Invasive Species NOTES Sheet

Name: _________________________ Hr. __
NOTES: Invasive Species --- An Introduction
I. What is a native species?
 _____________ species are those that _________________ live
and ___________ in a _______________ community. They
occupy specific _____________ and have specific
_______________ in their native _______________________. They
have natural _____________________ that help to keep their
______________________________ in _____________.
II. What is a non-native species?
 A ___________________ living outside its native
_____________________ range, which has _______________
there by _______________ activity, either ______________ or
accidental. Non-native species are ________ necessarily
II. What is a non-native __________________________ species?
 A non-native species that ___________________ affects
_______________ and _____________________.
IV. Common characteristics of invasive species.
Invasive species in general:
 Have ________ natural _____________, competitors,
________________ or diseases
 Have high _____________________ rates
 Are ________________
 Are generalists
 Are _________________ species
V. What traits are common to invasive plant species
 _______________________
 Flower early
 Produces __________________ seed
 Disperse seed _____________
 Grow ______________
 Spread ____________________
 ________________ competitors
VI. Impacts of invasive species
 ________________ native species: reducing _______________,
and reducing ____________ available for ____________ species.
 Reduce forest __________________ and
 Some invasive species ___________ native species.
 ____________ Impacts: Example Hemlock wooly adelgid is
killing Eastern hemlock trees throughout Pennsylvania and the
northeast. Eastern hemlock forests play an important role in
maintaining _____________ temperatures and oxygen levels
_________________ for brook trout. Killing of Eastern hemlock
trees leads to __________________ water temperatures and
______________ levels, and therefore ______________ brook
trout _________________.
 Economic impacts: Invasive _____________________ are
responsible for _____________________ economic __________
through loss in agricultural __________________, spread of
______________ that impact humans, and tourism among other
VII. What you can do?
 When boating, _________________ your boat ___________________
before transporting it to a different body of water.
 ______________ your boots before you _________ in a new area to
get rid of ___________________ weed seeds and pathogens.
 Don’t ______________ firewood (it can harbor forest pests like
emerald ash borer).
 Don’t _________________ aquarium _________________ and
______________, live bait or other ____________________ animals into
the wild. If you plan to own an exotic pet, do your research and plan
ahead to make sure you can commit to looking after it.
 Volunteer at your local park, refuge or other wildlife area to help
____________ invasive species. Help educate others about the