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6 articles of faith islam

2.) Six articles of faith (continued)
There is no official creed to which must adhere to be considered a Muslim. All that is required
is to believe and recite the Shahada "There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet."
Beyond this core belief, however, Muslim doctrine is often summarized in "Six Articles of
Faith." Many Muslims believe that one must adhere to the six articles to be considered a
Muslim golden rule: "Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for
3.) The prophets of God, especially Muhammad
Muhammad is the most important historical and theological figure in Islam. His name, which
means "holy praised" reflect this. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 CE. His father died
before he was born and his mother died when he was 6. Muhammad was primarily raised by his
uncle - who was a shepherd.
There are 313 prophets (including Noah, Jesus, Moses, Abraham). Muhammad is the final
prophet (none will follow). It is the duty of Muslims to send salaams (the peace and blessings of
Allah) when mentioning the name of any of the prophets.
4.) books
 Qur'an - Muhammad
 Torah (Torah) - Musa (Moses)
 Zoboor (Psalms) - Dawud (David)
 Injeel (Gospels) - Isa (Jesus)
5.) Judgement day "last day"
The afterlife is very important to Muslims. Muslims believe in the continued existence of the
soul and a transformed physical existence after death. Islam teaches there will be a last day
(Day of Judgement) where there will be an accounting of all deeds (good and evil, big and
small) and humans will be divided into eternal destinations of Paradise and Hell. No one knows
when this day will come, but Allah. So it is the responsibility to live each day as our last.
6.) The Supremacy of Allah/Belief in Al-Qadar (Pre-ordainment)
The last article of faith is the belief in pre-ordainment (predestination). What this means is that
everything is pre-written about our lives. It is the duty of Muslims to accept that whatever Allah
wills will occur. Allah is creator of all, including our deeds. Therefore, Allah knows our past,
present and future. Our lives our set, but should not stop you for striving for perfection.