact of technology in their social leisure.
Parents. The study benefits the parents or adults to know the influence and the effects of new
technology in education, health and social leisure.
Teachers. This study will be very beneficial to the teachers so they will know the influence of
new technology in the education of the students. This will give the teachers a blueprint in
teaching the students.
Future Researchers. The study is beneficial to future researchers because it will serve as the
basis for their related study and background, or it will be used to assess the relevance of other
related findings.
This study focuses on the The Effects of New Technologies in Social Leisure Among
the Grade 12 STEM Students of University of Bohol For A.Y. 2021-2022. This study covers all of
the University of Bohol Grade 12- STEM students from the current school year, representing as
a whole. Its main purpose is to determine the relationship between new technology and social
leisure. The survey by the researchers will be done by using a structured questionnaire for the
respondents' answers. Every respondent is given the same questionnaire, which will be sent
through Google forms.
For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in the study are defined here under:
New Technology- In the field of technology, an advancement or innovation.
Social Leisure- An activity that includes social gatherings such as clubs. The liberty provided by
a pause in action, particularly time spent free of labor or responsibility.
E-learning- A type of education in which students are taught using new technology. Students
benefit from this type of education since it is adaptable.
Gadget- A small mechanical or electronic gadget or instrument, especially one that is inventive
or innovative.
Internet- A worldwide computer network that provides a variety of information and
communication services and is made up of interconnected networks that use standardized
communication protocols.