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OOAD Unit 5 MCQs

1)A package diagram consists of
Package symbols, Grouping of use cases & classes
Package symbols
Grouping of use cases & classes
2)When using OOAD artifacts to organize and assign team responsibilities on a project, it is
divide teams according to the layers in the software architecture and have them work as
independently as possible in order to minimize dependencies between the layers
designate one team for implementing interaction diagrams related to the common code
path and another team for implementing interaction diagrams related to code path
evenly distribute use cases among team members and have them work as independently as
possible in order to minimize code dependencies
divide teams according to package diagram dependencies and utilize use cases to schedule
the work for the individual team members
3)What is true statement about the following packages?
4)From the given UML Package diagram, identify the correct statement:
13)Which of the following diagram visualizes the distribution of components across the
Component diagram
14)Which is termed as reusable solutions for commonly occurring problems in software
Design Patterns
15)How many main categories of patterns are there?
16)Which type of pattern focuses on communication between classes and objects?
Behavioral patterns
17)Which type of pattern focuses on creation of objects of classes?
Creational patterns
18)Which type of pattern focuses on inheritance, composition and interfaces?
Structural patterns
19)Which specialized category of pattern focuses about effective utilization of resources?
Architectural patterns
20)Factory method pattern is an example for
Creational patterns
21)Observer pattern is an example for
Behavioral patterns
22)Model view controller pattern is an example for
Architectural patterns
23)Which pattern defines an interface for creating objects?
Factory method pattern
24)Which pattern decouples abstraction from implementation?
Bridge pattern
25)In a scenario of one-to-many relationships, which pattern takes the responsibility of
reflecting changes to all related objects when change in one object takes place?
Observer pattern
26)Which pattern acts as controller to two different components, one component takes
responsibility of carrying data through object and another component for visualization of
Model view controller pattern