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Brewing, Portioning, and Mixing

Coffee & Tea Brewing Guide
Grinding Whole Bean Coffee: when grinding whole beans, make sure to use the proper grind
setting. For french press, use the coarsest setting, usually 13-15(the higher the number, the
coarser the grind) for auto drip, use a medium grind, 4-6.
Portions for Auto-Drip: when brewing a full pot of drip, use 6oz of ground coffee. For a half pot,
use 3oz. For DECAF, only brew half pots, and use 4oz of ground coffee.
Portions for ICED Coffee: when brewing iced coffee, use 8oz of ground coffee and brew a half
pot, fill the rest of the pitcher with ice.
*Dancing Goats Blend for drip, French Roast for Iced
Steeping tea: For hot tea, use 1 teabag for 12 and 16oz cups, and 2 bags for 20oz. Fill cup with
hot water, leaving at least 1 inch of room. For ICED tea, use 1 teabag for all cups, while only
using HALF the cup size of water. Steep 2 minutes for black teas, and 3 minutes for
green/herbal teas. Fill cup to line with ice and pour the tea over the ice. Add additional ice if
**If tea bag is labeled “ICED”, follow directions on box for batch brew