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independent assessment1 q3

independent assessment
LinkIt Test - independent assessment q3
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A group of students sampled some water from a pond near the school. The water sample
had a murky green color. Under a microscope, students could see that there were objects
in the water. One student made a drawing of the magnified sample showing three of the
objects. The drawing is shown in Figure 1. The students also recorded their observations
about the three objects in Table 1.
Figure 1
Table 1
Characteristics of Objects Viewed in Pond Water Sample
Shows movement
Visible to unaided eye
Visible internal structure
Contains different types of
The students consulted online sources to find information to help identify the three
objects. They concluded that Object X was a grain of silt, Y was a Hydra, and Z was a
Chlamydomonas. The students also viewed the detailed structures of a Chlamydomonas,
shown in Figure 2, and a Hydra, shown in Figure 3.
Figure 2
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Figure 3
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Question 1.
The structure of Chlamydomonas
consists of a cell wall and a cell
membrane that enclose the contents
of the cell. How do the cell wall and
the cell membrane help the
Chlamydomonas to function
A. The cell wall captures
sunlight while the cell
membrane uses it to provide
energy for the
Chlamydomonas to perform
all its functions.
B. The cell wall restricts entry of
material into the cell while
the cell membrane provides
large internal space for the
Chlamydomonas to function
C. The cell wall supplies
necessary material from the
surroundings while the cell
membrane uses these
materials to perform all
functions of the
D. The cell wall provides
structural support while the
cell membrane controls the
movement of materials in
and out of the
Chlamydomonas to allow it
to function properly.
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Light microscopes are often used during a biology class. These tools magnify small things
so students can see them better. Research scientists also use other types of microscopes.
An electron microscope allows researchers to see tiny structures on three-dimensional
organisms. A fluorescence microscope allows scientists to use dye that glows to see many
structures that were invisible under a light microscope.
During a biology class, students observed some slides at 4X magnification using a light
microscope. These slides are shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1
Slides Under 4X Magnification
Their teacher told the students that some of these slides contain material from living
organisms. All living organisms are made up of either one or more cells.
Unicellular organisms include amoeba. An amoeba is an organism that takes up water
from the surroundings and releases it through its body surface. It can move and alter its
shape through pseudopodia formation. These pseudopodia can surround and capture food
for the amoeba.
Multicellular organisms include plants and animals. Multicellular organisms have different
levels of organization, starting with individual cells. Cells combine to form tissue. Different
tissues combine to form organs. Organs interact within different organ systems. The
circulatory system, nervous system, digestive system, and excretory system are all organ
systems of animals. Different organ systems work together to allow the body of the
organism to function.
As an example, their teacher showed the students the levels of organization in a urinary
bladder (Figure 2). The bladder is part of the urinary system, which is a body system that
gets rid of liquid wastes.
Figure 2
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Plants also have different levels of organization. A plant cell has a nucleus that contains
genetic information. It has chloroplasts to make food. Its cell wall provides support, while
its cell membrane helps to control which substances move in and out of the cell. In plants,
cells make up different types of tissues. These tissues combine to form organs like leaves,
stems, and roots that perform specific functions. Organs work together in the organ
systems of the organism.
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Question 2.
Question 3.
Unicellular and multicellular
Which of the following elements is
organisms have cell membranes as
not in the majority of all living things
an outer layer. In multicellular
organisms, an animal cell consists of
a cell membrane, whereas a plant cell
consists of an outer layer called a cell
wall in addition to the cell membrane.
The model shows the similar
structures found between plant and
A. Nitrogen
B. Magnesium
C. Carbon
D. Hydrogen
animal cells.
Question 4.
The monomer for the macromolecule
carbohydrate is
What is the purpose of a cell
A. amino acid
membrane in animal and plant cells?
B. nucleotide
A. It provides support and
C. sugar
structure to both of the cells.
D. fatty acids
B. It helps to transport
substances in and out of
both of the cells.
C. It provides support and
shape to plant cells and
allows the movement of
substances within animal
D. It provides support and
shape to animal cells and
allows the movement of
substances within plant cells.
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Question 5.
Question 7.
The macromolecule lipids are made
The monomer for the macromolecule
form which of the following
protein is
A. sugar
A. sugar
B. nucleotide
B. nucleotides
C. fatty acids
C. amino acids
D. amino acids
D. fatty acids
Question 6.
Question 8.
The macromolecule DNA is made
Which of the following is a main
from the monomer
function of carbohydrates
A. nucleotide
A. long term energy storage
B. sugar
B. building blocks, hormones,
C. amino acid
D. fatty acid
general functioning
C. immediate energy for
D. genetic information
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Question 9.
Question 11.
Identify and list the biological levels
of organization from simplest to
Explain the relationship between
most complex.
monomers and polymers give
examples in your supporting details.
Please be as specific as possible.
Question 10.
Identify, explain differences between
atoms and molecules.
Include examples of each.
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