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Olmecs, Zapotecs and Chavins

Olmecs, Zapotecs and Chavins
1. Which of these three ancient cultures were located in present-day Mexico?
2. Which of these three ancient cultures are considered “mother cultures” and why are they
given that name?
3. What was the most important deity to the Olmecs?
4. What were some of the resources traded by the Olmecs?
5. Describe the legacy of the Olmecs.
6. What are the differences between the climates of the areas inhabited by the Olmecs and
the Zapotecs?
7. Why do you think the Zapotecs choose to build Monte Alban on the top of a mountain?
8. What are two advancements of the Zapotec civilization?
9. Describe the legacy of the Zapotecs.
10. Describe the climate of the area the Chavin established their empire in.
11. How was the Chavin culture structured? What has lead archeologists to that conclusion?
12. Describe the legacy of the Chavins.
13. Describe the cause of decline for each of these three cultures.
14. What common architecture structures did all three civilizations incorporate in their cities?
15. Compare and contrast the three civilizations. List two similarities that all 3 share and two
unique differences.