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What makes communication effective [SpeechCom].docx

What makes communication effective? Is it through digital technology? Prove your answer.
Communication is the passing of information from person or even place to another.
Communication can be varying, as it can be done in many different ways. But not all of its various ways
can be regarded as effective communication.
Effective communication, unlike the previous one, is not simply exchanging of ideas. It is more
than that. It is where the listener and the speaker are fully engaged in conversing to each other. It is
when both are actively listening, absorbs each other’s point, understand it and be able to give feedback.
When you say effective communication, it is not necessarily that it is always in verbal form as
communication can take in many places. Achieving effective communication is not through verbal only,
and it does not mean as well that it cannot be attained through digital technology. Because most of the
time, in our present world where disadvantages of technology are seen evidently, people tend to
invalidate the effectiveness in communication that digital technology can give us. And that should not be
like that. Effectiveness of a communication must depend not on mediums used but on how people use
these mediums. Hence, we should focus on how, we, people, who have control to these mediums and
even the communication itself, our awareness and proper application for a communication to be
effective. Because as the saying goes, communication is already the key, so let us focus on how we will
use and maximize this awareness on our capabilities to engage in effective communication.