Uploaded by Amir mahmoudi motlagh

ForexKingle - Copy

How To Install
Click on File then Open Data Folder
Restart your mt4
Your Common Setings Must Look This Way Before Setting Parameteres
Parameters Explanation
Start Trade : This is when trade will start…
End Trade:
This is when trade will end…
DbLots: If set to 1 it means your 3rd lot size will start increasing…
But if set to 2 it means all lot sizes will be Fixed Lot.
Lots: That is the starting lot size.
Sl: That is the specific stop loss for all the trades
TP: That is the specific take profit of all the trades
Cycle: This is the next cycle when the 3rd trade will start, followed by
the rest..You can also call it Gap difference between trades.
Your Defined Maximizer: This is like next 3rd lot size multiplier followed
by other trades lot sizes.
Magic Number: That is the magic number for this EA.
Instead of wasting your time with which settings to use…
Just Load the preset files we sent to you…On each pair…
Just attach the set file to all the pairs we send to you on a minimum
account of $100 account ( 10,000 cent) and watch the profit coming in.
Don’t be scared even if the market moves against you like 1000 pips,
you are fine, the settings will take care of that…. (Slow Settings)
The fast money making machine settings is also available but please
once you double your money withdraw because it can have huge
drawdown..Because the more money you want to make in forex the
more risk it takes..(Fast settings)
Contact us here: If any problem occurs..